Nearly 30% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor


you keeping my video on ya phone :lol:


Rising Star
The CDC says 1 out of 20 high school students either identify as trans or are questioning their gender identity.

3% of American High Schoolers Identify as Transgender, First National Survey Finds​

A survey by the C.D.C. found high rates of sadness, bullying and suicide attempts among transgender and gender-questioning teenagers.

About 3.3 percent of high school students identify as transgender and another 2.2 percent are questioning their gender identity, according to the first nationally representative survey on these groups, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday.

Transgender and gender-questioning teenagers reported alarmingly higher rates of bullying at school, persistent sadness and suicidal thoughts and behaviors, according to the survey, which was carried out in 2023. About one in four transgender students said they had attempted suicide in the past year, compared with 11 percent of cisgender girls and 5 percent of cisgender boys.

“We have 5 percent of young people in the country who, because of the way they identify around their gender, are stigmatized, bullied, made to feel unsafe, feel disconnected at school and consequently have poorer mental health and higher risk for suicide than their cisgender peers,” said Kathleen Ethier, the director of C.D.C.’s adolescent and school health division. “That’s just heartbreaking.”

The data come from the agency’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, a survey of more than 20,000 high school students conducted in public and private schools across the country every two years. The 2023 survey was the first to ask teenagers in all schools whether they identified as transgender.

This small group of young people has drawn outsize and often harsh political attention across the country. The survey data were collected during a record year of legislation related to transgender issues. Around two dozen states have passed laws limiting bathroom use, sports participation or access to medical treatments for transgender children under 18.

In the C.D.C.’s survey, transgender and gender-questioning students reported feeling worse than even cisgender girls, who have drawn national attention to a crisis in mental health among young people.

Roughly 70 percent of transgender and questioning students reported feeling persistent sadness or hopelessness for a period of more than two weeks in the past year, compared with half of cisgender girls and 26 percent of cisgender boys. Ten percent of transgender students reported receiving medical treatment from a doctor or nurse for a suicide attempt in the past year, compared with 2.6 percent of cisgender girls and 1 percent of cisgender boys.

Transgender students were also much more likely to experience bullying and isolation at school. Just 37 percent of these students reported feeling close to others at school, versus 62 percent of boys and about half of girls. And they were five times as likely to report having unstable housing in the past month.

Previous estimates of the number of transgender teenagers in the United States were considerably lower than 3.3 percent. It is unclear how much those differences are because of past gaps in data or because of continuing increases in the population of young people identifying as transgender.

A 2022 report by the Williams Institute, an L.G.B.T.Q. public-policy research center at the University of California, Los Angeles, estimated that 1.4 percent of teenagers identified as transgender. But that figure was based on C.D.C. data collected from just 15 states in 2017 and 2019; researchers used statistical modeling to then extrapolate a national number.

“Data like this is exceedingly rare,” said Jody Herman, senior scholar of public policy at the Williams Institute and an author of the 2022 report.
“It certainly fills in significant gaps in our knowledge about trans youth.”

Dr. Herman said the data seemed to align with trends the institute had seen in its own data: More young people identified as transgender than adults did, and that number grew over time. But she cautioned against drawing direct comparisons with her group’s prior estimates.

“If the age trend holds, we would imagine as time goes on, that younger age group might have more youth identifying as trans,” she said. But that idea cannot be confirmed until the next batch of data from the C.D.C.’s survey, she said: “That is the gold standard for looking at something like that.”

The timing of the survey was notable because of the many state laws enacted since 2021 that affect transgender students, especially in schools, researchers said.

A peer-reviewed study published in September by the Trevor Project, an L.G.B.T.Q. suicide-prevention nonprofit, found that transgender and nonbinary teenagers in states that passed such laws reported more suicide attempts than those in states that didn’t, according to online surveys by the group.

“What we’re finding is that when you don’t create safe and supportive school environments for the most vulnerable youth,” Dr. Ethier of the C.D.C. said, “it has an impact on their mental health and their suicidal thoughts and behaviors.”

If you are having thoughts of suicide, call or text 988 to reach the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or go to for a list of additional resources. Go here for resources outside the United States.



Rising Star
Gender is a social construct so here we are.

Next on deck: Race.

I feel like race really is a social construct but I don't believe gender to be.

Despite Rachel Dolezal, I don't think there will ever be a time where people feel they have to accept someone identifying as a particular race that they aren't.


waking people up
BGOL Investor

More than 1 in 4 Gen Z adults in the U.S. identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer, dwarfing the percentages of LGBTQ Americans in older age groups, a new survey has found.

Twenty-eight percent of Gen Z adults — which the survey’s researchers specify as those ages 18 to 25 — identify as LGBTQ, according to a report released this week by the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI. That compares with 10% of all adults, 16% of millennials, 7% of Generation X, 4% of baby boomers and 4% of the Silent Generation, the institute found.

“With respect to LGBTQ identity, it’s very clear that Gen Z adults look different than older Americans,” said Melissa Deckman, PRRI’s chief executive.

In its LGBTQ identity breakdown, the report found 72% of Gen Z adults identified as straight, 15% as bisexual, 5% as gay or lesbian and 8% as something else.

Researchers also found that Gen Z adults were more ethnically and racially diverse than older generations and less likely to affiliate with established religions. Gen Z adults, along with millennials, were also more likely to identify as LGBTQ than Republican, the survey found.

PRRI’s new survey, which included more than 6,600 participants, was conducted in August and September.

The findings are in line with those of other major surveys, including Gallup’s, that show Gen Z is the queerest adult generation to date. In its most recent poll, released in February of last year, Gallup found 7.2% of adults in the U.S. identify as LGBTQ, including nearly 20% of those in Gen Z, which that survey defined as those ages 19 to 26.

PRRI’s findings, which were published Monday, come as LGBTQ rights face increasing challenges in the U.S.

Last year, more than 500 anti-LGBTQ bills were introduced in state legislatures around the country, a record, including 75 that were signed into law, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU projects that more than 320 bills were prefiled for or introduced during this year’s state legislative sessions.

“Whether it’s at the polls, in marches and rallies, or online, LGBTQ+ visibility matters and Gen Z is a force for change,” Kelley Robinson, the president of the Human Rights Campaign, the country’s largest LGBTQ advocacy group, said in a statement. “Thousands of LGBTQ+ young people turn 18 each day — and lawmakers should understand there will be repercussions in November for anti-LGBTQ+ political attacks.”
Who cares? We need more. Let's continue to vote Dem and not get shit while we get more of this.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
I would assume this is a great time to be a straight High School/College age male. 30% of your competitors automatically eliminated. Once you add all the goofy dudes that stay in their rooms and play video games, the incels and eunuchs, you are left with 3 to 1 odds.
that's bad math. the pool also is lowered because of dykes.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
This falls in line with the Kinsey scale and subsequent studies, there's not a boom in the lgbtq population, there's a boom in people openly identifying as lgbtq as opposed to living closeted due to fear or pressure from religion/family/society ECT.

With all the problems in society and humans/politicians destroying the planet and our lives I ask you, who the fuck cares? Lol I never seen gays buy up all the land and gentrify our neighborhoods, never seen gays make laws that oppress voting rights, people fall for every distraction they throw out there and never address the real issue, the number that bothers me is the increased wealth inequality and the share of money which one percent of white males control. This doesn't matter to me
biggest bullshit post of the year.

are 30% of animals in any animal family gay?


then its a social construct, influence, trend.

that's way to high. at most, it should be 1-2%

That's 1% born different and another 1% of those that went through trauma that rewires their mental.

You're genetically designed to mate. Any natural attraction not to the opposite sex is an abnormality.

its an agenda and promotion and against your black race. America made you accept it. This shit ain't flying in Africa.

Your brain is white owned.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
I feel like race really is a social construct but I don't believe gender to be.

Despite Rachel Dolezal, I don't think there will ever be a time where people feel they have to accept someone identifying as a particular race that they aren't.
Well that’s sorta the case now. Look at Hispanics/Latinos.. they’re constantly told “you’re not a race of people..” when they believe they are.

Middle Eastern and North Africans are the same.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Religion, Gender, Race. All social constructs and all will or have been attacked/questioned. Reminds me of a psych 101 class in which my professor asked, “Why just accept things the way they are or somebody told you they are”
Yup. Exactly what’s happening now. It’s all being questioned which is a great thing in my eyes.

There are those who won’t be able to pivot when it happens and those are the ones that will make this change interesting.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yup. Exactly what’s happening now. It’s all being questioned which is a great thing in my eyes.

There are those who won’t be able to pivot when it happens and those are the ones that will make this change interesting.

I am so conflicted on this

because QUESTIONING is good

but its the validity of the ANSWERS to me that is the real danger.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
I am so conflicted on this

because QUESTIONING is good

but its the validity of the ANSWERS to me that is the real danger.
I agree and that in turn begs the question, that if the answers don’t correlate, what can be done about it?

If the mob agrees that Timmy can now be Tina, it is what it is. We gon be inundated w/ that lie (if that’s what you believe) until it becomes a reality.

Take homosexuality for example. I remember a time when that shit was collectively frowned upon. These days however, that’s shits becoming as normal as apple pie. There’s a generation of kids that don’t blink at that or transgenderism as the numbers show. And the backlash to that will fade within 2-3 generations. To them it’s as normal as brushing your teeth every morning.

We live in an age where you can literally become anything you wanna be. If you fat, take ozempic, if you ugly, plastic surgery … if you got no ass, buy one.. if you too white, tan.. if you too black, bleach..

There’s simply no limit to what the “truth” really is and people are fully co-signing it.

In retrospect, your fears may already be here my friend ..


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I agree and that in turn begs the question, that if the answers don’t correlate, what can be done about it?

If the mob agrees that Timmy can now be Tina, it is what it is. We gon be inundated w/ that lie (if that’s what you believe) until it becomes a reality.

Take homosexuality for example. I remember a time when that shit was collectively frowned upon. These days however, that’s shits becoming as normal as apple pie. There’s a generation of kids that don’t blink at that or transgenderism as the numbers show. And the backlash to that will fade within 2-3 generations. To them it’s as normal as brushing your teeth every morning.

We live in an age where you can literally become anything you wanna be. If you fat, take ozempic, if you ugly, plastic surgery … if you got no ass, buy one.. if you too white, tan.. if you too black, bleach..

There’s simply no limit to what the “truth” really is and people are fully co-signing it.

In retrospect, your fears may already be here my friend ..

Thank you

that was depressing as f**k

Have a great day


Rising Star
I agree and that in turn begs the question, that if the answers don’t correlate, what can be done about it?

If the mob agrees that Timmy can now be Tina, it is what it is. We gon be inundated w/ that lie (if that’s what you believe) until it becomes a reality.

Take homosexuality for example. I remember a time when that shit was collectively frowned upon. These days however, that’s shits becoming as normal as apple pie. There’s a generation of kids that don’t blink at that or transgenderism as the numbers show. And the backlash to that will fade within 2-3 generations. To them it’s as normal as brushing your teeth every morning.

We live in an age where you can literally become anything you wanna be. If you fat, take ozempic, if you ugly, plastic surgery … if you got no ass, buy one.. if you too white, tan.. if you too black, bleach..

There’s simply no limit to what the “truth” really is and people are fully co-signing it.

In retrospect, your fears may already be here my friend ..

Why is that something to fear, though?

I could understand if they were forcing sex changes and going to make you live your life as DJCandice.

But what's to fear about other people taking Ozempic, using plastic surgery, tanning, bleaching, wearing different clothes or having a sex change operation?


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Why is that something to fear, though?

I could understand if they were forcing sex changes and going to make you live your life as DJCandice.

But what's to fear about other people taking Ozempic, using plastic surgery, tanning, bleaching, wearing different clothes or having a sex change operation?
Oh I have no gripe with it at all.

The biggest issue I’ve ever had with transgender people is that you include me into your delusion when you ask me to label you as a particular gender. That’s the only real issue I have. Don’t draw me into your world and take part in how you see it. Outside of that, what people do doesn’t concern me. That’s their business. Completely fine with me.

Now go ask a collective of people the same thing ..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've smashed two non binary chicks. They had tits, ass, and pussy, so they can call themselves whatever they want.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gender is a social construct so here we are.

Next on deck: Race.
Race has been one as soon as people started referring to themselves as “black” and “white”.

the society is trying hard to promote the “divine feminine” but it will ultimately fail because it is not natural. The ones that support it will fall with it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Race has been one as soon as people started referring to themselves as “black” and “white”.

the society is trying hard to promote the “divine feminine” but it will ultimately fail because it is not natural. The ones that support it will fall with it.
Italians and Irish seem to forget that they were the boogeymen for decades in America