Roll Call :: BGOL Main Board Refugee Boat


Potential Star

Fuck it im down with the poor side of the wall :D This thread covers exactly what I came to BGOL for anyways. All porn, movies, and music can be found off the board. Looks like the laughs and good times will be on SOL from now on :yes: Sign me up Heist.

:hmm: At the niggas who paid coming over here to talk shit to try and make themselves feel better...Take your elite asses back to the main board and download all the "OC" that's being posted that we no longer have access to.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Fuck it im down with the poor side of the wall :D This thread covers exactly what I came to BGOL for anyways. All porn, movies, and music can be found off the board. Looks like the laughs and good times will be on SOL from now on :yes: Sign me up Heist.

:hmm: At the niggas who paid coming over here to talk shit to try and make themselves feel better...Take your elite asses back to the main board and download all the "OC" that's being posted that we no longer have access to.



Potential Star

Fuck it im down with the poor side of the wall :D This thread covers exactly what I came to BGOL for anyways. All porn, movies, and music can be found off the board. Looks like the laughs and good times will be on SOL from now on :yes: Sign me up Heist.

:hmm: At the niggas who paid coming over here to talk shit to try and make themselves feel better...Take your elite asses back to the main board and download all the "OC" that's being posted that we no longer have access to.

:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance: :lol::lol::lol:

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
For Lo' In the beginning there was SOL.

Idylic, peaceful and bountiful in the extreme.

A land full of tranquility and beauty but peopled by a great civilization.





For millenia they ruled their world with benevolence and grace serviced occasionally by ambassadors from the parallel world of BGOL and a sub-species of men known as Homo-Simpaticus.

These men came from BGOL occasionally to parlay with the Amazons and ogle their breasts and even though there were a few skirmishes (The Quaid Gambit & Assault On The Imperial Lonestar29 )for a season partial peace was restored, and all was well in the cosmos.

Unfortunately, back on BGOL a fierce civil war was brewing between the tribes of Veterans and 30 Day Memberites and their auxiliary FTPs and Mangooglers.



Watching the war unfold from on high, the great overlord HNIC intervened from his pimped out throne and decreed that there would be a 10 fold purge.

The rebels refused to swear allegiance to their liege Lord and lamented furiously as they were cast out from BGOL land forever.



Now the fallen seek to make a new home in a land they neither understand or fully comprehend. Trembling fearfully in the night as the fierce Amazonian Assault Force of MODS come a'hunting with their sharpened blades.

Only time will tell how they fare in these strange lands.

Only time will tell.


BGOL Legend
Certified Pussy Poster
Welcome Comrade. Remember never, ever surrender.

When they come for us they better bring the BGOL military. Not these lackeys.

Damn Bumbay, I see you gettin your army together, but you got a group of 200 posts or less slackers, shit Heist got more posts than your whole crew. :lol::lol::lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Very true. I don't see this lasting long.

I remember when the Backup board was a limited access kinda deal. Yea that lasted all of 4 days.

i believe the backup board as well as whitegirl/asiangirl/latinagirl online are still is the gaming forum.. comics board cut off :( :lol:

Mr MajestiK

Rising Star
This is probably the best thread in the whole freaking forum. :yes:

Can't remember the last time I :lol: this hard.


Potential Star
Seriously though, the main board been fell off a long time ago. You could go 4 pages with threads on nothing but whinning, imminent pre-FTP, blackwomen bashing, attention whoring, etc.
There's heeps of free message boards out there with as much, if not more porn, software, movies and music minus the bullshit.

But I guess it's like crack. Even though cocaine is purer quality, you always go back?


the white boards treat you a whole lot better, so I'm cool with it...soon as I see any new posts all I do is look elsewhere, don't need access.

2 ONE 3

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
dont even try it nigga the only reason i had pm'd you was to see if you was jimmy, cuz i was about to snap on ya after the name change then i recognized ur font. :hmm:

Gucci Fans aren't smart at all:smh:

No one else sent me a pm but your dumb ass...

step your iq game up fuck face


Dumb niggas listen to dumb music

Pont Proven. :yes:


International Member
Man i'm seeing refugee niggas in here that swore they'd never set foot in SOL.:rolleyes:

I can't wait for the mods on this side to ban some o you fuckers when you start to beef. Oh wait this is SOL when them sisters over here crack that whip, not a nigga be squeeking. Where's all them niggas that love putting down females on the main board and saying "BITCHES AIN'T SHIT"? Where you niggas at? :dance::dance:

Can't wait till my girls over here start posting dicks left, right and centre for you fuckers to comment on. Lemme hear who's gonna complain, you cheap fucks, :lol::lol:


Man i'm seeing refugee niggas in here that swore they'd never set foot in SOL.:rolleyes:

I can't wait for the mods on this side to ban some o you fuckers when you start to beef. Oh wait this is SOL when them sisters over here crack that whip, not a nigga be squeeking. Where's all them niggas that love putting down females on the main board and saying "BITCHES AIN'T SHIT"? Where you niggas at? :dance::dance:

Can't wait till my girls over here start posting dicks left, right and centre for you fuckers to comment on. Lemme hear who's gonna complain, you cheap fucks, :lol::lol:

It'd be no different than a tranny post. Just put the offender on ignore.


Potential Star
Man i'm seeing refugee niggas in here that swore they'd never set foot in SOL.:rolleyes:

I can't wait for the mods on this side to ban some o you fuckers when you start to beef. Oh wait this is SOL when them sisters over here crack that whip, not a nigga be squeeking. Where's all them niggas that love putting down females on the main board and saying "BITCHES AIN'T SHIT"? Where you niggas at? :dance::dance:

Can't wait till my girls over here start posting dicks left, right and centre for you fuckers to comment on. Lemme hear who's gonna complain, you cheap fucks, :lol::lol:

It'd be no different than a tranny post. Just put the offender on ignore.


Rising Star

Can't wait till my girls over here start posting dicks left, right and centre for you fuckers to comment on. Lemme hear who's gonna complain, you cheap fucks, :lol::lol:

So you're waiting to come in and see some dicks?
And then wait to see who comments?

Wow. :smh:

It's very simple - you just ignore the post that you know will have a high probability of dick.

If one of the fems posts "Mmmm, Shemar Moore" -- guess what, I'm not going in that post.

Hell, half the chicks on here are just as much in love with pussy as we are anyway. They post more chicks on here than we do on Main Board. Or have you not seem most of the post in here already.

2 ONE 3

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

You know what I just thought about that. You muthafuckas have to live amongst a bunch of dick post.

And you muthafuckas gotta deal with Blunt, Acur, and Redmerchant on a daily basis.

Get the fuck outta here:hmm:

And As long as you come correct with the ladies, that dick shit shouldn't be a problem.

Why the fuck is that shit on you gay ass niggas minds so tough?

Not a good look fellas...:smh:


Rising Star

You know what I just thought about that. You muthafuckas have to live amongst a bunch of dick post. In the middle of a Esther Baxter post the ladies can drop a dick reply in the middle of your bliss and make you like it.

Good luck slumming with cocks......:lol:

Oh shit ... Oh shit ... you're right

It's a penis ... what do I do ....

Oh fuck ... it's a penis ...

Oh no my eyes ... my eyes...

Please gouche them out .... throw acid in them ....

A chick posted a penis .... and I saw it ...

What do I do ....


Seriously nigga. C'mon. No really, c'mon. :hmm:

You act like they're posting a bunch of homos slamming each other in the ass or something.

You either scroll past it or move on to the next thread. Done.​


loving this idea, its a true house party in this bitch (not a sausage fest like the main board)


Peace Pen,



EVERY BODY drop at least 1 post per day. That can be:
1. Porn
2. Knowledge
3. Pics
4. News
5. Music
6. Movies
7. Helpful Info
8. and bump every post you go into

Let's leave all the name calling, arguing and bullshit on the main board. We are establishing a:


NON-DONATORS are you with me?