man everything about this is fantastic….
the chick who is playing Leia is perfectly cast…
It’s like a completely do over for the horrible child acting that was in the phantom menace.
I love how this really does seem to set up why Ben Kenobi eventually broke down and trained Luke…
its also setting up his fight with Maul in Rebels…
i hate that this is a limited series…
they really could drag this out… at least another season..
also…. I dont know what we have to do…
but this shit fucking Set up A Starkiller series perfectly…
Especially with the drop about them kidnapping force sensitive children…
Starkiller needs his own damn show.
This is a little off topic but I really dislike rebels and I don't count it as canon even though it is. That show lost me at the second season when Yoda appeared and it oc ured to me that this is a Disney cartoon due to the art direction.its kid friendly compared to clone had a spark at first until they made Ezra force sensitive and he's the one that held the show back.
The show is bland and the locals are also dull and bland. I really loath lothal. Back to Ezra aka space Aladdin and he was nicknamed that rightfully so. I feel like he was more fun when he was just a thief and his job was to break into or infiltrate strong holds. Just like hers was the pilot man was the pirate zeb was the strong guy etc Ezra had the perfect role as a third then they made him force sensitive and he became a generic Jedi Padawan. Also he took the focus of the show away from man who I felt should've been the .win focus of the show. Another flaw of the show was that it was over saturated with unecessary guest appearances from popular star wars characters instead of crated it's own characters. It was over done between Lando, C3-PO and r2 , princess Leia, palpatine, captain Rex,wolfr gregor.and thrawn as a reoccurring villian which is why I believe the show was so popular. Also palpatine shows up. I really don't believe that Ezra was that much of a threat for palpatine to get involved.
This show couldn't hold up on it's own with all those guest characters and there's a couple that I left out. There were a few bka d filler episodes here and there but there are some things I did like such as the Jedi bendu, zebs, bo rifle which was also a cool weapon to use in star wars battle front etc but I'm rambling the main thing I dislike about rebels is it steps on and overcrowds continuity. Ezra was unecessary as a Jedi. He has slot of fans but to me he is the definition of overated. He's annoying like the martez sisters in season 7 of clone wars they did not have to.have him meet up with obi wan in the tattooine desert and obi wan and Darth maul should've never had that fight. They could've did that in a one shit live action obi wan Disney plus episode.ezra . Why did they need to have this 15 year old kid in the force when Luke is right around the corner? And speaking of stepping continuity with stupid retcons in the final episode they said hers was st that space battle if endor no just no.Rebels , the show Disney surplanted clone wars season 7 for and forced Dave filoni to make. Thanks but no thanks mouse.
*Disclaimer* if you like this show it's ok you have a right to your opinion.