NY black couple charged their wedding guests $333 each in an effort to save money, only 60 out of 350 guests came


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You definitely are. People in general only fuck with people that can do something for them which can be totally cool if motherfuckas keep it real. Relationships are based on what each party can do for each other anyway. There is always a trade off but you have people who just want to take and never give.

Gawd damn yall know a lot of f**ked up people.

As I'm aging out I been trimming the tree most expeditiously

So of they out there they ain't around me and mines

And were definitely not invited to one if the most important days of my life

(those "everybody invited" weddings I feel been played out tears ago but sadly this current clout chasing generation seems to want to bring back the worst while claiming to be so evolved)


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Who know 350 people in real life though?
Big family, big populated city, large school( grade school, college), field of work, childhood friends.. than you talking about combined between 2 people so 175 a piece.. definitely doable depending what kind of person you are( social butterfly)

The Untouchable GDFOLKS

Real Niggas Get Real Pussy
BGOL Investor
Big family, big populated city, large school( grade school, college), field of work, childhood friends.. than you talking about combined between 2 people so 175 a piece.. definitely doable depending what kind of person you are( social butterfly)
Even as a social butterfly, no one "knows" 175 people. Those are called associates brah'


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Even as a social butterfly, no one "knows" 175 people. Those are called associates brah'
that term associates means something very different to some people.. associates would never get an invite, cause associates are only given limited time and limited situations to be around you.. associate is a person at your job you see and have limited to zero convo with, associate is a person you say hi and bye to on your block( ya basically never chill off it together), you don’t have each other numbers, 9 out of 10 times ya don’t know each other bday, your family probably has no clue who they are, never stepped foot in your house and visa versa


Rising Star
Platinum Member
wife and I got married with a minister and a witness (minister’s husband) in a little room in an office building. That’s all. For me it was for legal purposes to ensure my wife and daughter are taken care of if something happens to me.

Other than that, the idea of marriage isn’t sacred enough for me to give a fuck about. I’m not a spiritual nor romantic. So asking me to care about any of that stuff is way out my element. My wife knows this about me. lol.

I know there are many times she would want me to be romantic, but I don’t have it in me. Makes me feel awkward as hell.

I’m glad she likes me for who I am because I wouldn’t be in a relationship ever again if we don’t work out.
It will last because she likes you for you. Thats the only element you need in a relationship: do you enjoy being around a brother? If the answer isn’t a Yes, the relationship isn’t going to last. If conditions need to apply, it ain’t gonna last.


Rising Star
Sorry im late to this Thread. As a person who worked in the wedding industry for years....WEDDINGS ARE A SCAM.

The wedding planner, the place the wedding is held, the caterer. All charge 6x and every weekend someone pays.

YES they could have scaled back and charged people less. BUT this is a cultural thing. This thread is basically about FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS.

Because we know for a fact some of those people that didnt show up, went to the club and and got finnessed for 300. Or went to dinner and spent 300. EASY!

So yall stop being mad at the couple. This Finesse culture is as American as Slavery. Yall getting finessed every single day, and pay. And worse justify it because its a "celebrity" or its an "atmosphere" or an "experience".

This wedding was an experience and the people who really dont fuck with them wanted to get they free food and free drink so that the couple is in debt...aka Finesse the couple. And they weeded those people out with a finesse.

We knock no hustles.

Texas Catdaddy

the omnipotent one .....
Platinum Member
$333 x 350 people == $116,550 :hmm:
That fuckin bill is not $100,000+ so stop trying to hustle ninjas
If you can't afford to get married.....then don't get married

And if I have to chip in for YOUR wedding.....
Then yo wife better show ME what dat mouf do
Cause I want my moneys worth :hmm:
she shall bow to Zod .....