• Dems pushed equality to a conservative nation

    Votes: 30 16.1%
  • Dems viewed as soft on crime/lockdown of border

    Votes: 48 25.8%
  • Economic factors during Biden administration (Inflation, housing costs)

    Votes: 77 41.4%
  • Cult of personality for Trump

    Votes: 72 38.7%
  • Assassination attempts

    Votes: 10 5.4%
  • Disaster Response

    Votes: 6 3.2%
  • Israel college protests of Middle East conflicts

    Votes: 18 9.7%
  • Black men won't vote for a woman

    Votes: 37 19.9%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 53 28.5%

  • Total voters


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Bro you know you my family for real for real

but this is NOT the victory you lap you want to take!

You bet on the worst of us

and were right


I know I shouldn't especially since folks were hell bent on blaming black men before the election buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut those people that are bitching and complaining on social media about white women and Hispanics should have saw this coming.

Imagine having people point the finger at black men who are #2 voting base and #1 base for men for the Democratic Party but say nothing to white women and Hispanics. White women voted for that piece of shit the last two elections but people want to lecture black men.

I heard this white lady broke down crying about the election results during first shift this morning (I work second shift) I told one of my coworkers I don't want to hear that shit. Orangeface told y'all what he's gonna do and y'all still voted for him. This country always expect black people to save it...


Da Backshot Champ

Rising Star
I still stand by my belief that we (black people) aren't going to get what we need until we get our own SuperPAC and start buying our own politicians Democrats and Republicans.

How do you think that is going to happen? Most Super PACs are formed by corporation pooling together resources?

What are we going to do pool together a bunch of E-Bay knick knack sellers, cornrowers, and MLM shucksters?

Shit. most of these nigga minded motherfuckers can barely put together a nuclear family and you want to create high powered lobbying firms? Hahahha.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I know I shouldn't especially since folks were hell bent on blaming black men before the election buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut those people that are bitching and complaining on social media about white women and Hispanics should have saw this coming.

Imagine having people point the finger at black men who are #2 voting base and #1 base for men for the Democratic Party but say nothing to white women and Hispanics. White women voted for that piece of shit the last two elections but people want to lecture black men.

I heard this white lady broke down crying about the election results during first shift this morning (I work second shift) I told one of my coworkers I don't want to hear that shit. Orangeface told y'all what he's gonna do and y'all still voted for him. This country always expect black people to save it...

Bro? I told them too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
70% of the voters in America were White. Trump got 70% of the white male vote.

Simple racism and sexism. White men wanted to prove they still run this country and they did.


Rising Star
The election was in the middle of Covid. We were going through an economic downturn, vaccinations and masks were a very hot and debated topic, and Trump held a very unpopular position of blaming China. Even with this, the election was close. Prior to Covid, the economy was good and social issues was the hot topic. Actually Trump did a much better job than expected as President prior to COVID and Biden did a worse job than expected.
The election in 2020 was not close.


Rising Star
OG Investor
look, we all in it now. let the chips fall where they may. me personally, i want trump to do all the things he said he would do. i want him to enact all the suggestions proposed in project 2025. i want him to put tariffs on all the goods coming in. i want him to deport every and i mean every illegal alien. i want an outright ban on abortion. shit, i want him to do it all. i say he should do it all. get rid of the dept of education and all ah dat. i want him to go after entitlement programs hard, possibly get rid of medicaid. i just want him to do it all.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Shes not gonna lose in fact I think she will win easier than everyone thinks. She wins PA,Michigan and Wisconsin which is the race but I think she wins NC by a point,Ga by a point,AZ by 1.5 NV by 3 and the biggest news will be how close Fla will be Texas will be very close and Cruz will lose outright or win by a cunt hair. This election will be the opposite of 2016 in that people didnt talk about voting for Trump but did I think a lot white women men will vote for Kamala but havent polled they will.

:roflmao: :hithead:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Another question to consider is whether or not the Dems learned from 2016 and 2024 and truly begin to serve the will of the electorate.
Despite my recent issues with Barack, he was the only inspirational figure they had in 24 years.
Gore was a bust. Kerry was a bust. Killary was a bust. Biden was a bust. Kamala was a bust.
:smh:I was thinking about this earlier today at work.
Either the DNC need new leadership. Or we need a whole new party.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I'm probably way off, my response won't be the sole reason - but a part of it.

1. Latino communities, basically any from a Spanish speaking nationality. The Democrats hedged their bets on them and other immigrants communities to carry her to the finish line.

2. White Women. Yeah, I said it - the real PROTECTED class in society. Remember 2016? They did not carry Senator Clinton across the finish line in the States that had more Rep in the larger Electoral College I believe but I could be wrong.
(I still say some heard that shit "Dr." Bryant said in her sit down with Nick Cannon. Somethings should be thought only - and NOT said out loud :smh:)

Someone else mentioned this. What did she say?

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I haven't been trashing one side completely. You're late to this thread, which isn't a problem. Glad you're here now.

I've had fun at Dems expense, sure, not because of them or their policies but because of the unquestioned loyalty displayed here by SOME very loud, rude and obnoxious posters.

They're willing to lie to mods, censor, and overwhelm the board with left leaning propaganda to get their agenda out.


I have a degree in this and am in the LSAP now. Doesn't mean I have all the answers but I enjoy fair debate and political analysis.


big enos burrnet

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:smh:I was thinking about this earlier today at work.
Either the DNC need new leadership. Or we need a whole new party.
whole new party...this whole topic came up back during the G.Foyld riots..then biden gets into office then offers us this bullshit juneteenth
shit that we didnt ask for...dems have only but one option now, either give us our using for reference (40 acres) or continue to lose and not
gain a single seat in the house or senate for the next 2 election cause as of rite now i dont know what to tell them....


Transnational Member
The Democrats are already starting with the delusional thinking that it was about black men not wanting to vote for a woman rather than their nonsense they ran for four years. Kamala Harris was going to barter us with her forgivable business loan program that would be struck down by the Supreme Court. The case would be a Brown vs Board of Education type of victory for whites.

The Democrats need a Trump like figure to purge the idiots out of the party. Quit using these Harvard lawyer type people in these positions with no business background. End this culture of cannibalism and being unproductive, you will chase your talent out of the country.

The era of the Geechee/Obama is over with! I've waited a long time for this, but now I have got you.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Harris lost because regardless of any other reason presented, White America is not giving another black person that job. The Democratic Party turnout was 18 million less than what turned out for Biden…there’s your narrative. This country is, and has always been defined by racism, ever since Europeans came in and eradicated the Natives. Obama was lightning in a bottle, and they’ll do whatever it takes for it to never happen again. Secondly, but most important, I respect her campaign, but if the democrats really wanted to win, Gavin Newsome should have been running. He was the best option…

This presidential “race”, at the end of the day was about what it was…RACE!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Democrats are already starting with the delusional thinking that it was about black men not wanting to vote for a woman rather than their nonsense they ran for four years. Kamala Harris was going to barter us with her forgivable business loan program that would be struck down by the Supreme Court. The case would be a Brown vs Board of Education type of victory for whites.

The Democrats need a Trump like figure to purge the idiots out of the party. Quit using these Harvard lawyer type people in these positions with no business background. End this culture of cannibalism and being unproductive, you will chase your talent out of the country.

The era of the Geechee/Obama is over with! I've waited a long time for this, but now I have got you.
It was about white women not voting for her…she got 88% of the black male vote. White women can talk all the shit they want, those bitches are always going to be the backbone behind the racism of their men. They wouldn’t vote Hilary in, so you know damn well, when the shit hit the fan they were going to tuck tail and run from voting for Kamala. They voted for what they wanted, so when they’re treated like shit, I have no sympathy for them. Karma is going to eat those bitches alive


waking people up
BGOL Investor
You're just saying stuff, why do you keep using Candice Owens as your example, Candice Owens hates black so she has reasons other than being a woman and black as to why people won't vote for her.
because what you are saying is ridiculous. she represents a party that no one wanted to follow. nothing to do with who she is just like you won't vote for Candace. dems were losing no matter what. you're just making excuses instead of coming to teems no one wants that ultra lib bullshit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It was about white women not voting for her…she got 88% of the black male vote. White women can talk all the shit they want, those bitches are always going to be the backbone behind the racism of their men. They wouldn’t vote Hilary in, so you know damn well, when the shit hit the fan they were going to tuck tail and run from voting for Kamala. They voted for what they wanted, so when they’re treated like shit, I have no sympathy for them. Karma is going to eat those bitches alive
Real Talk. They always have been the enemy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Basically. Dems were not serious and it cost them bad. Should have learned a valuable lesson but somehow I still don't think they get it.
They are rarely serious. They celebrate the mentally ill and give away aid and resources to others in abundance in comparison to their own.

The only time they are united is when they use and abuse so-called black people.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How do you think that is going to happen? Most Super PACs are formed by corporation pooling together resources?

What are we going to do pool together a bunch of E-Bay knick knack sellers, cornrowers, and MLM shucksters?

Shit. most of these nigga minded motherfuckers can barely put together a nuclear family and you want to create high powered lobbying firms? Hahahha.
...why is it you go for the most ghetto, Jason Whitlock ass shyt?!?!? So we don't have wealthy people like Al Haymon, Oprah, Bob Johnson, hell even a Tyler Perry! But keep with your thinking! I am sure that will aid us in our struggle with the government.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Harris lost because regardless of any other reason presented, White America is not giving another black person that job. The Democratic Party turnout was 18 million less than what turned out for Biden…there’s your narrative. This country is, and has always been defined by racism, ever since Europeans came in and eradicated the Natives. Obama was lightning in a bottle, and they’ll do whatever it takes for it to never happen again. Secondly, but most important, I respect her campaign, but if the democrats really wanted to win, Gavin Newsome should have been running. He was the best option…

This presidential “race”, at the end of the day was about what it was…RACE!

I agree with pretty much everything you wrote but i got a question

So why so many feel the need for evisceration of her character?

okay so let's say she was an empty suit?

Her opponent suit was full of aged sh*t

And they voted for THAT instead?

I need that "logic" explained to me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Harris lost because regardless of any other reason presented, White America is not giving another black person that job. The Democratic Party turnout was 18 million less than what turned out for Biden…there’s your narrative. This country is, and has always been defined by racism, ever since Europeans came in and eradicated the Natives. Obama was lightning in a bottle, and they’ll do whatever it takes for it to never happen again. Secondly, but most important, I respect her campaign, but if the democrats really wanted to win, Gavin Newsome should have been running. He was the best option…

This presidential “race”, at the end of the day was about what it was…RACE!
I said it before, the left eats its own. You get enough to be so disgusted that they stay at home. Gaza, no tangibles, etc... How many liberals where running on stage at Trump rallies? Funny motherfcukers is radical when they know nobody is armed. Newsome would have given the same outcome. The main talking point I am seeing from white people is: 'It wasn't so bad under Trump before.' People have the memory of a goldfish but for whatever reason a Trump presidency will get you your reparations, who didn't give them last time and said Kamala wanted to give them to us. Who also had the feds picking up protestors in minivans. A Trump presidency will be better for Gaza, the same guy who had a Muslim ban. Trying to rely on white people...fcuk just relying on PEOPLE to do the right thing is always going to let you down every time.
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