NY black couple charged their wedding guests $333 each in an effort to save money, only 60 out of 350 guests came


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Niggas will never get it. I went to my wife's cousin's wedding and from the social media photos the shit looked like an extravaganza....BUT the niggas who actually attended didn't even get fed. We were starving and some guest got plates and our table was just sitting there, along with some other tables... They finally put a salad on the table and another guest shared their salad with my wife and me because we were all starving. Shit got so bad the wedding planner started taking the candles off the tables because niggas were lighting candles and they said her pops ain't paid for the candles yet...LOL

But like I said, the social media looked like a Queen and King getting married....


Rising Star
Platinum Member
$333 x 350 people == $116,550 :hmm:
That fuckin bill is not $100,000+ so stop trying to hustle ninjas
If you can't afford to get married.....then don't get married

And if I have to chip in for YOUR wedding.....
Then yo wife better show ME what dat mouf do
Cause I want my moneys worth :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think I recall reading this the other day,

and they said, muthafuckas had no problem paying

three hundred dollars to see chris brown or beyonce...

I was like...yea.. thats because they are chris and beyonce,

wha da fuck are yall going to do, but prance around in over priced

wedding shit, do some bad dancing and even worse karaoke...

and then have the nerve NOT to have an OPEN bar....

One of the best things about being single, no more being dragged to

that shit, thats got worse since the reality show infestation...

wedding, parties etc, really need to get its soul back!!!


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I feel it, but if the wedding was $50K or even as low as $25K..... 60 X $333 = $19,980.....

So they still had to come out of pocket, plus tip to the DJ and staff...etc

Was it worth alienating 290 people to save $20K. And how many of those other 290 sent gifts/cards?
If you're having a wedding, I'll make it a requirement that everyone must give a gift because the wedding is already paid in full for everyone to attend. So, if they can't give a gift then don't come.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Was it worth alienating 290 people to save $20K. And how many of those other 290 sent gifts/cards?
Yes! Those 60 are the real ones. Those 60 helped a young couple not begin their marriage in supreme debt

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
If you're having a wedding, I'll make it a requirement that everyone must give a gift because the wedding is already paid in full for everyone to attend. So, if they can't give a gift then don't come.
That's still lame to me. I'd never want to alienate folks who can't afford to buy my happy go lucky ass a gift because I invited them to a party or fuction.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
That's still lame to me. I'd never want to alienate folks who can't afford to buy my happy go lucky ass a gift because I invited them to a party or fuction.
Maybe, but i had a cousin who did that shit though. Required everybody to send a gift or don't bother showing up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Instead of a gift help pay for the wedding, I get it.

Most she just get married at the hall of Justice or Vegas cause that's where most will end up anyway.

I have a family member that gets married every few years to different women and that's his hustle,he tells em they getting married and they fall for it....these ain't young women either.

dik cashmere

Freaky Tah gettin high that's my brother
BGOL Investor
$333 x 350 people == $116,550 :hmm:
That fuckin bill is not $100,000+ so stop trying to hustle ninjas
If you can't afford to get married.....then don't get married

And if I have to chip in for YOUR wedding.....
Then yo wife better show ME what dat mouf do
Cause I want my moneys worth :hmm:
Nova and Reemo Styles aren’t the only ones stirring up mixed reactions to their wedding guest fee.

A man who goes by the name Hassan Rahim on Instagram recently revealed alleged plans to charge his guests $450. He claimed that everyone he and his fiancée invited to their gathering has “declined the invitation.” Rahim added that they’d spent between $100,000 to $200,000 on the wedding venue and paid for the cake, a wedding dress, a DJ, and a photographer. Then, he uttered a statement similar to Nova’s: people pay for concerts, so why not a loved one’s wedding?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes! Those 60 are the real ones. Those 60 helped a young couple not begin their marriage in supreme debt

I can pretty much guarantee you they still overspent. I've shot a shit load of weddings & seen some folks blow BIG money on their wedding just to show off for others. Now if you or your family is rich that's something else, but a lot of these folks & their families are just doing ok, but they want to front like they've got it.

These clowns just tried to hustle their friends, most of those 60 folks that came probably didn't even pay..lol They were probably the wedding party & family..lol

When you're hitting me off for $4-5k, plus a videographer, caterer (depending on the company used I already know what their minimum packages are priced at), DJ, limo, pre wedding hotel rooms, decorations, open bar etc, plus the venue.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Instead of a gift help pay for the wedding, I get it.

Most she just get married at the hall of Justice or Vegas cause that's where most will end up anyway.

I have a family member that gets married every few years to different women and that's his hustle,he tells em they getting married and they fall for it....these ain't young women either.

90% of the people going to most weddings aren't spending anywhere near $300 for a gift..lol


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Nova and Reemo Styles aren’t the only ones stirring up mixed reactions to their wedding guest fee.

A man who goes by the name Hassan Rahim on Instagram recently revealed alleged plans to charge his guests $450. He claimed that everyone he and his fiancée invited to their gathering has “declined the invitation.” Rahim added that they’d spent between $100,000 to $200,000 on the wedding venue and paid for the cake, a wedding dress, a DJ, and a photographer. Then, he uttered a statement similar to Nova’s: people pay for concerts, so why not a loved one’s wedding?

That shit is ridiculous to spend all that money on a wedding and want people to help pay for it that you invited, Lame shit.

I wouldn't even attend a wedding like that at all. FOH!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I went to my cousin's wedding in GA back in May.......they spent about $60k - $70k on their wedding.
Probably the best wedding i've ever attended. It was RSVP only....and had to cut it off once they reached their 250 person limit.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I went to my cousin's wedding in GA back in May.......they spent about $60k - $70k on their wedding.
Probably the best wedding i've ever attended. It was RSVP only....and had to cut it off once they reached their 250 person limit.
yeah, I attended a wedding like that as well that my cousin had the same budget but she had to only invite a certain amount of people. She had her wedding at where iverson got married at.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Yes! Those 60 are the real ones. Those 60 helped a young couple not begin their marriage in supreme debt

I doubt it.

They really just said fuck you to the actual real family members and friends who genuinely would be happy to celebrate with them but can't afford to because they have rent/mortgage/car note/kids, etc. to pay for.


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
I doubt it.

They really just said fuck you to the actual real family members who genuinely would be happy to celebrate with them but can't afford that because they have rent/mortgage/car note/kids, etc. to pay for.
Yup, burning bridges and memories with your family over money because of an expensive ass wedding they can't afford themselves but want others to help pay for it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cause fuq dat that's why. I never been that excited about a wedding including my own. Me and my better half have over 30 years of marriage under us and never once did we dream of charging anyone to come or ask for any gifts. We no BS had the reception in a family members back yard catered by KFC. Everyone got full and liquored up sufficiently and had a great time. I doubt we shelled out more than $3500 total for the whole shabangabang. I spent more on her ring which we since upgraded for our 30th. Now that expense was far more than our wedding, her original engagement ring , both wedding bands, and honeymoon. I figure the crap she put up with from me over the years she deserved (more like earned) it. It is unimaginable what folks dish out for weddings today that don't even out last the bill. Like I said earlier, cause fuq dat that's why!!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yeah, I attended a wedding like that as well that my cousin had the same budget but she had to only invite a certain amount of people. She had her wedding at where iverson got married at.
well the reason it cost so much is because they had 2 videographers, and about 6 photographers.
Then the 3 days leading up to the wedding, there were events going on for everyone where there was always an open bar.
Had a big cookout at the bride's mom house two days before the wedding........it was a seafood and bbq fest. So much food was left over, they were begging people to take plates home.
There were 2 open bars setup at the wedding reception. So it was just absolutely insane. I'm glad i rented the Expedition that week, cuz 6 of my cousins rode with me and they were all faded at the end of the night.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yeah, I attended a wedding like that as well that my cousin had the same budget but she had to only invite a certain amount of people. She had her wedding at where iverson got married at.
Wild shit is I meet with clients after their weddings to go over the photos & most don't even remember most of the day. I've told them I met this person & that person and they're like they were there???? Then I show them 10 photos with them & that person..lol So you just paid a shit load of money for other folks to have a great time..lol And I can count on one hand the weddings that I've been to where the bride & groom actually ate a full plate of food & all of them said before the wedding oh I'm paying all this money for the food I'm eating & then just like I told them they don't. As soon as they sit down folks start coming up to them, then they get up & before you know it the days over with.