Netflix: Cobra Kai , Karate Kid TV Series (Official Season 6 thread)(Finally Season!!)


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member


you already know


You know we really do need to do another Alltime Top Cartoon Theme thread...

Karate Kid, Pole Position and











BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member

So it looks like they are going to Follow to Route Brought up by Barney Stinson in How I met your mother and Have Daniel be an Asshole. I'm all for that.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
So now I'm all in...


I'm not getting Youtube Red just for this show... but I'm definitely bootlegging this.

i have red because play music comes with it and i hate commercials on youtube. i thought this was on netflix. i wish it was out today.

doesn't come out until 5/2.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
10 minutes in...shit is alright...nostalgia’s definitely playing a part in my enjoyment of it...I’ve seen every movie in the series and the remake of the original lol


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
just finished the first ep...shit is cool...captures the “cheesy” ’80s appeal :lol: hopefully I can find links for the other eps


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Oh snap saw the first 2 episodes this mite be the first series I'll watch since oz if I can find the other episodes for free


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
just finished the first ep...shit is cool...captures the “cheesy” ’80s appeal :lol: hopefully I can find links for the other eps
Actually the original karate kid was a good fucking movie... Theyt kicked the living shit out of dude through the whole movie..that was 1 of those movies the good guy had to win cause it would've been fucked up him getting his asskicked throughout Jus's to lose


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
yo this shit is dope...if I can’t find any links...I’ll do the free 30-day trial and watch the rest


Occasional Superstar **
I fucked around and watched all of it last night. It's one of the better revisits of 80's shit. It pays homage to the original and finds ways to make it new. A good mix of cheesy with some decent character development and social commentary. A few genuine laugh out loud moments as well. Great if you like nostalgia. And they left a lot of good room for future installments. Well done.