Neil deGrasse Tyson - Space Aliens don't give a shit about Humans on earth


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
What's in the fucking oceans? That's all, we don't even have the tech to reach unfathomable oceanic depths . Yet we're curious of beings from stars millions of miles away


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mind you we cannot get along with the humans here.
We are not unified in anyway shape or form.
We are as primitive as fuck.
Different currencies, different so called cultures, weapons pointed at each other...

Who the fuck would want to visit and interact with that bullshit.

We care about humans somewhat. We're just waiting on instructions for our next move. Until then, our objective is to assimiliate.

deputy dawg

~wait a cotton pickin' minute...
BGOL Investor
They talking about Michael Strahan going up next time.
Somebody tell him it ain't outer space, cancel that flight!!
(maybe Stephanopoulos paid for it - get him outta the way of the co-anchor chair he wanna get back in...)


Rising Star
Platinum Member
its common sense. if a species can travel through space with ease, they will look to us like food. sure, there will be initial meet and greet if they want, lets exchange food and shit, but they going back to conquer. then europeans will get a taste of their own medicine. at best, they leave with just resources. or they could make us slave labor. or they can take us out completely and then take the resources.
This is a Eurocentric way of thinking. This is why we are so fucked up now.