Official Jessica Jones Season 3 Discussion Thread FINAL SEASON) UPDATE: SHE'S BACK?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Just finished it. I really liked it. I thought the casting was damn near perfect. It's obvious that Netflix doesnt have the per episode budget for a lot of special effects so I wasn't too mad with the way they used JJ's powers. Her character grew on me. Definitely flawed...majorly....but I feel like that's the point and ultimately one of the things I like the most about her. Purple Man was a good villain and moreso than being the type of threat thats ongoing, I liked them using him to establish JJ's world view and then having his death be a pivot point for her. Luke Muthafuckin Cage though...definitely well done. Looking forward to his series even more now. Can see where they are tying it all in...props to Rosario with the Night Nurse cameo and bringing DD into the picture. The Heroes for Hire angle is shaping nicely and I will be tuned in. Overall....I give it an A-.

good review


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If I was Luke, I wouldn't touch Jessica. Chick lives with bugs, didn't look like she washes and wears the same clothes for weeks

Other then that, I enjoyed the show


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If I was Luke, I wouldn't touch Jessica. Chick lives with bugs, didn't look like she washes and wears the same clothes for weeks

Other then that, I enjoyed the show

yeah i noticed it too, she was nasty as fuck. there was one scene where he to a shower and she didn't and i was like bitch you been in those clothes for like 3 days, go shower too


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I just started watching it tonight and watched 3 episodes. I like it so far. The problem as with many superhero movies and shows - the hero should let some people go to possibly die in order to catch the villain before they can commit more acts of the violence.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
This is why I think kilgrav might be one of the most terrifying villains on the small screen for marvel.

ya his character was pretty scary imo...kept thinking what if I had his power or a million times worse what if someone sinister had those powers


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
If I was Luke, I wouldn't touch Jessica. Chick lives with bugs, didn't look like she washes and wears the same clothes for weeks

Other then that, I enjoyed the show
you know them brothas who bald their heads love white pussy


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
"...I once told a man to go screw himself..." :lol2:

yo ep 7 was good...story def has picked up


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
marathoned the last 5-6 eps...decent series...I'm guessing IGH will be next season's storyline

I think on a personal level kilgrave is probably one of the scariest villains in a comic book movie/show...I rank him w/ the dark knight's version of the joker and the white boy who couldn't handle his powers in chronicle...what made him so scary imo is he didn't have any grandiose plans...just demented and liked fucking w/ regular ppl w/ no remorse or regard for life which made his character feel "real"


Rising Star
I wanted to enjoy that show... But the plot holes were just too big for me get over. Its nuts what the writers got away with. Still it was a pretty cool show i guess.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
^ the only thing that igged me was the inconsistency w/ her powers...she can go head to head w/ luke but get taken out by security guards w/ tazers or get hit in the head w/ a 2x4 wielded by a regular ass woman and get knocked unconscious all nite


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Jessica Jones’s Mike Colter on the Show’s Sex Scenes, His Indestructible Skin, andLuke Cage

Jessica Jones arrived on Netflix last month, and with it, Marvel’s greatestonscreen villain, TV’s first super-antihero, and her brooding hunk of a love interest, Luke Cage. The character, played by Mike Colter, was liberally featured in the show’s arsenal of unprecedented sex scenes, though largely cut off from the kind of complex arcs we saw with other secondary figures in the Jessica Jonesuniverse. Luckily, we’ll get plenty more Luke in his upcoming solo Netflix series, Marvel’s Luke Cage. Colter recently took a quick break from his hectic filming schedule to talk to Vulture about how he got to know his character, navigating the politics of his indestructibility, and figuring out what’s next.

How were you first introduced to the character of Luke Cage?
I was introduced to Luke Cage through the internet, like most people, because there was buzz about bringing this character to the screen. I didn’t know who he was at the time, but friends and family started asking me, “Have you seen this character? You look like you’d be good to play him.” I couldn’t figure out why. All I could surmise from it was that he was a large, strong guy who was bald.

What made you want to play him?
At first there was so much competition, I didn’t really think I was necessarily a good fit to play him. I’m always looking for a character where I can bring something to the table that only I can give. I didn’t know yet how I could do that for Luke Cage. I didn’t see anything about him that I should play him, other than the bald head, but other people have bald heads, you know, what else is there?

So you had a bald head, but you needed something else.
I realized there was something about this character that was underplayed. He is so grounded and real, he’s a believable character that I realized I could relate to. That’s true for all the characters in Jessica Jones. They just seem like regular people. For Luke, especially, the fact that he’s a superhero is a secondary thing. That’s what stood out to me when I read it. I didn’t see the superhero aspect of it. I saw a guy who was trying to get through, to make his way in life and find a way to be happy with himself as an individual.

He’s certainly not your typical superhero.
Yeah, I think of him as a human first and a superhero second. Those powers were thrust on him and Jessica. Usually, the idea of superhero has a sort of boldness, but I don’t think of Luke as someone who wants to save the day.

How do you think about the way Luke handles his powers in comparison to the way Jessica handles hers?
Unlike Luke, Jessica is fighting a lot of demons head-on. Part of her healing process is giving back. On some level, she hopes that by opening the investigation firm, she will be able to help herself by helping others. Meanwhile, Luke is trying to avoid his demons altogether. Most of us didn’t even know what they were until the end of the season. I will say I think there’s more to come and much more to find out about him. He is a very complex character, being told through a very subtle lens.

I wish we had learned more about him, actually. Were any of your scenes cut from Jessica Jones?
That I know of, entire scenes weren’t cut out, but maybe certain parts were trimmed. Although I would have to look back at the series again. We shot this in February of last year, and I was shooting other stuff at the same time. So it’s hard to know what they left out because it feels like forever ago we shot this thing.

Since we don’t learn much about Luke till later in the season and probably still have quite a bit to learn with your solo series, can you talk a bit about how you played him while so much of his character had yet to be revealed?
I learned a lot about him from poking the minds of producers and people from Marvel who knew a lot more about where the story was going. I also did some reading to figure out where he came from. This allowed me to kind of dial in to who he was, his point of view, and why he is the way he is. It’s an exercise in restraint when you know a lot about a character and you’re not able to play that. That said, I really enjoyed getting to know the character through the way he interacts with Jessica, then taking him from the world of Jessica Jones to the world of Luke Cage.

A lot of that includes quite a number of impressively sex-positive scenes. How did those evolve? Was everything scripted?
A lot of it came out of the way we as actors and people connect to each other. You know, we weren’t in love before we shot those scenes. We had barely seen each other before. But we did what we had to do, and we allowed the scenes to play out naturally. It became a true moment, and something we kind of let happen. If you’re trying to force something, then it can get a little awkward.

So far, what else have you discovered about the character in the new setting of Luke Cage?
It’s hard to get into it because we’re still shooting and we’re not ready to talk about details. I can say that it does pick up from the place where we left off. You’ll learn more about him and where he came from. It’s not a total departure from where we were with the Jessica Jones series, but it is more about him as a person. He’s growing into himself and trying to figure out who he is as a superhero. Once he learns who he is, he will be able to use his powers and give back.

The concept of an indestructible black man who may well be a fugitive at the beginning of Luke Cage is especially compelling given the events of the past year. Do you see Luke Cage at all as a political character?
I don’t think Luke Cage looks at the community or the world in that sense. He’s kind of dealing with his own problems. The fact that he’s black, has indestructible skin, and is living in New York City is just a random occurrence. Still, I hope that people see things in Luke Cage that will inspire them, things that will make them feel like it is something worth watching. Luke Cage really is someone who is trying to find himself as an individual, trying to better himself as a man.The growing pains that he’s going through in the series, I think, will resonate with a lot of people. Ultimately, I hope he can make people feel like we’re on the upswing. As far as how he fits into this image for the community, I think there is a lot about him that is relatable, and I hope that people find him to be someone they can cheer on.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Knitting, and Talking Jessica Jones, With Krysten Ritter


I’m knitting like crazy,” says Krysten Ritter, scanning bins of yarn at the Little Knittery, a store not far from her home in the Hollywood Dell. She’s been traveling like crazy, too, she says, “so now I need a hobby just for me.” The breakneck schedule stems from the arrival of the Netflix seriesJessica Jones, the adaptation of the Marvel comic Alias that was released in 13 ripe-for-bingeing episodes last month and is already showing up on year-end top-ten lists (including ours). At the moment, she’s relishing the opportunity to stay put for a few weeks. Some months back, she rediscovered a half-finished blanket when her boyfriend, the War on Drugs lead singer Adam Granduciel, moved in with her, and now here she is, sizing up a red skein of thick-and-thin yarn. “I’m definitely going to buy that,” she says. “I want to do something loose and big and chic.”

It’s her first time here, and Ritter roams the store eagerly. She apologizes for changing the time of this rendezvous at the last minute, but her rescue dog, Mikey, is sick, and she has to take him to the vet. “TMI, but he has terrible diarrhea,” she says, making a sad face and rifling through a pile of wool yarn that we both agree is too itchy.

Before this November, Ritter was known for comedies, like the short-lived ABC sitcom Don’t Trust the B— in Apt 23, or smaller guest roles in shows like Breaking Bad and Gilmore Girls. She admits that she was somewhat superhero-oblivious before reading for the part of Jessica Jones. “I’d be more inclined to watch Dirty Dancing or psychological thrillers like Damages and Bloodline,” she says. “I liked great characters, and I just had this preconceived idea that that’s not what Marvel did.” She was happy to be wrong, because Jones is a juicy new type of role for the 33-year-old actress: a tough, moody alcoholic who’s trying to put her life back together — and her superhero past behind her — after being exploited by the mind-controlling Zebediah Kilgrave (Dr. Who’s David Tennant). “She’s very unlikable, in the studio sense of the word,” says Ritter. “But I don’t find her unlikable, because you spend those vulnerable moments with her and see what she’s struggling with.”

“I’ve had opportunities to do different things, but not an opportunity to do everything — funny, dramatic, action-packed,” says Ritter, who today is dressed, not unlike her alter ego, in all black. “I’m very involved with wardrobe,” she says. “They said, ‘She doesn’t wear a costume — she’s going to kinda be dressed like you are.’ I loved that.” She pulls a white-and-gray poncho from a rack and examines its wide stitches. “Is this just a bunch of yarn overs?” she asks the owner, who nods. “That’s so dope.” They exchange knitting lingo like bind offs and increases, with pauses for Ritter to translate for me. “You’d really have to pay attention with this,” she says. “It’s not like, ‘Throw on American Horror Story and just go.’”

Ritter learned to knit from her grandmother back in Benton, Pennsylvania, before moving to nearby Shickshinny, which she says is as remote and cow-populated as it sounds. She got hooked again on the set of her first movie, 2003’s Mona Lisa Smile, in which she played Art Student No. 1. “It was before cell phones, so that’s what all the actresses were doing on set — Julia Roberts, everybody,” she says.

The owner rings us up, and it’s 90 bucks for Ritter — plus $55 for me, never mind that I have no idea how to knit. Ritter can be as persuasive as Jessica is, only much friendlier, and I somehow have come away with two shades of alpaca yarn and a pair of needles. “It’s weird that we’re buying stuff to make winter scarves and it’s 100 degrees,” she says, as we step outside into the unseasonable December weather. Ritter points out a Bikram-yoga studio where, she recalls, she once projectile-vomited after a session. “They’re really hard-core about not getting up between poses.” She stops to admire a dog that resembles Mikey. As we pass, his owner adds, “Love your show.”

Ritter just returned from São Paulo, where she and Tennant were enthusiastically received at Brazil’s Comic Con. “The fans were super into it,” she says. I figure she must be used to that sort of thing, having reprised her role from the cultishly beloved series Veronica Mars for 2014’s fan-funded movie, but she shakes her head: “I’m sure Kristen Bell had that experience, but I was barely in that.”

Crossing the street, we duck into a café and sit down, and Ritter takes the yarn and needles from my bag. “I’m going to cast on for you,” she says. “It’s going to look really difficult, but it’s not.” Speaking of fans, I tell her that some have already begun ’shipping — that is, clamoring for Kilgrave and Jones to get into a romantic relationship. Ritter pauses. “I think that’s a testament to David Tennant,” she says. “He’s a great actor, people want to watch him — I want to watch him, so I kind of get it. But it’s twisted. He’s a true villain.” Jessica Jones creator Melissa Rosenberg (Twilight, Dexter) has been praised for making the subject of sexual assault — brought into the show via Kilgrave’s ability to command total submission — much more explicit. “She’s a feminist with a capital F,” says Ritter of Rosenberg. “The comic book never uses the word rape. This is a story of how [Jessica] gets past feeling victimized.” She stops to count stitches and then has me watch while she adds a second row. “This is going to be so good,” she promises. Actually, I think it’s all going to end in disaster when I accidentally undo all her pretty work, but I admire her tenacity.

At 15, she was discovered in a local mall by Elite Model Management and started traveling to New York for jobs. But she quickly wised up to the short career of a model and switched to acting. She spent a decade achieving what she calls “where have I seen her before?” status (a lot of only-okay rom-coms: What Happens in Vegas, Confessions of a Shopaholic, She’s Out of My League). In the past few years, she’s opted for the leads in smaller, better movies, like L!fe Happens, which she also co-wrote, and Refuge, as well as supporting roles in Listen Up Philip and Tim Burton’s Big Eyes. “Those were amazing opportunities, as opposed to rolling my eyes in the background of another boy movie,” she says. “I didn’t have something that I thought would be a big hit and then wasn’t. I’ve just been trucking along, wishing for an opportunity like Jessica Jones.

She hands me the needles and instructs me to push the right one under the top stitch in a T-formation. “Dude, you’re doing it!” she says with enthusiasm. “Now you have to finish that whole row, or you’re going to fuck it all up.” It looked easier when she was doing it.

Ritter swears she doesn’t know what’s next for her character beyond appearing in The Defenders, a series that will unite the superheroes from Netflix’s four Marvel shows (the other three being Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist). Even if she did, she wouldn’t be able to say so. An insane level of secrecy is the only thing Marvel doesn’t keep secret. For a while, Ritter couldn’t even print out her scripts — she had to log on to a secret website to learn her lines. “Not exactly user-friendly,” she says. Does this mean she wasn’t able to say anything to anyone during the eight-month shoot, not even the close circle of “serious girlfriends” that she was holiday shopping for today? (No spoilers, but Ritter loves a snood.) “Well, I’d obviously talk to my boyfriend — he sleeps in the same bed,” says Ritter. She peers at my knitting. “Wait, no, underneath,” she says. “You’re going above.” After which, it’s time to get Mikey to the vet. “When you get home, do at least 15 rows,” she says. As if anticipating the discouragement that will follow after an hour of YouTube tutorials fail to fix the damage, she adds: “I don’t want you to get frustrated.”


Rising Star
Super Moderator
I have one more episode to watch. Doesn't seem to be as popular as DD with the BGOL fam. I'll finish up tomorrow. Pretty good show and good story telling. Looking forward to the Luke Cage series for a more action based show.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just finished it. I was on the last 3 episodes forever. I actually thought this shit would wrap up in 10 episodes once the main reason Jessica needed to keep Kilgrave alive went away, but they dragged it out. You knew how it was going to end anyway, so I think they had a lot of filler material in the last few epsiodes

I'm mixed opinions on it overall. I thought the casting, introduction of the characters and basic setup were all ever good. I even liked the challenge of dealing with a villain with Killgraves powers.

The only good thing about the last few episodes (IMO) is the inclusion of Rosario Dawson's night nurse character. I thought her scenes with Luke Cage were really good.

A lot of people saying Kilgrave was weak considering his powers, but they did have some critical limitations he had to work around and it's probably safe to say he didn't even understand how they fully worked himself. On top of that he was just a fucked up person not really insane or diabolical, just regular old fucked up with a super power. So on that level, I think it was appropriate that he was working against a really flawed heroine in Jessica.

There were some writing flaws. I don't know the Simpson character was used in the comics, but he seems like he was added here just as eye candy for females and to complicate the plot. I didn't really get the leverage Jessica had over the Lawyer (Jeri?), but she added some Deus Ex Machina magic to move the story forward.

minor spoiler question below

I also don't really get the explanation of Kilgrave's power. If it worked how they said it did, couldn't anyone with a filtered Environmental suit blocked his affect on them?


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
I won't be shocked,if there isn't a Jessica Jones season 2,because Marvel already said that some of the shows on Netflix won't get another season......


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Watched 2 episodes so far..i'm digging it so far..dont fuck with comic books and comic book movies but this seems alright, kinda dark and edgy and not corny.

Plus i like the fact that luke cage is getting some shine.. ive been interested in seeing him and black panther depicted on small or big screen


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
'Jessica Jones' Season 2: Plot, Cast Info and Possible Guest Appearances


Netflix's hit badass female-led Marvel series Jessica Jones will be coming back for a second season, according to an announcement by Netflix at the Television Critics Association earlier this month. The new season is expected to continue to align well with the comics it's based from, and especially dive deeper into the psyche and backstory of the main character Jessica Jones, played by Krysten Ritter, according to Variety.

"I think I just want to continue with her character," show creator Melissa Rosenberg said at the TCA event, according to Variety. "She's a very damaged character and her damage goes beyond Kilgrave [David Tennant]. There's a lot to mine from in her backstory and in her present day situation. I think we'll find something." She later said she will "always" use as much as she can from the 2001 original Alias comic books, USA Today reported.

There is no confirmed release date for the second season.

The plots of the show and comic books follow Jones, a woman who gained superpowers after a tragic car crash as a young girl. She later gives up her powers and the life of fighting crime and becomes a private detective in New York. The show has also been regarded as revolutionary in the way Jones handles life after sexual assault.

Audiences can also expect crossovers with Jones and other Defenders. On Monday, the show's Twitter account posted a teaser image of a manila folder labeled with the words, " Cage — November." It references Jones' love interest Luke Cage — who departed the show for his own spinoff Netflix series that'll premiere this year — and could allude to a possible rendezvous between the characters. Mike Colter, who plays Cage, called his character "emotionally exhausted," but mentioned a meetup between the two, Variety reported.

Daredevil is another highly possible option for a guest appearance, as well as Trish Walker, who is similar to the superheroine Hellcat.

Fans can expect season one's villain Kilgrave to remain defeated and out of the second season, Rosenberg said, since the story is about Jones' own journey, according to Variety. Possible villains to take his place could be Typhoid Mary, who Jones battles in the comic books, or Big Bad, who paid for Jones' medical bills after the accident, according to USA Today.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I'm at episode 9 and this Jessica Jones bitch is the dumbest fucking bitch in recorded fucking history. If things pan out as I see them going, I'm done. Better be a big plot twist. Damn.

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
From what I am hearing the success of these Marvel netflix shows has thrown off the schedule - it was supposed to be jst Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist and then the Defenders - no second season but the success of Daredevil means a season 2 and then a Punisher Spin off - jessica Jones is having a Season 2 and Luke Cage is about to hit later this year - pushing the Defenders even further back - so one of he rumours I have heard is that in order to get to the Defenders series - they may either do the Iron Fist series after the Defenders series airs OR make Iron Fist a 2 hour movie going right into the Defender.

Either way, Net flix is going to fuck up Marvel's schedule -


Rising Star
From what I am hearing the success of these Marvel netflix shows has thrown off the schedule - it was supposed to be jst Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist and then the Defenders - no second season but the success of Daredevil means a season 2 and then a Punisher Spin off - jessica Jones is having a Season 2 and Luke Cage is about to hit later this year - pushing the Defenders even further back - so one of he rumours I have heard is that in order to get to the Defenders series - they may either do the Iron Fist series after the Defenders series airs OR make Iron Fist a 2 hour movie going right into the Defender.

Either way, Net flix is going to fuck up Marvel's schedule -

Iron Fist will be a TV Show, not a movie. Showrunner has already been found, Iron Fist has been cast...

Although there were rumors that Marvel had pulled the plug on Iron Fist, the series is indeed moving forward. Last month it was announced that Dexter's Scott Buck will serve as the showrunner, however there's been absolutely no word on who the studio might be considering to play the master martial artist, which has led many to believe that Marvel is still on the hunt for an actor to take on the role.

But while taking questions at the TCA Press Tour, Luke Cage star Mike Colter revealed that Marvel has already found their Danny Rand.

Mike Colter said:
The actor has been cast, but he’s in a basement somewhere. When the time is right, they’ll let him up and tell him where he is. I am [excited]. I’ll get a nice little break, after doing Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. Whether I’m in [his show], I don’t know, but there’s The Defenders.

A writer has also been found, Scott Reynolds, who was a writer and producer for Jessica Jones, The Following, and Dexter

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
Iron Fist will be a TV Show, not a movie. Showrunner has already been found, Iron Fist has been cast...

Although there were rumors that Marvel had pulled the plug on Iron Fist, the series is indeed moving forward. Last month it was announced that Dexter's Scott Buck will serve as the showrunner, however there's been absolutely no word on who the studio might be considering to play the master martial artist, which has led many to believe that Marvel is still on the hunt for an actor to take on the role.

But while taking questions at the TCA Press Tour, Luke Cage star Mike Colter revealed that Marvel has already found their Danny Rand.

A writer has also been found, Scott Reynolds, who was a writer and producer for Jessica Jones, The Following, and Dexter

I appreciate the update - i am glad they are making the Iron Fist series - always one of my favoritie Marvel characters with an very interesting back story.


Staff member
My son told me about this series about a week ago, I have watched about 4 episodes so far and I like it. :yes:
