Netflix: Stranger Things Official Season 4 Discussion (Drops 4/28/22) (Season 4 Vol2 Trailer 6/21/2022)


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member

Time to add that to the BGOL dictionary....

We need a definition?

Nigga thought that fight was going to be two way but his bones are perefrail... it was over in 1 second.

Nigga thought his game was on point... Bitch killed his ego with a Perefraility. “Flawless victory”

New member ain’t been here 10 days and is already bitching to HNIC about being harassed... BGOL aint the place for these perefrail new niggas.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
This season they are trying way too hard with the 80 pop culture references. I get it that the show takes place in the 80's but they make the characters more 80's than the 80's actually was.

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor
Season 4 will be based around Erica as the main leading character. Passing her the game was like a changing of the guards.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Stranger Things’ Sadie Sink Was So Ready for Max and El to Become an ‘Iconic, Powerful Duo’
By Devon Ivie@devonsaysrelax

Photo: Chris Delmas/AFP/Getty Images

Spoilers ahead for the entire third season of Stranger Things.

When Stranger Thingssecond season first introduced us to Max (Sadie Sink), our fiery tomboy from California wasn’t taking shit from any of those Hawkins boys: She whooped their asses in the arcade, taunted them with her sweet skateboard moves, and, on occasion, would even write them notes reminding them of their creeper status. Thanks to her natural love of adventure and penchant for paranormal kickassery, though, Max soon became an integral member of the gang, a dynamic that changes further in Stranger Things 3when she befriends Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown), leaving the bad vibes between them in the past.

Essentially appointing herself as El’s love guru, Max bestows her friend with round (“boyfriends lie, all the time”) after round (“you’re going to treat him like garbage”) after round (“dump his ass!”) of dating advice, in between giving each other mall makeovers and lusting over Ralph Macchiocenterfolds during sleepovers. What do you know — girls just wanna have fun, even when the Mind Flayer and his army of human hosts come to town! Feeling inspired by this delightful surprise of Max and El becoming pals, Vulture called Sink earlier this week to discuss how her actual friendship with Brown helped map out the season, the joys of filming that makeover, and how she wants to see Max’s story unfold going forward. (RIP Billy.)

How does it feel to have inspired countless women with your “dump his ass!” quote?
It’s great. I remember when I first read that scene in the script, I was like, Okay, this is gonna be iconic. Dump! His! Ass!

This was the scariest season for me to watch, so I loved all of those friendship scenes between you and Millie. But before we talk about that, were you bummed you didn’t get to do a lot of skateboarding? You trained so much for it!
I think I had too many skateboarding scenes last season. I was always so worried and hoped I was doing well when we filmed those scenes, since the show gave me so much training. I would always think, What if I wasn’t doing the best I could? So, I didn’t mind it too much. Also because, during the hiatus between seasons, I definitely didn’t do as much skateboarding as I should have. My skills were way rusty.

How did your actual friendship with Millie inspire your characters’ dynamic? Did you two give the Duffers ideas for your bonding scenes?
Millie definitely made it known to the Duffers that she wanted our characters to be friends. I did, too, but she was much more vocal about it. That was exactly what she wanted. At the end of season two, you see the one interaction El and Max had, and it was set up in a way where they were being pitted against each other — which is a direction too many TV shows and films go in. Like, they always want to put two girls against each other and have a lot of jealousy between them. I’m so glad the Duffers did the opposite and had us become this iconic, powerful duo. Millie and I are such good friends and hang out so much off set, we figured, why not spend more time with each other on set, too? Because we have that genuine bond, it helps with the chemistry in the show.

Despite you two being the only girls in the friend group, as you said, your characters weren’t particularly close last season due to that jealousy element. Boy problems aside, what do you think motivated El to finally reach out to Max for some one-on-one time?
Eleven is such a powerful character, but not in the way that Max is. El is powerful in the sense of the supernatural and the superhero, but when it comes to communication and confidence skills, it’s not there for her yet. But with Max, she’s unapologetically herself and she’s so comfortable with who she is. I think Eleven saw that in Max and that’s why she reached out to her. They can both learn from each other, too.

What have they learned from each other?
For El, it’s definitely having that confidence and coming into herself. Not being influenced by everyone else in her life — like having Hopper and Mike being such an imposing presence over her. She’s becoming her own person. For Max, it’s good for her to have a friend like El who she can teach, street smarts or otherwise. She had trouble being accepted by the group and El at first. It was such a big moment for Max to share a bond with another girl, which isn’t something she’s necessarily used to. I bet she’s used to people not liking her at first.

I loved the makeover montage in the mall, since it was a rare moment when the girls weren’t preoccupied with the Mind Flayer. What was it like to explore that massive set and pop into all of the stores? Was it as fun to shoot as it looked?There were a lot of revisions for that montage! They had all these different activities planned, and Millie and I got to pick and choose what we were doing, which is what you end up seeing. At one point, we were going to get our ears pierced and have a feast in the food court. It was so fun. It took two days to film that montage. It was really great to let loose and not be fighting back tears or being terrified for once. You need to be silly sometimes.

Were you two able to get your ears pierced anyway? We didn’t shoot that, unfortunately. And it was the one big activity we were excited to shoot! I don’t have any piercings in my ears, so we were discussing actually having my ears pierced on camera, but we ran out of time. I still don’t have my ears pierced!

Did you wind up snatching anything from the stores as a souvenir?That mall was huge, it’s still nuts when I think about how big it was. When I first stepped onto that set I truly couldn’t believe it. At the end of shooting, a few people went on some shopping sprees. Millie grabbed a shopping bag and went around the Gap and got a bunch of stuff. I picked out a few clothes, but I accidentally left them in my trailer and they never made it home. Every single store was decked out with things that would actually be in that store in 1985. Wicks ‘N’ Sticks had about 1,000 old-school candles. My favorite place was the shoe store, where El tried to walk in heels and fell. It had all of these crazy vintage shoes, like sneakers that are worth thousands of dollars now. We were given strict instructions, Do not touch the Nikes! These are on loan!

What did you and Millie like to do together when you weren’t filming? I imagine eight months in Atlanta gives you lots of time to kill.We’d always have sleepovers. We’d alternate between houses, but sometimes I’d drag her over to my house when I was being lazy. Our houses were on a lake, so I forced her to go canoeing with me, which didn’t end well. [Laughs.] In Atlanta, there’s a place called Ponce City Market, which is kind of like Chelsea Market. I brought her there once, and we did those Bird scooters. They’re very dangerous but fun! We only did them on the BeltLine, so there were no cars, thankfully.

Moving on to another character dynamic of yours, how do you think Max mourned Billy during the three-month time-jump? They definitely had a contentious relationship, but were still step-siblings who showed affection to each other in their own ways.
It was interesting, because when I first read that script and saw how it outlined the time-jump, I was like, Wait, why is she so happy? That was an upsetting death! The first time you see Max after that tragic scene is her smiling and singing with Lucas. I feel like she’s very conflicted and had been the entire season. She and Billy didn’t have a great relationship and never had, but in the end, he’s still her brother and they do care for each other. We don’t really get to see a lot of that mourning process she goes through, just that glimpse of her looking into his room. But you can tell she’s affected by it. She’s tough and puts up walls. She’s trying not to show that with others, I think. I’m interested in seeing how that progresses.

That scene you two shared in the sauna gave me pause when I first watched it, thinking about their relationship. Have you thought about why Billy, while possessed as the Mind Flayer, was willing to terrorize and physically harm Max, but not somebody like Mrs. Wheeler?
I’ve been thinking about that a lot. I think it comes down to the power the Mind Flayer had over him had reached a point beyond return at that point. When he’s with Mrs. Wheeler in the pool, he doesn’t necessarily attack her because he still has some control over himself. But slowly it starts to increase, and when he sees Max in the sauna, that’s when he snaps and fully becomes possessed. From that moment on, you don’t see Billy ever again, really, until his final sacrifice.

I talked to Dacre about what it was like to film all of his incredibly intense and exhausting scenes, which he described as the acting challenge of a lifetime. Looking back, which of your scenes gave you the biggest difficulties as an actor?
Every scene is difficult in its own way, but the big scenes for me were the sauna and Billy’s sacrifice in the mall. With the sauna, it’s always unsettling to see your friend — and Dacre has become such a good friend — fully in monster mode. He’s such a good actor and is so believable, so it’s always an initial shock when we begin filming. But it’s also a double-edged sword: For that end scene in the mall, when I’m watching him sacrifice himself and get attacked with tentacles, he’s not really there. I wasn’t actually watching him, it was either his stunt double or something even worse, which was a beach ball on a stick. That’s what I watched when I “watched” him die. [Laughs.] It was a massive beach ball! One of our assistant directors was shaking it back and forth. I truly had no idea what I was doing, I just knew I had to be traumatized. But once I actually sit beside him in the end, when he dies, I was able to be with Dacre and have that beautiful exchange.

What do you think will come next for Max in season four? Will she ever dump Lucas’s ass?
She already dumped his ass five times!

I should say officially dump his ass.
I don’t know if she’s ever gonna follow through with that. [Laughs.] I’d love to see where Max is at, mentally and emotionally, after Billy’s death. They didn’t have the best relationship, but his passing dramatically changes the dynamic within her family. I want to see how she copes with that. If there’s another season, the group will also be in high school at that point. It’ll be interesting to see what trouble they’ll get into while growing up.

If there’s anything worse than middle school, it’s high school.Oh, don’t even get me started. It’s a whole other beast.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
This season they are trying way too hard with the 80 pop culture references. I get it that the show takes place in the 80's but they make the characters more 80's than the 80's actually was.

I don’t know fam... back in the 80s we were doing all that shit. Movies and tv played a bigger role in how people did everything back then then they do now...

I remember when The “Where’s the Beef” commercial dropped people quoted that shit relentlessly... for a year..

Or when Perfect strangers came out and everyone was going around saying .... “Do the dance of Joy”

Or when it was cool to talk to hand radios from radio shack..

I still have my fucking fossil collection from Science camp from 1987. I was showing my girl that shit just the other day. I bring it up and show it to my college roommate... every time he tries to go Church of Christ on me..

I’m like “Look at these Dinosaur bones nigga... look at these bones...”

Basically the show so far is still showing an accurate version of the 80s.

I also like how each season tackles a particular type of movie genre that was big around the time that the shows season took place.

But I can also see your point... sometimes it’s too on the noise... like the Russian terminator dude.


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
y'all are being to hard on this show.. i throughly enjoyed this season... way better than last season

just as good as the first imo... can't wait till the next


Rising Star
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Netflix Is Boasting About Record Numbers For Stranger Things Season 3, And Nielsen Mostly Agrees
By Josef Adalian@tvmojoe

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix/Netflix

Netflix Monday claimed Stranger Things 3 shattered viewership records for the service, and TV ratings giant Nielsen apparently agrees. The measurement company Thursday said the third installment of Netflix’s throwback thriller is shaping up to be “the most watched Netflix original series we’ve ever analyzed,” with at least 26.3 million Americans catching at least some portion of the show over the course of the four-day holiday weekend. This does not mean that many folks binged the first season or even watched the premiere episode, but Nielsen had good news for Netflix on those fronts, too.

Episode one of ST3 had an average audience of 19.2 million U.S. viewers over four days, with 8.9 million of those viewers streaming it within 24 hours of its July 4 debut, Nielsen said. The eight-episode season as a whole had a four-day average audience of 12.8 million viewers, with about 14 million viewers making it through the first half of the season over the weekend. Even more encouragingly for Netflix, Stranger Things grew its American audience between seasons. According to Nielsen’s analysis: The 12.8 million four-day viewership average for the full season was 21 percent ahead of the 10.6 million who watched over a similar frame in 2017. ST3also has some very committed superfans, with Nielsen estimating 824,000 U.S. viewers watched all eight episodes of the show the first day it was released.

It’s worth noting that Nielsen’s streaming survey doesn’t capture the full audience for ST3 (or any Netflix show.) The ratings giant doesn’t tally mobile, laptop, or tablet viewing, nor does it count any viewers outside the United States. This is one reason Netflix’s Monday ratings tweet offered a bigger audience size for ST3. The streamer said that just under 41 million accounts “have been watching” the show during the holiday weekend — the biggest film or series launch ever for the service — and that 18.2 million accounts had finished the whole season.

In some ways, Netflix’s selective ratings tweets actually undercounts the likely audience for its shows vs. Nielsen’s analysis. The latter company uses its measurement technology to estimate total viewers for a show, while Netflix just tallies up the number of accounts which have watched. As a result, if a family of four watches Stranger Things 3 on a TV set, they only count as one “account” or “subscriber.” All of this — plus the fact that Netflix doesn’t allow independent third parties to verify its data — is why it’s important to not compare Netflix viewing to traditional ratings. We really don’t know how Netflix shows precisely compare to, say, an episode of NCIS. But between Nielsen’s stats and Netflix’s tweets, it’s pretty safe to at least assume that Stranger Things remains a very, very popular show for the streaming studio.



BGOL Legend
Season one was lightning

Season two was meh

Season 3 they tried to recapture season one realizing they over extended themselves in season 2

Theyve literally stretched it as far as it can go
They went all the way to Russia to get the upside down open again

It's closed now

Next season should be the last
And all about THEM growing apart into "different things"

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
Y’all wildin this season was great. As good as season one way better than last season.