POWER Book all seasons discussion thread (Power Book II: Ghost canceled )


International Member
Nah.... she good
isnt he gay or something?

Black James Bond

International Member
Man this episode is just fucking awful, writing is bad, acting is bad, nah take that back the acting is atrocious. Plot is just real dumb. 50 makes the show worse, he is a weak link.

Julio had the upper hand and he gets cut on his leg and all of a sudden he can barely hold the pipe, really. Just plain lazy writing.


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
One of the worst episodes of the entire series.

Lala could give a fuck about dope she just wants to make money via the shop. That shits going to bite Tasha in the ass.

Kannan might have left Ghost off the hook, but best believe he's corrupted his son and altered how he looks at his dad. That might actually be the revenge he really wanted.
I think tommy will kill Lala for Tasha
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Rising Star
One of the worst episodes of the entire series.

Kannan had all the vengeance on his mind and in his heart...and just lets Ghost walk after damn near being killed by him?

All the other shit has been discussed. I thought Jukebox would get more juice. Instead, Snoop stills reins as the most cold-hearted black villain in TV series history. Kannan killing a cop; wonder if that will be a focus for the rest of the season.

Lala still is that weak link and Tasha fucked up by just telling her it was going be business as usual for a lil while longer. Lala could give a fuck about dope she just wants to make money via the shop. That shits going to bite Tasha in the ass.

Kannan might have left Ghost off the hook, but best believe he's corrupted his son and altered how he looks at his dad. That might actually be the revenge he really wanted.

Didn't you just answer your own question, did he really let Ghost just walk?


Rising Star
Man this episode is just fucking awful, writing is bad, acting is bad, nah take that back the acting is atrocious. Plot is just real dumb. 50 makes the show worse, he is a weak link.

Julio had the upper hand and he gets cut on his leg and all of a sudden he can barely hold the pipe, really. Just plain lazy writing.

Did he get cut on his leg? Is that where he got cut, while he was bleeding out? Is it lazy writing or lazy thinking the problem. I mean you watched it right, must not be that bad.


Rising Star
How many times are you guys going to say the acting is horrible, is not like it was good from the beginning.

I take it for what it is.

Julio is an idiot he allowed Dre to fuck with his head too easy.

btw ppl saying ghost and Kenan teaming up was unconvincing, not really because you can tell from the last episode he really never like Jukebox's plan of killing the kid.

I'm thinking Tariq the same age as Sean when 50 got locked up. He's sees in Tariq what he wanted to see in Sean.
Fuck 50 for killing Jukebox, she actually be Tasha and not nautri


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
I'm thinking Tariq the same age as Sean when 50 got locked up. He's sees in Tariq what he wanted to see in Sean.
Fuck 50 for killing Jukebox, she actually be Tasha and not nautri

Jukebox and Milan were my favorite characters on the show.

Besides being sexy asf , juke was kinda fucking scary. I like the actress a lot better in this than that BET show

Black James Bond

International Member
Did he get cut on his leg? Is that where he got cut, while he was bleeding out? Is it lazy writing or lazy thinking the problem. I mean you watched it right, must not be that bad.

Lazy writing, he got cut 3 times on his forearm, his back and then in his heel area, none of them seemed to hit a major artery, but then after the last cut he almost collapses immediately. Before he gets the last cut, he could of hauled ass and get out. Kanaan grows a conscience and kills his partner, Tommy survives Chicago. Sorry fucking poor writing.

I like show for what it is, not expecting spectacular,but this episode was extremely weak, they seemed to phone it in this week.

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
Ghost and 50 re-uniting like Eric B and Rakim was definitely a huge twist that came out of nowhere.

Not a twist, not a twist at all. It was actually bullshit. Even if Kanan grew a heart and didn't want to kill Ghost because he liked Tyreke, snatch the money, tell him where to go, and make him handle Jukebox alone. Them teaming up like wonder twins looked fake and forced as hell.

am i the only one that didnt like ghost kanan team up .... shit was dumb to me...

& the acting is getting worse ...

You're not the only one. As far as acting goes, I don't see it getting any worse, but it isn't going to get any better either. You can tell who can act, but has shitty lines and setting and who can't act. 50 looked like he was going to laugh the whole car ride to the stash house.

So 50 would have loved Sean if he were tougher and cooler like bitch ass Tyreke

LOL...it makes absolutely no sense if that's what they were trying to sell.

Jukebox will come back and haunt Kanan, she was probably wearing a vest, being a cop and all.


Did he get cut on his leg? Is that where he got cut, while he was bleeding out? Is it lazy writing or lazy thinking the problem. I mean you watched it right, must not be that bad.

If Julio was supposed to have been cut along the Achilles tendon, then I guess he wouldn't be able to walk and would have eventually gotten beaten. The tide of the fight changed too quickly after that cut, considering he had just beat the shit out of the guy that cut him. Julio should have been able to put some more work in on the dude that killed him, even if it still ended in his death.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Fam, what the fuck is a Tyreke? Was he connected to Mulan? :lol:

We must have seen different episodes. I thought it was solid. Kanan's change of heart was plausible to me. I think Ghost saying, "Man, tell me you didn't feel that shit. Just like the old days" got to him a little bit, plus begging him to keep Tighreek :roflmao: alive just added to the guilt he felt when Jukebox plotting to kill them both.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ghost and Tommy have got to be the worst TV drug kingpins ever. How many times do they have to get robbed before they change up their routine? Back in Season 1, Kanan was able to stick'em up from prison because they never bothered to change the courier routes they used from back when he was on the street, nearly a decade earlier. Fast forward to now, Ghost is out the game and Tommy doesn't bother to change up his count room stash houses and gets stuck again.

There's nothing a stick-up kid (or the cops) loves more than a creature of habit. You would think 50 Cent could lend some "professional" expertise to the writers' room.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man this episode is just fucking awful, writing is bad, acting is bad, nah take that back the acting is atrocious. Plot is just real dumb. 50 makes the show worse, he is a weak link.

Julio had the upper hand and he gets cut on his leg and all of a sudden he can barely hold the pipe, really. Just plain lazy writing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man this episode is just fucking awful, writing is bad, acting is bad, nah take that back the acting is atrocious. Plot is just real dumb. 50 makes the show worse, he is a weak link.

Julio had the upper hand and he gets cut on his leg and all of a sudden he can barely hold the pipe, really. Just plain lazy writing.

Cut his Achilles or the tendon behind his knee...and in reality he would have been done right then....not dragging his leg and still swinging


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
his back and then in his heel area, none of them seemed to hit a major artery, but then after the last cut he almost collapses immediately.
He clipped his Achilles tendon. Btw, Dre said to make it look like the gang had nothing to do with it. Cutting that tattoo off of him did exactly the opposite of that. I think that's going to come back and bite Dre in the ass.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
ep 6 was good..Damn, julio got taken out..he was a loyal dude and fucking Dre punk ass got him set up!!..:smh::smh:..i didn't see that coming when Kannan and Ghost work together to get his son back..but to be safe, Ghost or Tommy need to take out Kannan and take out Dre as well..
Also, i see Keisha and Tasha might have beef soon as well...good ep!!

Can't wait for next Sunday!!


Rising Star
ep 6 was good..Damn, julio got taken out..he was a loyal dude and fucking Dre punk ass got him set up!!..:smh::smh:..i didn't see that coming when Kannan and Ghost work together to get his son back..but to be safe, Ghost or Tommy need to take out Kannan and take out Dre as well..
Also, i see Keisha and Tasha might have beef soon as well...good ep!!

Can't wait for next Sunday!!
Ghost and Tommy ain't doing shit together once Tommy finds out Ghost robbed his ass, unless Ghost spins that shit on Kanaan which seems unrealistic seeing as Ghost dropped big Dude solo...