Official Jessica Jones Season 3 Discussion Thread FINAL SEASON) UPDATE: SHE'S BACK?


Rising Star
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12 episodes in, and no one has ever heard of fucking ear plugs.



Rising Star
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New Jessica Jones Comic Coming This Year


Marvel usually prides itself on brand synergy. If a character is getting a big push in a movie or TV show, the higher-ups tend to make sure that same character has a starring role in a comic-book series. Jessica Jones was a rare misstep on that front: The Marvel-produced Netflix series Marvel's Jessica Jones garnered massive acclaim last fall, but there wasn't a single comic on the stands with her as a lead. That problem seems to be getting solved, albeit belatedly. During a Saturday panel at Seattle's Emerald City Comicon, Jessica Jones's co-creator, writer Brian Michael Bendis, let slip that he's reuniting with her other co-creator, artist Michael Gaydos, for a new series starring everyone's favorite dysfunctional superhero detective.

According to a report from the panel by Albert Ching of Comic Book Resources, Bendis was asked if there would be a follow-up to Alias, the early-2000s series that starred and debuted Jessica Jones. "This isn't an official announcement," he said, "but I'll tell you, in lieu of it — yes." He added that the new installment will pop up after this summer's big Marvel Comics mega-crossover Civil War II. Bendis has already run one of his story ideas by the Netflix version's showrunner, Melissa Rosenberg, and he promised at the panel, "I genuinely think you'll be surprised by what we do in the first issue. I pitched it actually to Melissa Rosenberg, who runs the TV show, at WonderCon and she said, 'Really?'" If it was enough to shock the woman who supervised an eyeball-syringing, one shudders to think about what Bendis is cooking up.


Rising Star
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Jessica Jones’s Melissa Rosenberg on Redefining the Look of a the Female Superhero


Where are the women?” asked Melissa Rosenberg (Twilight trilogy movies, Dexter), showrunner of Netflix's Jessica Jones. Where are female characters that become the stuff of legend, holding their own with Tony Soprano, Walter White, or Dexter? She rattled off these familiar names to the Vulture Festival audience while talking with editor Abraham Riesman and Krysten Ritter, Jessica Jones herself. Rosenberg knows her antiheroes; she wrote Dexter for years.

Enter Jessica Jones, a new kind of antihero, and a new kind of superhero, too. She does not wear spandex and heels to fight crime. She dresses in “boxy” sweaters and a leather jacket; ass-kicking black boots. Rosenberg laughed, “[She] does not give a shit about how she looks.” “Skin tight and low cut” were out as well as a lot of make-up. “Honey pot, seductress,” Ritter said, “We are never doing that,” to great audience applause.

While Jessica has a sexual side underneath all that leather, she is never primarily sexualized. Her scenes with fellow superhero Luke Cage (Mike Colter) are “raw and real,” said Rosenberg, and always character based, she breaks the bed, or a wall, and remains unapologetic about wanting what she wants. Her powers aren’t stylized, there are no energy rays, just a real-life representation of a female force of nature. “Women walk through the world more physically vulnerable,” Rosenberg said. “Jessica has less of that because she can defend herself.”

Keeping Jessica real also affects the way the series is shot by its many talented directors. She is “of the street…on the ground on the street…connected to NY,” Rosenberg said. The series welcomes the audience into Jessica’s life, her apartment and makeshift detective agency. One audience member mentioned she did not even know the series was “hip,” she was watching it because she liked detective shows until her daughter clued her in this was an “it” series and about superheroes. After all, Jessica Jones is not about to join the Avengers. She “does not give a shit” about the other superhero characters in the Marvel Universe she inhabits, Ritter said. She just wants “to pay her rent and buy whiskey.”


Rising Star
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Jessica Jones
The Hashtag Show has purportedly gotten their hands on casting calls for four new series regular roles due to appear in the second season, revealing a few details about each character and a potential name (although it’s likely the names here are not the final names of the characters). The hosts also speculate at possible comic book counterparts for each role in the video below, but feel free to suggest your own guesses in the comments!


60, male, open ethnicity, scientist & freethinker



Late 30s, Male, African American, intelligent, driven, self-assured.



34-38, male, Latino,

Artistic, paternal, smart, scruffy and hip.



Early-mid 30s, 5’8 – 5’11 female,

Dark hair, attractive and edgy, has a history of living on the streets.

Educated as a nurse, but street-wise. She is attracted to men and women…



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Only complaint so far is the camera work in the weed house fight scene was shitty and Jessica's fighting look horrible and fake ass fuck


Rising Star
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What are Kilgraves limits? Could he do this to Thor or Hulk? ?

Yup he can.

he cant control aliens. Unless they are close to human.

And those with the mental strength and training to resist

Like a mutant telepathy or a trained operative

His power is massive.

But limited by time and scope.

His real weakness is the fact that he is a sociopathic self centered spoiled bloated asshole


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yup he can.

he cant control aliens. Unless they are close to human.

And those with the mental strength and training to resist

Like a mutant telepathy or a trained operative

His power is massive.

But limited by time and scope.

His real weakness is the fact that he is a sociopathic self centered spoiled bloated asshole
Thank you!!


Rising Star
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Thank you!!

Killgrave emits pheromones from his skin which render exposed people susceptible to his verbal control, an effect similar to hypnosis. He is capable of commanding several people at once, as long as they remain in proximity to him. Once removed from his presence, affected people eventually regain their sense of self. Only people with exceptionally strong willpower or radically different physiologies have been known to resist this effect. Killgrave’s mutated body also has an enhanced ability to heal itself.

More on


Rising Star
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Word? Thought the person had to hear him in order to be controlled.

apparently the FULL extent of his power is pheromones so he can get you


if he DOESN'T get all your senses you are more apt to escape.

Your right though I thought it was ONLY sound when I was growing up...

but then again thinking on it

that would be wack...

you would just have to cover your ears or remove his vocal cords.

Or sew his lips shut permanently.


Rising Star
Im not sure how long Marvel TV can keep Jessica Jones interesting without Killgrave as a villain.

Come to think of it, Marvel TV on a bit of a losing streak right now.

Luke Cage was only very good for half a season, Iron Fist was the worst show ever, Defenders was up and down, and Inhumans was somehow even worse than Iron Fist.Ill give them AoS though, alot of people dont like that show but its damn good most of the time.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Wait...did I see Trish getting in some work? What does that serum do to her? To me she's one of the most interesting characters in the show.


Rising Star
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How Jessica Jones Season 2 Could Connect Netflix Marvel To Agents of SHIELD

Jessica Jones could provide the biggest connection between the Marvel Netflix shows and the rest of the company’s TV, specifically Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Marvel Netflix shows have always existed in a little pocket adjunct from the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s TV division, with connections relegated to small references: Crusher Creel, who fought Daredevil’s father in the boxing ring, was an antagonist on S.H.I.E.L.D.; the ABC show had a momentary glimpse of “Hell’s Kitchen” on a news tickertape; or, most notably, the Judas weapon was used against both Luke Cageand Jeffrey Mace.

That could all change soon if the first trailer for Jessica Jones Season 2 is anything to go by; it promises the most explicit connection to date.




Jessica Jones Season 1 introduced viewers to a mysterious company known as “IGH.” This company specialized in the creation of combat performance drugs, and ran a paramilitary task-force who they granted superhuman strength and endurance with addictive drugs. Trish Walker looked into IGH, and found that the company doesn’t officially exist. Even the company’s name “is an acronym for nothing,” she told Jessica. Intriguingly, towards the end of the season Jessica learned that IGH had paid her medical bills after the car accident that granted her super-powers.

The name “IGH” may have a deeper meaning, though. The X-Men comics feature an addictive drug known as “MGH.” Here, the acronym stands for “Mutant Growth Hormone,” and a dose can grant non-mutants temporary super-powers. Marvel’s television shows have often used Inhumans as substitutes for the X-Men, meaning “IGH” could actually be an acronym for “Inhuman Growth Hormone.” Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2 clearly established that it was possible to steal the powers of certain Inhumans using experimental procedures; Doctor Whitehall’s experiments on Jaiying had prevented his aging. It’s possible that, decades ago, this mysterious research company discovered an Inhuman, providing a more pseudo-scientific explanation for Jessica’s powers; she was accidentally exposed to an overdose of these combat enhancers and forever transformed.



The trailer for Jessica Jones Season 2 has presented another intriguing hint. It seems that, in the aftermath of the car crash, Jessica was experimented upon for months. Crucially, she actually died – but was brought back from the dead. It’s doubtful IGH employed Hand mystics (although it’s possible given that group’s confusing past); instead, it seems far more likely this was achieved with their own technology. And that’s something we’ve seen before elsewhere on Marvel TV.

In Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1, it was eventually revealed that Coulson was brought back to life after undergoing a horrific experimental process. At the heart of this process was a dose of GH-325, a drug linked to Kree blood. More recently, Season 5 revealed that the Kree have been using the same process to resurrect humans and Inhumans alike. In both cases, the processes operate in a similar manner to Jessica’s death and resurrection. Given the potential Inhumans link and all round lining up of the technology, it’s possible what brought Coulson and Jessica back to life is linked.

It’s worth noting that this is only a theory, but it fits the (few) facts we know to date. Of course, if this is correct, Jessica Jones Season 2 is unlikely to address it too visibly. Previous links between Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Netflix shows have been subtle, visible only to the most alert of fans. The same is likely to be true for this plot-point, which could easily add another subtle connection between the different Marvel shows.