All due respect Fam, it shouldn't 'bother you. They just have a different opinion plus, that term hate is so overused it's annoying. Just because a person has an objective viewpoint you may not agree with doesn't mean they are a hater either. You are probably one of the most knowledgeable people on this site as it relates to Boxing, but you are one highstrung Dude Good Brother!
I completely understand and respect that everyone sees things differently. I know and understand why people don't like Floyd in the ring, and out of it (I cringe at most of his antics/dealings outside of the ring,) but there's no denying that Floyd is/was an immensely talented fighter. Even in today's advanced age he could still breeze through all but the top 3 or 4 at 147
Anyhow, my beef stems from people arguing about him and not knowing or understanding the differences between PBF and Money.
If you don't like Money, fine I get it. He is a safety first fighter and he's often involved in actionless fights
But those better not be the reasons you give as to why you don't like PBF.
A perfect example is in the
If they were the same size: Floyd vs RJJ in their primes thread.
'Floyd just runs. Floyd doesn't hit hard enough. RJJ will knock Floyd's shoulder off if he tries that shoulder roll...'
All types of tomfoolery in that thread.