@Entrepronegro said he was gonna vote for Rump. He also said he was from Canada.
That’s just how dumb the blue hat MAGAs are. It is like they are MKUltra assets. All you gotta do is say “trump” and they snap into their lunatic alter.@Entrepronegro said he was gonna vote for Rump. He also said he was from Canada.
A tweet for everything
Thanx for the heads up........
Official Biden/Trump Debate thread.... First, of three debates SEPT 29th.... T-minus 4 hrs till "CLOBBERING TIME in CLEVELAND"
I'm not so sure that Biden is going to clobber Trump because this is not going to be a typical debate. Normally an undecided voter is one who can't figure out which candidate to back. This year everybody's mind is made up. This debate is about whether or not it's worth casting a vote in the...www.bgol.us
I put in "debate" in "search titles" and
nothing showed for this debate.
To get good results: Search>Advanced Search> Order by Date. Other wise everything is out of order.
Nah..Trump is going to wreck Joe with rudeness and lies..but im still voting Joe.My prediction is that Trump will be terrible tonight and Biden will take complete control of this debate and control the pace
I guess I'm actually going to have a drink like I'm at a sporting event while I listen to this madness.
Nah..Trump is going to wreck Joe with rudeness and lies..but im still voting Joe.