Nikki Haley omits slavery as cause of the civil war. Republikkklans don’t think slavery was a big deal


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What does that have to do with anything? The bitch was born in South Carolina
In a southern state where folks arent taught shit.

Hell, I went to school in Georgia in the 00's and they were lying to us about the "Civil war not really being about slavery" even at that point. Imagine what an Indian immigant's child who doesnt know better gets out of Southern American Schools.

She's trash, but she most likely was taught wrong. Also her family is fully integrated now:yes::yes::yes:


Rising Star
She gave a word salad to try to say its about freedom of everyone and the governments overreach into areas it shouldn't be concerned with ... the quiet part is of course she should be asked well what do you mean whose freedom ??? What government ???

But she and we both know she was basically saying the Civil War was about government freedom to deny freedom to others ....and federal government enforcing the view on a slave holding south ....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah, she absolutely knows the answer....but she didn't want to anger the lost cause crowd. She angered them by moving some confederate statues, and she tried to give an answer that would make them happy.


In a southern state where folks arent taught shit.

Hell, I went to school in Georgia in the 00's and they were lying to us about the "Civil war not really being about slavery" even at that point. Imagine what an Indian immigant's child who doesnt know better gets out of Southern American Schools.

She's trash, but she most likely was taught wrong. Also her family is fully integrated now:yes::yes::yes:

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
In a southern state where folks arent taught shit.

Hell, I went to school in Georgia in the 00's and they were lying to us about the "Civil war not really being about slavery" even at that point. Imagine what an Indian immigant's child who doesnt know better gets out of Southern American Schools.

She's trash, but she most likely was taught wrong. Also her family is fully integrated now:yes::yes::yes:



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
That conniving bitch goes where the wind blows her to gain power...... she was fucking Governor of the first state to secede........ and the letter that those states signed ..... that letter of secession, which clearly stated that it was about wanting slavery which the north didn't


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Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
This retarded stuttering transexual buying non reading minstrel doesn’t know how to read. What a surprise . It’s why he’s so mad and stupid all the time. Dumb cock eyed coon thinks it’s $9000 a month when it’s UP TO $9000 over a 6 month period. Total , you fucking moron. These Trump coons have the brains of inbred cows


Mr. Pool
In a southern state where folks arent taught shit.

Hell, I went to school in Georgia in the 00's and they were lying to us about the "Civil war not really being about slavery" even at that point. Imagine what an Indian immigant's child who doesnt know better gets out of Southern American Schools.

She's trash, but she most likely was taught wrong. Also her family is fully integrated now:yes::yes::yes:

He looks like he says the N word with a hard R

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Forget about Asians and Hispanics getting benefits. Illegals or non citizens got more priority than you niggaz. You have no priority at all, all your ass does is vote for nothing in return. No study, they just get hit off with tangibles!

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
This retarded stuttering transexual buying non reading minstrel doesn’t know how to read. What a surprise . It’s why he’s so mad and stupid all the time. Dumb cock eyed coon thinks it’s $9000 a month when it’s UP TO $9000 over a 6 month period. Total , you fucking moron. These Trump coons have the brains of inbred cows
Regardless, you Asian cac cock sucking bitch. They’re getting benefits and niggaz out here talking about republicans while the democrats, the people they voted for putting illegals over them. But this don’t concern you dirty dog shit eating cac.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

South Carolina Declaration of Secession (1860)​


The victory of Republican presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 elections convinced South Carolina legislators that it was no longer in their state’s interest to remain in the Union. South Carolina declared its secession from the United States. Citing “an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding states to the institution of slavery,” South Carolina insisted that the Northern states had breached their constitutional obligation to enforce federal laws like the Fugitive Slave Act and had “united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States” who would “inaugurate a new policy, hostile to the South, and destructive of its beliefs and safety.” “We, therefore, the People of South Carolina . . . have solemnly declared that the Union heretofore existing between this State and the other States of North America, is dissolved.” Within months, a total of eleven slaveholding states declared their secession from the Union. And war came. The Union defeat of the Confederate army was nothing less than a defeat of secessionist theories of the Constitution. It also opened up the door to profound changes in the federal system during Reconstruction.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In a southern state where folks arent taught shit.

Hell, I went to school in Georgia in the 00's and they were lying to us about the "Civil war not really being about slavery" even at that point. Imagine what an Indian immigant's child who doesnt know better gets out of Southern American Schools.

She's trash, but she most likely was taught wrong. Also her family is fully integrated now:yes::yes::yes:

Oh shit! The family went from watching Bollywood to Soul Train!


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
She really messed that up. I was confused how much she was fucking up that question in that I had no idea that slavery denial was a real movement. This is very disrespectful and dangerous for Black folks.

Reperations is an urgent issue that we need to fight for. We are one of the last generations to be taught how horrible it was. Slavery is going to be a distant memory in the next few generations. We need to unite around this issue and demand tangibles.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bad representation for my state for the ex governor to act like a dumb ass.

Bitch the fucking Civil War started in your state at Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC


Maybe she should take a trip to the new International African American Museum in Charleston to remind your dumbass what the Civil War was all about


Or better yet, go to the Magnolia Plantation in Charleston, S.C. to see where some of our ancestors who were slaves lived...




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That conniving bitch goes where the wind blows her to gain power...... she was fucking Governor of the first state to secede........ and the letter that those states signed ..... that letter of secession, which clearly stated that it was about wanting slavery which the north didn't


Just know the North didn't want Slavery because they didn't want the South getting too rich. It wasn't about their love of blacks.