POWER Book all seasons discussion thread (Power Book II: Ghost canceled )


Rising Star
BGOL Legend










Rising Star
Great Episode tonight!

Damn shame Jose had to go like that, flat nosed Dude was fucked up for setting him up like that...
Simon Stern is gonna be a thorn in Ghosts ass
Surprised Kanaan turned on Jukebox like that
Glad to see Tariq safe and Ghost got him back, think hes gonna be fucked up mentally after finding out the truth about Kanaan
Tommy is always killing somebody, hope he took the dna with him when he killed Holly's people
Gonna be fucked up when Tommy finds out what Ghost did to him... Damn...
Tommy is gonna be a monster in his new promotion with the Serbs

Great fucking Episode!!! :yes:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Jukebox had it coming.
You could see that coming from a mile away.
She was just too blinded by the money.
I was laughing my ass off when Jukebox knocked Tariq's dumb ass out cold.
Ghost and 50 re-uniting like Eric B and Rakim was definitely a huge twist that came out of nowhere.


Rising Star
Jukebox had it coming.
You could see that coming from a mile away.
She was just too blinded by the money.
I was laughing my ass off when Jukebox knocked Tariq's dumb ass out cold.
Ghost and 50 re-uniting like Eric B and Rakim was definitely a huge twist that came out of nowhere.

She talked too much, and I think Kanaan started digging Tariq a lil bit and it made him turn on her. On the humble, Jukebox was a thick lil broad too :D

Give Me 3ft.

The Supreme Being
Platinum Member
So they show a blackman getting his

Head bashed in to pulp, but not the

Devil getting his shit bashed in?

Same reason the show our dead bodies

In the street and never theirs.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Acting is horrible. 50 needs to stick to one liners cause damn .. Smh

Glad Jukebox was killed. Her character and acting was unconvincing too.

Tommy is in a world of his own.

Feel bad for Julio. He was as loyal as they came.

Dre needs to catch a bullet for being a bitch


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Acting is horrible. 50 needs to stick to one liners cause damn .. Smh

Glad Jukebox was killed. Her character and acting was unconvincing too.

Tommy is in a world of his own.

Feel bad for Julio. He was as loyal as they came.

Dre needs to catch a bullet for being a bitch

How many times are you guys going to say the acting is horrible, is not like it was good from the beginning.

I take it for what it is.

Julio is an idiot he allowed Dre to fuck with his head too easy.

btw ppl saying ghost and Kenan teaming up was unconvincing, not really because you can tell from the last episode he really never like Jukebox's plan of killing the kid.


Rising Star
OG Investor
julio was truly a pawn. ghost brought his way out but disregards him as he exits the game and julio is left to deal with the psychopathic tommy. tommy threatens, chokes and suspects julio's judgement and rightfully so on the judgement tip. when the spanish dude played games on the drop off and his boy steeled on julio's boy, julio should discipline them. when dre did that set up, julio should of seen that shit a mile away. i would of came to that meeting 20 dudes strapped on some shit like when nas took lakey with him to meet haitian jack. julio went out like a warrior but strategically , he was a private in a general position.
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2009 & 2010 POY!!!
Certified Pussy Poster
Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought this episode took a turn for the worse. We all know the acting was never great but this is tv show and their bad acting takes away from the appeal of it.

Storylines were all over the place and getting redundant. Tommy and Ghost getting guns put in their face and not getting killed is played out.

Tommy gets kidnapped and beaten gun in face and walks away laughing with the person who did it:confused:

Then goes out of his way to kill uncle of girlfriend that he himself killed:confused:

Kanan & Ghost teaming up:confused:

I laughed when the killers pulled knives (really knives) on Julio. Must of left their nines at home.


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend
Tommy is stuck on Holly...

Saw her face when he expected to be killed then killed her uncle for raping her.

Tasha is becoming a problem for Ghost.

Julio died on his feet

Sterns about to own Truth again

No Angela ....?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought this episode took a turn for the worse. We all know the acting was never great but this is tv show and their bad acting takes away from the appeal of it.

Storylines were all over the place and getting redundant. Tommy and Ghost getting guns put in their face and not getting killed is played out.

Tommy gets kidnapped and beaten gun in face and walks away laughing with the person who did it:confused:

Then goes out of his way to kill uncle of girlfriend that he himself killed:confused:

Kanan & Ghost teaming up:confused:

I laughed when the killers pulled knives (really knives) on Julio. Must of left their nines at home.
And they still fucked up by cutting off his tat.


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
Great Episode tonight!

Damn shame Jose had to go like that, flat nosed Dude was fucked up for setting him up like that...
Simon Stern is gonna be a thorn in Ghosts ass
Surprised Kanaan turned on Jukebox like that
Glad to see Tariq safe and Ghost got him back, think hes gonna be fucked up mentally after finding out the truth about Kanaan
Tommy is always killing somebody, hope he took the dna with him when he killed Holly's people
Gonna be fucked up when Tommy finds out what Ghost did to him... Damn...
Tommy is gonna be a monster in his new promotion with the Serbs

Great fucking Episode!!! :yes:

U know what i wasnt surprised that he turned on jukbox though..after he was gettn money he was cool.. then when he showed upnlast week n she was talkn shit about how she got the kid he looked like what for...then he told ghost man fuck this she might b setting me up.. but i agree with errthang else fa sho.. especially when tommy finds out... this gonna b some shit coming in these next episodes...this episode was completely fire!!


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
Kanaan showed he has a heart after all. In his heart, he knows Tariq ain't like his dad. Hopefully that stupid fuck will get his shit together.

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
Not only did Ghost put K away for 10 years but he also tried to kill him and left him for dead. Then K turns around and kills his family for him?? Shit was whack to me.

i think if the acting was better they could have sold it ....

kanan starting to care for ghost son made sense it`s just 50 couldnt sell it ...

kanan didnt forgive ghost all together but he understood what he did & why he did it ...again 50 cant fucking act ...

as far as leaving him for dead ...again he understood it ... it was either ghost or him ...what would u do ...?

but again 50 cant act ...:lol:

& i think maybe both understood if we meet again all bets are off....

i saw what they were trying to do but the writers kinda mailed it in & the actors could`nt make it believable .... IMO...
