Barry Bonds never failed a test. Again Manny is the one that wouldn’t agree to random testing. He originally said he couldn’t take blood draws within 2 weeks of a fight because it made him weak but then is shown on 24/7 getting blood drawn for a physical the day before a fight.The only problem with that is if true Floyd would have been all on that shit. Remember, Manny took Floyd to court for making those PED accusations and won. Ain't no way, if there was evidence of that Floyd would let that shit slide. You KNOW he wouldn't. The PED accusation is unsubstantiated and considering how many fighters, athletes, etc. who have tested positive it's amazing folks are still harping on this because they can't explain the ass kicking this dude doles out to anybody stupid enough to stand in front of him. Manny ain't that fuckin' clever and neither are his handlers.
Arum always kept his guys away from Floyd. Be milked Manny all he could then he let Floyd whoop him. Same way he gonna keep all his guys from Errol man.