Sasha Obama Out There Doing Her Thing... Living Her Best Life...

Ming Fei Hong

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sasha and Malia couldn't be more different if they were raised in two totally different families...



The R&B Master
OG Investor
I have no problem with her enjoying her youth. There is 2nd chance so enjoy it while you can.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
On one hand, she's just a young, gorgeous, adult having fun with her friends (...and at least one of her friends is even badder than she is....ya'll know the one). ...and she's doing it as "former" first daughter cause thankfully she either wasn't doing shit in her earlier teens while dad was in office or she was smart enough (or her Sec Serv was) to keep phone cameras out of the mix before Jan 2016.
....I do at least hope that she understands that some of her friends, and many many hangers on and bystanders will gladly use images of her doing whatever for a personal come up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I see a scandal brewing. Niggas up here slapping her ass and posting it. Yea, she better watch out. I got girls and I understand they should have fun, but I'd be upset if they getting they ass slapped while disrobed like that by some random hand. She has to realize that she has some authentic friends but some are not and she has to be very careful with people. But she is young, she should live her best life, she should have fun, but keep some of that shit off social media.
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