Rapper PNB Rock shot and killed!


Rising Star
Whoever did this needs the death penalty. I didn’t watch the video, but if it’s what y’all say it is, then it’s a clear cut case. Go through the judicial process and then execute them muthfuckas and whoever the drive was too. That will start to put an end to this foolishness.

Death isn't enough. Everyone eventually dies and alot of the criminal element don't gaf about their own lives.

I say pain and torture needs to be the punishment for these scum.

Make the killer sit in the duck position until his spine snaps open. Simple yet excruciatingly painful.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

From what I saw, Joe didn't seem to initially realize that AK posted the video and headline a week before PNB was killed and seemed to double down on the response once someone brought that up instead of just correcting himself.

Like AK said, what is the difference between him discussing it and monetizing the content and Joe doing the same? From the videos I saw, AK didn't blame the BM for PNB death either.

I get having the attitude that people are exploiting moments like this for profit but you should hold the same standards for yourself and not speak on topics you feel are distasteful.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not gonna lie. PNB was a frail nigga. Wonder if he had more weight on him he would have survived?
Them bullets could have hit everything he was so damn small.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor

DA FUCK!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
