POWER Book all seasons discussion thread (Power Book II: Ghost canceled )


Rising Star
Nah. Mike could have crushed each and every "tip" that Angela provided to the team by saying she didn't follow procedure. You have to remember, every piece of information Angela got, she got illegally.

Angela never filed paper work or did anything thru proper channels, stuff like that will cause cases to be thrown out in court. Mike could have easily kept Lobos out of jail, that's why the twist of having him be dirty is stupid and doesn't help the story line.

I think people are assuming Mike's been on the payroll from the jump. I believe he was recently flipped sometime after Lobos' arrest.

For instance, how did the bloody card that Ghost left for Lobos make its way back to Ghost at Truth? Unless I'm missing a huge clue, I thought it was Mike or someone who had access to Lobos who delivered the message.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
True on the glass shard, it was just long enough to puncture a lung but not kill him, but as far as him surviving, anyone remember Omar surviving a 5 story jump off a balcony in "The Wire"?!?

Wire creator has always said that that really happened...I knew 50 wouldn't kill himself off but I agree with everybody else...after taking it up a notch for the whole season that decision takes it back down to first season level...first season level was entertaining but the second season really took it up a notch...50 staying alive is an unacceptable plot twist for the level the show has now reached


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fight scene with ghost and 50 was disappointing. Was too obvious neither one of them was goin to die. Coukd of did that better


International Member
The only thing I didn't understand is Tommy getting back wwith hhis lady. That doesn't make sense.

Kanan being alive I could see too. But he shouldn't come back in s3 but in s4 instead.

That's all for noww


International Member
Dre wasn't playing both sides. He wanted both. If it was kanan he would be cool with. But just wait for a moment to geet his own shit. And he was also cool working wwith ghost. Cause ghost was going to take him off the streets.

The connects died to easy tho. That by it self could have been a dope episode. But I liked the finale tho


Rising Star
Wire creator has always said that that really happened...I knew 50 wouldn't kill himself off but I agree with everybody else...after taking it up a notch for the whole season that decision takes it back down to first season level...first season level was entertaining but the second season really took it up a notch...50 staying alive is an unacceptable plot twist for the level the show has now reached

this show is keeping 50 relevant he not killing himself off any time soon :lol::smh:


I think some of yall are forgetting its ONLY been 18 episodes. That not even a full season on network TV. I think the writing is dam good, of course it could be better, but you have to fit a lot in a small time frame.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
True....but damn, ghost should have found one of the guns and put a slug in him or slit his throat or something. Kanan "died" wayyyy to quick from a piece of glass to the stomach. One thing that's always been said....stomach wounds mean long and agonizing deaths. Kanan fell and shut his eyes in 3,seconds.

This negro 50 Cent is Jason Voorhees now. Damn Fif, let the ego go and do what's best for the show; stay fucking dead.


International Member
I wonder how they are going to address Ghost's tats in season 3. Will he get tatted on the show or will they at least discuss his new tats. In real life he all sleeved up now with tats. I wonder how that will work it's way into the show.

make up


Rising Star
The only thing I didn't understand is Tommy getting back wwith hhis lady. That doesn't make sense.

Kanan being alive I could see too. But he shouldn't come back in s3 but in s4 instead.

That's all for noww

Dudes getting back with their lady and the clash with the dope game is the whole plot of this show. Only problem I had with this episode is 50 making it out of that fire...but I can't even act like I'm surprised. I knew fif was going to keep himself on here as long as possible because this is the only hit project he has had in a while and probably will be the only one.


International Member
Dudes getting back with their lady and the clash with the dope game is the whole plot of this show. Only problem I had with this episode is 50 making it out of that fire...but I can't even act like I'm surprised. I knew fif was going to keep himself on here as long as possible because this is the only hit project he has had in a while and probably will be the only one.

after she was ready to snitch nah. it doesnt make sense.


International Member
you killing me bro :lol::lol::lol: I know you gotta know some latino muthafuckas man :lol::cool:

:lol::lol::lol:this nigga said Roweese

nigga confusing ki with power:lol:

0:42 mark

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WU_FWtALbb0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Smoke Van Gundy

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Angela burned old boy. Somebody said it earlier, Her and Ghost are very similar

Tasha ready to flip on Ghost about Sean, word?

Some similarities to Season 1 ending with Ghost and Tommy on the outs and Tasha ready to make moves. I cant get over Fif walking through fire. That shit is jokes


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The whole season was perfect up until this episode. So many potholes and mistakes were made in the writing.

Yeah, I didn't like it either...there are some interesting possibilities though.

after she was ready to snitch nah. it doesnt make sense.

Remember though, she was snitching to save Tommy. They've put Tommy in a corner where he now feels no one has his back & he has to fend for himself.

I knew 50 was still alive when the fire was burning everywhere else, but on him--even though Ghost poured the gasoline directly all over him.

:yes: he was too clean as he laid there, fire should've burned his ass. I think he should've bowed out as well.

THe finale was just lackluster and the season had a lot going for it. They really could have the setup like the REAL Jimenez crew arriving in NY to finish off Lobos. Tommy should be more self aware to know that he dont have the brains to run the show. :smh:

Here's what I wonder though...could it have been a triple cross??? How does Ghost know their calling card?? Maybe Mike tipped that info to Ghost.

I think some of yall are forgetting its ONLY been 18 episodes. That not even a full season on network TV. I think the writing is dam good, of course it could be better, but you have to fit a lot in a small time frame.

This brings things back into perspective for me, you're right.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ghost fucked up

Why not make sure Kanan is dead?

I screamed for him to get a pistol and shoot that nigga in the head

And Tommy simping for that bitch

He is too much of a street thug to see what Ghost is trying to do and been trying to do forever

Not happy with having money and getting it legit nah he wants to sell dope and risk being in the Feds the rest of his life

He almost got his wish but ghost got him out of it

Once agin ghost is dumb, also for still trying to fuck with Angela

Tasha can't be mad at ghost even if he did kill Shawn

Lobos living is going to fuck the whole shit up tho

Next season gonna be good


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Profit said:
Remember they originally had the wrong location. Angela called in with the correct one... couldn't really go against that.


Lazy fucking writing...
these shows were fully in a groove with good writing in less than 18 eps:

Breaking Bad
Boardwalk Empire
House of Cards
The Shield


Rising Star

Lazy fucking writing...
these shows were fully in a groove with good writing in less than 18 eps:

Breaking Bad
Boardwalk Empire
House of Cards
The Shield

Breaking bad ???? Really cause a meek chemistry teacher with cancer is going to take down a whole Mexican cartel


BGOL Investor
True on the glass shard, it was just long enough to puncture a lung but not kill him, but as far as him surviving, anyone remember Omar surviving a 5 story jump off a balcony in "The Wire"?!?

and that shit was stupid too...I never did like the last season that much. Not saying a man couldn't survive that jump because I know an 8 year old who survived from EIGHT stories
but Omar was gone in less than 10 seconds. By the time Snoop got to the window that mofo was GONE. FOH
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Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
If 50 survived getting cooked up I'm done.

Notice how the police didn't find a body after the blaze.

The Tommy scenario was too obvious.

But it will be interesting to see how Angela's ex will take her down.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If 50 survived getting cooked up I'm done.

Notice how the police didn't find a body after the blaze.

The Tommy scenario was too obvious.

But it will be interesting to see how Angela's ex will take her down.

The sprinkler system went off

Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ghost fucked up

Why not make sure Kanan is dead?

I screamed for him to get a pistol and shoot that nigga in the head
Ghost poured gasoline all over the nigga and lit him up. In real life, Kanan would have been cooked on the spot. He should have went "WOOF!" in a ball of flames with all that gas Ghost poured on him. Ghost didn't fuck up. The Power writers fucked up.
The sprinkler system went off
Even if that's true, he should still be dead or burned to a crisp from the direct flames all over his body.
It won't make any sense whatsoever if 50 doesn't come back on season three looking like Fire Marshal Bob.



BGOL Investor
The sprinkler system went off

That would make Ghost, one of the smartest masterminds in the game ever, one of the DUMBEST ones to ever try to get rid of a body.
Starting a fire in a place with an active sprinkler system?? He might as well used his new man for that job


BGOL Investor
I change my opinion of Tommy too. He's smart but one of those mfkers that's too smart for his own good
Doesn't realize Ghost SAVED his life. Lobos wanted Tommy DEAD now he wants Tommy to kill Ghost.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I did and there was some over the top unrealistic shit in there as well

They stretched or exagerated shit but no shark jumps - and never lazy writing

Tommy and 50 plots were just lazy - with better writing they could have ended up at the same place in the story:

50 alive but presumed dead
Tommy and Ghost rift
Tommy with Holly

And none of us left feeling disappointed...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ghost poured gasoline all over the nigga and lit him up. In real life, Kanan would have been cooked on the spot. He should have went "WOOF!" in a ball of flames with all that gas Ghost poured on him. Ghost didn't fuck up. The Power writers fucked up.

Even if that's true, he should still be dead or burned to a crisp from the direct flames all over his body.
It won't make any sense whatsoever if 50 doesn't come back on season three looking like Fire Marshal Bob.


He might


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That would make Ghost, one of the smartest masterminds in the game ever, one of the DUMBEST ones to ever try to get rid of a body.
Starting a fire in a place with an active sprinkler system?? He might as well used his new man for that job

That whole scene was fucked up compared to the last 2 episodes. You know ghost ain't dying. You know 50 ain't killin himself off his own show this quick. It was impossible to make that scene remotely believable. That whole scene was outside of both they characters to do that much talking and lalligaggin