{~}Official 2023/2024 NBA Thread - 2024 Summer League, USA Hoops

Final winner

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Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
KingLeDickGobbler has been on ignore but I bet his LeBron obsessed ass is already in here defending his love.

Funny thing is I'm a giant Lakers fan and a giant LeBron fan who will without hesitation state that he's the single greatest basketball player to ever walk the planet and that Jordan is wildly overrated but even I can't stand this fucking psycho ex girlfriend acting ass mother fucker.
If you get the chance you gotta unblock just this page to see the responses. Fucking hilarious!!!!

We both probably have a few 100 posts in these annual NBA threads, but oh buddy must have got DEEP into his feelings cause he went digging to find every instance where either of us mentioned #8/24's name.

You have 2 post and I had 4. So of course that makes us Kobe-stans and apparently CaCs :roflmao: :roflmao3::lol::roflmao:

Look Lebron/Kobe/MJ guy, I'm sorry I insulted Twitter (I'm really not tho) but you gotta relax. You're going give yourself a heart attack of you don't slow down. You were so mad at my observation about the constant derailments in a discussion thread that you went on a mad search through over 23,000 posts to find 6 posts to nonsensically 'make a point'.

That is the move of either a woman or a crazy person. It's like fighting with your girl and she starts searching through 6 months of text messages to find the one message where you said, blah blah blah.

If you have to do that much work in order to make a point, than maybe said point wasn't worth making :dunno:


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
If you get the chance you gotta unblock just this page to see the responses. Fucking hilarious!!!!

We both probably have a few 100 posts in these annual NBA threads, but oh buddy must have got DEEP into his feelings cause he went digging to find every instance where either of us mentioned #8/24's name.

You have 2 post and I had 4. So of course that makes us Kobe-stans and apparently CaCs :roflmao: :roflmao3::lol::roflmao:

Look Lebron/Kobe/MJ guy, I'm sorry I insulted Twitter (I'm really not tho) but you gotta relax. You're going give yourself a heart attack of you don't slow down. You were so mad at my observation about the constant derailments in a discussion thread that you went on a mad search through over 23,000 posts to find 6 posts to nonsensically 'make a point'.

That is the move of either a woman or a crazy person. It's like fighting with your girl and she starts searching through 6 months of text messages to find the one message where you said, blah blah blah.

If you have to do that much work in order to make a point, than maybe said point wasn't worth making :dunno:

It took 2 seconds to find your post in a search. I got you typing multiple paragraphs splaining now.

You got tattoos of Kobe (a man that you aren't related to and never personally knew) after he died as a tribute. :lol: :lol: :lol: That's called dickeating bruh. No Black man does that, so we know you are WHITE.



Mr. Pool
If you get the chance you gotta unblock just this page to see the responses. Fucking hilarious!!!!

We both probably have a few 100 posts in these annual NBA threads, but oh buddy must have got DEEP into his feelings cause he went digging to find every instance where either of us mentioned #8/24's name.

You have 2 post and I had 4. So of course that makes us Kobe-stans and apparently CaCs :roflmao: :roflmao3::lol::roflmao:

Look Lebron/Kobe/MJ guy, I'm sorry I insulted Twitter (I'm really not tho) but you gotta relax. You're going give yourself a heart attack of you don't slow down. You were so mad at my observation about the constant derailments in a discussion thread that you went on a mad search through over 23,000 posts to find 6 posts to nonsensically 'make a point'.

That is the move of either a woman or a crazy person. It's like fighting with your girl and she starts searching through 6 months of text messages to find the one message where you said, blah blah blah.

If you have to do that much work in order to make a point, than maybe said point wasn't worth making :dunno:
Lmao I just imagine a sad lonely old man with LeBron James posters on his wall, LeBron funkos and figures sitting hunched over his computer in his way too tight LeBron James jersey getting emotional over posts at all times of the day and night lol there's no way this guy has a family/friends or much of a life at all. Probably lost a few toes to diabetes and had a hard time adjusting to walking with his new diabetes feet, turned into a hermit and lives vicariously through LeBron James. just a sad pathetic stan sniffing his game worn LeBron Jersey while googling stats and watching Bron interviews and podcast on repeat. A "man" so despicable and low that he would personally attack and even resort to laughing at the untimely death of kobe and his young daughter. It's clearly mental illness.

But enough about sad ass pathetic Kingtacuck and his shameful life.

I unblock here and there but I refuse to enable his mental illness. To answer his alleged posts/stalking I'm very much a Kobe fan, he's my favorite laker for obvious reasons, growing up I have amazing memories watching the Lakers win with him and Shaq and then him and pau, but if he was being honest he'd be able to search for the dozens if not hundreds of times where I've said on this board that LeBron James is the best basketball player of all time, that he's clearly the face of the league and the biggest draw and star in all of basketball if not all of sports, I've also defended LeBron from the attacks of the media and fans that imo are unmatched by any other athlete, never have I seen such bullshit. Hell I even recently shamed bgol members for being black men who attack and degrade a fellow black man who's been nothing but a positive human being for his community and his sport, who's been exemplary in every way a human can be under such public scrutiny, and for being a genius business man.... All that and I'm a Kobe Stan and a Bron hater lol the truth is he's not a Laker fan, he only cares about LeBron James but I was born a Lakers fan, bleed purple and gold so of course Kobe is going to have a special piece in the Lakers history when he was a big part of so much of the Lakers success.

With that said imma just leave him on block and let him yell at the clouds like the crazy old man he is.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Kobe stans been exposed as liars and dickeaters now they giving us dissertations. Nobody reading all that shit CAC. :smh:

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
I'm not quoting this dude, but who's arm is that?!?!?! Did you just search Kobe tattoo and came back in here with the top result :lol:

I'm not hand verifying and shit for you homie. Besides even if I took a photo with today papers and a stack of holy bibles and qurans, you just keep on this bullshit anyway.

Anyway I'm done. I think this thread is only useful during the games now. Gone are the days of a mid morning or afternoon post being something worth discussing. When the games are on seems to be the only time that the Twitter posters aren't in here.

I know you'll probably post something else because you like having the last word and you can have fun with that. I won't see it, cause ignore is definitely back in effect.

You have a good day though. I really mean it to. Be blessed fam.

P.S. that tattoo is pretty sick. I haven't got my Kobe tattoo.... yet. Covid shutdown happened and I just been bullshitting ever since. But that mamba piece is nice. Thanks for the inspiration :lol:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Lord Sinister even gave him a like for that post in 2019 @Amajorfucup. After 4 straight seasons of less than 24 wins he deemed Bron the worst thing to happen to the Lakers. Now he's pretending he's a non-biased voice of reason. :lol:

This was in 2021. Like I said, another lying Kobe stan. Kobe was a liar himself so it's par for the course. They all act in bad faith and use deception because Kobe's Brand is fueled by anti-Blackness and white supremacy. Dickeaters ain't never giving up that dead dick. :yes:
:lol: :lol:


Rising Star
Platinum Member

This thread is severely suffering under the weight of a few posters and it gets crazier every night. Games tend to end between midnight and 1am.

At that point, the thread is then continuously bumped by one poster flooding the board with every basketball-related meme from Twitter. Most of which are barely Twitter funny (i.e. something you look at once and maybe get a lite chuckle).

Then around 6am another poster comes in to flood the thread with every Lebron talking point that is floating on Twitter. I'm not sure if this person wakes up with Lebron on the mind or what.

To be honest, I'm not sure if either of these posters are actual people. They never seem to post anything during games, which makes me think that they don't actually watch the modern NBA. I'm starting to think these posters might be A.I. chat bots sent from Twitter.

Either way, every night after the games go off and the real discussions end, this thread jumps about 2-6 pages without a single post of relevance to the 2024 NBA playoffs.

If you gonna wrote all this shit you should probably put a name on it. Name names.

Odd being this triggered about people discussing arguably the best player ever and guy who has carried the league near 3 full decades.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Kobe was robbed of multiple MVP’s just like Lebron robbed others of MVP’s. He had ZERO business winning MVP in Miami. How the fuck you assemble a Superteam and have the nerve to call yourself MVP? Steve Nash over Kobe for MVP. If you rock with that, YOU are the idiot that doesn’t deserve discussion.

So the Lakers 3 peat without Kobe? Win the other 2 with just Gasol?

Lebron wins the NBA Finals without another Superstar or TWO?

No they don’t Youngblood
Take it up with the voting committee my man. The numbers are the numbers. The Colorado Rapist has ONE got dam MVP. Make all the excuses you want.

And the only thing super about any of them teams was LeBron. All of them without him showed that.

Now imagine if you were this passionate about the fucking Nuggets you little bitch you. They won a ring and we couldn't get you to type this much. :lol:


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
And the only thing super about any of them teams was LeBron. All of them without him showed that.

He led those teams in every major category and was their best defender by a mile. Some shit Kobe Bean never did. And the Heat like all his teams had a losing record without him.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I think you're missing my point I'm trying to make, and in turn missing all the points being made lol

Baseball/basketball/football players of today are bigger, stronger, faster and better in every way shape or form. The reason it took 100 years years to achieve that again is because since the days of babe Ruth there's a little innovation that happened in the league called... Black people being allowed to play, babe Ruth played against part timers so of course he was able to set the bar high, if I was a boxer and fought middle schoolers i would probably be able to go 100-0 with 100 koes, doesn't mean my record makes me better than floyd. Bringing it back to basketball, of course it's going to be harder for someone to score 100 in a game like wilt did or any other old record because the competition and talent is not only better but now also international, there has never been better scouting, better feeder leagues, better training ever in the history of the game. Basketball is the only sport where I hear not only fans, but media members constantly debating the obvious.

It's also the reason that there's so much injuries these days, players have never been faster and more explosive than today. The things ja morrant does would have been looked at as which craft in a certain era lol

I respect all eras because it got us where we are today, but imo the debates are pointless and silly, especially if we're going to continue to deny reality.

I just seen a team cheat their way to championships in MLB by banging trash cans and NFL with spy cameras

They had none of that bullshit when Joe DiMaggio and Willie mays was playing

The difference is they had relief pitchers that was just as good or better than starters.

The japs are great as well

Ichrio would be doing the same thing on the ‘27 Yankees


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
17 championships and 5 came from Kobe > shot bubble ring that no fans saw

Post a clip of Kobe in a Cavs jersey. Just Bron being in a Laker jersey is a flex. I got to see it for 6 seasons. Might be 10 when it's over. :roflmao2:

Fuck nigga died and now Bron the star of his team. That's like Drake dying and K-Dot become the CEO of OVO and help PartyNextDoor finally go Platinum. Legendary shit lil nigga. :itsawrap:


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Took a nigga 2 OTs to get 40?

In this hyper offensive systems?

And he lost to Old man Tim Duncan and old man Bruce Bowen

Please stop posting playoff losing seasons.

He made 6 franchises become champions

Jeanie gave Kobe a statue that looks like Hal Miner with an alien finger that cost a couple mill to have done. She's offering Bron his 3rd max contract in a Laker uniform this summer worth 60x that. You stuck on jewelry lil fella cuz you don't get bread or respect offline. :lol:



BGOL Investor
If you get the chance you gotta unblock just this page to see the responses. Fucking hilarious!!!!

We both probably have a few 100 posts in these annual NBA threads, but oh buddy must have got DEEP into his feelings cause he went digging to find every instance where either of us mentioned #8/24's name.

You have 2 post and I had 4. So of course that makes us Kobe-stans and apparently CaCs :roflmao: :roflmao3::lol::roflmao:

Look Lebron/Kobe/MJ guy, I'm sorry I insulted Twitter (I'm really not tho) but you gotta relax. You're going give yourself a heart attack of you don't slow down. You were so mad at my observation about the constant derailments in a discussion thread that you went on a mad search through over 23,000 posts to find 6 posts to nonsensically 'make a point'.

That is the move of either a woman or a crazy person. It's like fighting with your girl and she starts searching through 6 months of text messages to find the one message where you said, blah blah blah.

If you have to do that much work in order to make a point, than maybe said point wasn't worth making :dunno:
I hit “view ignored content” every once in a while just to see the bullshit and then sometimes I see was “tagged” as well. Bro throw dirt on my name and I don’t even be seeing it lol