Nearly 30% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ


Rising Star
Not surprising.

I told all you geezers this recently in the thread where people were saying they have never met an attractive lesbian.

I think this thread shows BGOL's age.

Bisexuality has had exponential growth among women and a lot more prefer women than in previous eras.

I find it hard to believe that anyone under 40 would say something like "I've never seen an attractive gay woman in person."


Rising Star
Keep in mind that we're in the dopamine addict era. Attention fiends everywhere.

These youngins see the trendiness and attention of "coming out" and often equate it with being special. I even seen one chick gather her family together to give them a 'gift'. When they get there, bitch says, "I'm gay!" Family looking like, so?:dunno:. Where's the gift?
She says, "That IS the gift!" :smh:

Alphabet gang's letters have a lot of different meanings today and, by default; a lot of protection for weirdos to hide behind.
Protection that wasn't available in years past.

Don't believe for a second that certain tech oriented, but socially awkward Gen Z adults don't know this.


Rising Star
This falls in line with the Kinsey scale and subsequent studies, there's not a boom in the lgbtq population, there's a boom in people openly identifying as lgbtq as opposed to living closeted due to fear or pressure from religion/family/society ECT.

With all the problems in society and humans/politicians destroying the planet and our lives I ask you, who the fuck cares? Lol I never seen gays buy up all the land and gentrify our neighborhoods, never seen gays make laws that oppress voting rights, people fall for every distraction they throw out there and never address the real issue, the number that bothers me is the increased wealth inequality and the share of money which one percent of white males control. This doesn't matter to me

I'm 100% straight and 0% bothered by people who aren't.

The world will be a better place once these repressed dinosaurs die off.

Bunch of J. Edgar Hoovers.


Rising Star
Absolute bullshit.

They sampled only 6,616 people. Of that gen Z accounted for only 1,520 people.

There is no way you can definitely characterize the sexual orientation of 68 MILLION gen Z'ers by studying 1,520 of them.

Nevermind the fact that they oversampled white people too.

No disrespect but you clearly don't know how polling works.

1,500 people is a large sample.


Rising Star
I would assume this is a great time to be a straight High School/College age male. 30% of your competitors automatically eliminated. Once you add all the goofy dudes that stay in their rooms and play video games, the incels and eunuchs, you are left with 3 to 1 odds.

I haven't seen a breakdown of these numbers by gender.

But from what I have observed, women are A LOT more likely to identify as LGBTQ than men.

So the end result is less women interested in men and more women interested in everybody.

Which makes it harder for straight guys... I would welcome more men jumping in on the trend leaving more women for the rest of us but that's not what's happening.


Rising Star
From a 2009 thread about that chimp who ripped off a woman's face:


chimps turnin muthafuckas into mr potatohead

i hear the only nonviolent chimps are bonobos but theyre all bisexual and pedo
I had to look it up...

wiki said:
The Bonobo is endangered and only is found in the wild in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Along with the Common Chimpanzee, the Bonobo is the closest extant relative to humans...

Frans de Waal, one of the world's leading primatologists, states that the Bonobo often is capable of altruism, compassion, empathy, kindness, patience, and sensitivity...

Sexual intercourse plays a major role in bonobo society, being used as a greeting, a means of conflict resolution, and post-conflict reconciliation. With the exception of a pair of Cohan gorillas observed doing so, Bonobos were thought to be the only non-human apes to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex, tongue kissing, and oral sex. In scientific literature, the female-female sexual behavior often is referred to as GG rubbing,genital-genital rubbing, or "scissoring".

Sexual activity happens within the immediate family as well as outside it. Bonobos never form permanent relationships with individual partners. They also do not seem to discriminate in their sexual behavior by gender or age, with the possible exception of abstaining from sexual intercourse between mothers and their adult sons; some observers believe these pairings are taboo. When Bonobos come upon a new food source or feeding ground, the increased excitement will usually lead to communal sexual activity, presumably decreasing tension and allowing for peaceful feeding.

Bonobo Baby Booms...

I'm tempted to say we're getting to be a bit more like our Bonobo cousins in this "I Kissed A Girl" culture, but it's always been that way somewhere...

wiki said:
Bonobos are capable of passing the mirror-recognition test for self-awareness. They communicate primarily through vocal means, although the meanings of their vocalizations are not currently known. However, most humans do understand their facial expressions and some of their natural hand gestures, such as their invitation to play. Two Bonobos at the Great Ape Trust, Kanzi and Panbanisha, have been taught how to communicate using a keyboard labeled with lexigrams (geometric symbols) and they can respond to spoken sentences. Kanzi's vocabulary consists of more than 500 English words and he has comprehension of around 3,000 spoken English words. Some, such as philosopher and bioethicist Peter Singer, argue that these results qualify them for the "rights to survival and life," rights that humans theoretically accord to all persons.


Rising Star
I just watch a video about technology that made me think back to this.

Chris Hayes starts by asking "Are things getting worse or are we just surrounded by negativity?"

The observation on a common feature of aging relates here: "When you're younger, change is exciting, and as you get older, change is scary."


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Exactly. There were only 6,616 participants in the survey.

In the article:

In the actual survey:
So more than 67 percent of the participants were cac and somehow 28 percent of the survey takers were bi or gay. Like we said earlier they didn’t want you to know the majority of sassy asses came from the cac community


Rising Star
The Census Bureau surveyed 10 times more people and found a significantly lower percentage of gen Z'ers identifying as LGBT.

Sure but the U.S. Census is not a fair point of comparison, lol. That's a multi-year government project. No regular poll is going to match that.

As far as polls go, I see some in the low hundreds and you can legitimately take issue with that. I'm not saying this poll was perfect-- I don't know the methodology-- but the sample size is not a reasonable criticism IMO.

Pointing to Census number instead is reasonable, though.


Rising Star
So professor, please explain to us morons how polling works and explain how a sample size of 1500+ is indicative of the entire population of Gen Z.

Sorry, I don't have time for that. This is seriously super basic and something you should google if you don't understand it.

I'm really not trying to be an asshole and I wasn't calling anyone a moron. Anyone with a basic understanding of polling understands how.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From ChatGPT:

In the survey I posted to you earlier, it says 30% of Gen Z identify as LGBTQ and the sample size was about 6,600. Does this survey accurately describe the US population of 68.8 million Gen Z people?

When evaluating whether a survey with a sample size of about 6,600 people can accurately describe the characteristics of a much larger population, such as the 68.8 million Gen Z individuals in the US, several factors are important to consider:
  1. Representativeness of the Sample: For the survey findings to be extrapolated to the entire population, the sample must be representative. This means it should proportionately reflect various demographics such as age, gender, race, geographic location, socio-economic status, etc., of the Gen Z population.
  2. Sampling Method: How participants were selected plays a crucial role in the accuracy of the survey. Random sampling methods tend to produce more reliable and generalizable results.
  3. Survey Design and Execution: The way questions are phrased, the survey's mode of distribution (online, in-person, telephone), and how data is collected and analyzed can significantly impact the accuracy of the results.
  4. Margin of Error and Confidence Level: Every survey has a margin of error and a confidence level. A smaller margin of error and a higher confidence level (typically 95% or more) indicate more reliable results.
  5. Comparison with Other Data: It's useful to compare the survey findings with other research or data sources to assess their consistency.
In the case of the PRRI survey with a sample size of 6,616, if the sample was demographically representative and the survey was well-designed and executed, the results can provide a reasonable estimate for the Gen Z population. However, a few caveats should be kept in mind:
  • Surveys about personal identification, especially regarding sexuality and gender, can be sensitive. Participants' willingness to disclose this information can affect the results.
  • The 30% figure for Gen Z identifying as LGBTQ is notably higher than most other surveys have found, which may reflect differences in methodology, question phrasing, or cultural shifts.
  • The survey's margin of error, which isn't specified in the information provided, would also impact how confidently one can extrapolate the results to the entire Gen Z population.
In summary, while a well-conducted survey with 6,616 participants can provide meaningful insights into the Gen Z population, it's always prudent to consider it in the context of its methodology and in comparison with other research.

It doesn't seem reasonable that 6600 people could reflect 68 million people.

You're correct in approaching this with skepticism. When a survey of 6,600 people is used to infer characteristics about a much larger population of 68 million (as in the case of Gen Z in the United States), it's important to understand that while statistical methods can provide estimates, they come with limitations and assumptions.
The feasibility of a survey of 6,600 people accurately reflecting the opinions or characteristics of 68 million people depends on several key factors:
  1. Sampling Method: The most crucial factor is how the sample is selected. If the sample is truly random and representative of the larger population, it can provide surprisingly accurate estimates. Statistical theory shows that beyond a certain point, increasing the sample size yields diminishing returns in terms of increased accuracy.
  2. Margin of Error: In survey statistics, the margin of error increases as the sample size decreases. While a sample of 6,600 can give a broad overview, the margin of error for specific estimates (like the percentage identifying as LGBTQ) might be significant.
  3. Representation Across Subgroups: The sample must represent various subgroups (age, race, socioeconomic status, geographic location, etc.) proportionally to their presence in the full population. If certain subgroups are underrepresented or overrepresented, the results may be skewed.
  4. Response Bias: The willingness of respondents to participate and truthfully answer sensitive questions (such as those about sexual orientation or gender identity) can also affect the survey's accuracy.
  5. Comparison with Other Data: It's always beneficial to compare the results of any one survey with other studies and data sources. If several studies show similar results, it increases confidence in the findings.
In practice, a survey with a sample size of 6,600 can provide valuable insights, but it's essential to interpret the results with an understanding of these limitations. The findings should be viewed as estimates with a certain degree of uncertainty, rather than exact reflections of the entire population. For very specific or nuanced characteristics, such a sample size may not capture the full complexity of the larger population.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sorry, I don't have time for that. This is seriously super basic and something you should google if you don't understand it.

I'm really not trying to be an asshole and I wasn't calling anyone a moron. Anyone with a basic understanding of polling understands how.
I'll take your lack of explanation but a willingness to critique as a sign that you don't know WTF you're talking about. Don't worry, I did my own research.

Also, I noticed you have plenty of time to spam the board with posts, comments and bumping old threads, but no time for explanations. Gotcha.
Last edited:


Rising Star
I'll take your lack of explanation but a willingness to critique as a sign that you don't know WTF you're talking about. Don't worry, I did my own research.

Also, I noticed you have plenty of time to spam the board with posts, comments and bumping old threads, but no time for explanations. Gotcha.

I have plenty of time for quick one to three minute replies. Explaining how polling works would take considerably more effort.

:lol: @ typing two questions into ChatGPT and talking about "I did my own research"

But it's a good start! You should look up a couple of presidential polls and ask it about them. They all represent millions of people (well over 100 million!) based on a sample in the thousands-- Some more effectively than others because the methodology matters. This is a simple and well-established concept.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have plenty of time for quick one to three minute replies. Explaining how polling works would take considerably more effort.

:lol: @ typing two questions into ChatGPT and talking about "I did my own research"

But it's a good start! You should look up a couple of presidential polls and ask it about them. They all represent millions of people (well over 100 million!) based on a sample in the thousands-- Some more effectively than others because the methodology matters. This is a simple and well-established concept.
As apposed to typing one question in Google?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just watch a video about technology that made me think back to this.

Chris Hayes starts by asking "Are things getting worse or are we just surrounded by negativity?"

The observation on a common feature of aging relates here: "When you're younger, change is exciting, and as you get older, change is scary."

Here's a Native/First Peoples scholar on technology effect on society



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thanks for posting OP. A real eye opener. I agree with a couple of y'all threads here. Questions I have is, where will this lead to in the next 15 years. Its 26% now, will it be 36%-40% in the future.

I wholeheartedly believe the "entertrainment" has had a dramatic impact on young minds. Its not okay to advertise cigarettes to children, its not okay to advertise alcohol to children, or porn, but its quite alright to market alternative lifestyles which impress upon impressionable minds that its good to be this way. Homosexuality produces nothing. No children, no families, no community. Of course they can go to the sperm bank or adopt, but that isn't natural and doesn't extend the bloodline. We fight for the bloodline, we'll die for it.

Each generation is partly responsible for supporting the generations before it. If we continue on this path/trend, birthrates will plummet. The taxable population will plummet because of fewer people born, which leads to fewer professionals to support the aging population. The trend will only rise and the population will slowly shrink. The traditional family is the quintessential backbone of a strong community and a strong nation. This shit rots society from the inside out, degrades familial and community structure and growth.

Shit is sad. I don't have problems with gays being gay, I have a problem with the marketing of it, the "agenda". I don't expect them to hide in the shadows, but don't market that shit in the cartoons, give families a chance to be born.