For me Jack and Kate. Jack people have already said why but Kate I don't like how they try to paint her as a sympathetic figure. I can see someone making an excuse for her killing her step dad but there's no excuse for her getting the dude killed at the hospital and then the bank robbery just for the toy plane.
I don't want the show to end and she has a happy ending.
I want them both to die cause they're too flip-floppy. Thats the one thing I liked about Locke, no matter what his goals never changed. Stay on the island at all cost. Even when he did leave it was for the benefit of the island. And when he couldn't get back that nigga was prepared to kill himself. But these two still alive. Neither one of them ever stop think about the consequences. They both hear an idea, three seconds later they run with that shit. They'll both go with whatevers poppin' at the moment. Neither of them ever ask any questions. And they cause more chaos than everyone else put together. I still don't understand how they've gotten to this point. It seems like the only person whose some what level minded and down to earth is Sawyer...ands hes a conman.