If the students were allowed to carry guns this would’ve never happened.

If the students were allowed to carry guns this would’ve never happened.
Then the cacs will end up shooting their families and neighborsU wanna stop school shootings? Then make it 100% virtual all the time.
Yeah...yur basic white flight suburb but..it still pays to be way cool with Treshan and them.
Sad but very trueAmerica getting back to normal.....
Covid had one bright spot.....
Not seeing stories like this every other week/month.....
I'd rather them cacs keep the killing in houseThen the cacs will end up shooting their families and neighbors
When he said its weyyy deeper this school was Mos Def covering for him....and immediately lawyed up....Yo this shit was bound to happen if what that young man is saying is true. I wonder did the police know about these threats.
Most definitely.... that part of the herd must be culled.... feel sorry for the innocents...... but it must be doneI'd rather them cacs keep the killing in house
I’m going to play the race card is definitely tells me that this was a white boyWhen he said its weyyy deeper this school was Mos Def covering for him....and immediately lawyed up....
like I said above.... the fact that he was taken alive and immediately lawyered up proved that.... we just don't know where they took him for lunch.... but the fact that he killed cacs and not blacks.... might have taken lunch out of the equationI’m going to play the race card is definitely tells me that this was a white boy
The shooters name and face is probably all over social media alreadyParents should get a prison sentence as well... They're just as responsible
I don't think this was Lil Tyler...I think this was Quan QuanOh and adding to the thread...
Lil Tyler was just having a bad day
Yeah...yur basic white flight suburb but..it still pays to be way cool with Treshan and them.
2nd Amendment Republicans. The parents bought a gun for their kid
and they know that they are in trouble. They saw Rittenhouse kill all
those people, and be allowed to go free by the bullshit judge, and felt
that their son could do the same and go and kill people he did not like.
Now the enormity of their bullshit has started to hit home, and they
realise that their asses could be in shit.
What do they mean a minor cannot be questioned? Maybe not, but his
ass can go to jail. There is no immunity to murder for a minor. Minors
go to Juve all the time for petty theft and shoplifting, never mind murder.
Their brat is cooked, and so are they
thats why he said its more to it....the school is coddling and covering....So... Somebody managed to bring a deers head on campus and drop it in the courtyard, also someone was on the hunt for the principal?
I'm with mom, my child will be remote learning till they graduate
no he's a white boi....they showed pics he posted online with the same gun he used...his white ass hands is all in the pics...I don't think this was Lil Tyler...I think this was Quan Quan
thats why he said its more to it....the school is coddling and covering....
Good pointsIt's not just 2nd amendment republicans who are the problem, although, I assert they are the root of the problem.
I know very few people personally in the U.S., who do not own several weapons, and NONE of them are republicans, nor right wing.
If you look at the threads here, you will see many (assumed) black people have a multitude of firearms, of which they are quite proud.
Amerikkka is a fucked up, violent nation. In the midst of overwhelming wealth and resources, violence is treasured just as much as sex in this hell hole, and respected even more.
Murderers are looked upon romantically, while sex workers are reviled as undeserving of even a modicum of respect.
If you ever worked in a public school for any considerable time, you would know that this kind of thing, and much worse, is covered up on a regular basis.
I worked in a school that had a "mad shitter".
The individual would enter the (elementary) school before classes began, and leave large amount of excrement on the bathroom floor.
After several attempts to catch this sick person, she/he began writing messages (such as "I am the shit"), in shit, on the bathroom walls (boys and girls bathrooms).
As far as I know, the individual was never caught.
Never hit the media. Not even once. And this is one of the milder stories I could tell...
Coondance Owens? Waiting on her to condone white on white crime...