Sci Fi Heads (Star Wars / Star Trek): Federation Vs Dominion Vs The Republic Vs Separatists

Pack Rat

BGOL Investor
Any sci fi show's have a villain like this cat...he's like a god:eek:
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You probably came up in this thread to give a good reply on the topic, but then saw someone had already started you changed up.:smh:

feel free fam dont let these cyber bullies get you...:lol:

they PM-ing Star Maps, Captain's Logs, Jedi Bibles and shit...:lol::lol::lol::lol:


The Federation is like a less corrupt version of the US Gov't. Not corrupt in the traditional sense. More like corrupt in the way they're about preservation of the Stat Quo. They actually ADHERE to their laws and guidelines but won't help those who aren't part of the Federation, even tho they have contact with them. I don't know what i"m saying but ...

... that said, the Republic, which slowly became the Empire... is the epitome of evil. The only ones who come a close second to them, without actually being evil...

... is the DOminion. Check it. They are like those kids who get bullied and then when they grow up, they buy the bullies' land, businesses and bankrupt them... and then take it to bullies everywhere else. Not really "good" or "bad"... but they committed some atrocities like genocide. Pretty soon, to them, everyone was a bully that needed to get served.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
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Rising Star

Boy yall clowning up in this thread! All embarrassed over your nerdiness or geekdom or whatever. I love it. As a kid I tried to fit in with the cool kids but once I became an adult and got my grown man on I embraced my nerdiness full throttle. Screw the cool kids. They aint paying my bills and plenty women are down with it including hood rats so screw em. I'ma be me and that's it.

I don't mean on some social goofiness and awkwardness like Urkel or something. That is an extreme and comical exaggeration.

I mean on like a Key and Peele level or even Dave Chappelle, Common, Tribe Called Quest and Lupe Fiasco. Key and Peele said Obama made nerds cool. To me Spike Lee and Robert Townsend already did that back in the 80s.

Anyway back to the subject I am lost on most of this stuff but once again BGOL has piqued my curiosity on everything else beyond Star Trek and Star Wars. That is about as deep and as far as I went in with sci-fi. Well there is also The Matrix and the Terminator but that's not really inter-galactic space travel.

But all of this sounds like plain and simple ole power and politics. Those battles, struggles, philosophies, ideologies and moral motivations are ancient and are mirrored by or inspired by real history going back to Nazis, General Patton, Napoleon, the Roman Empire, the Greeks and the Egyptians and even modern day terrorism and guerilla warfare.

It's all the same themes because the principles are pretty much timeless although technology always changes the rules of the game up. Rules change to fit the time period or short term circumstances. Principles are timeless and never change.

Good thread tho. I'll have to get my nerd and geek on and get my sci-fi game up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Boy yall clowning up in this thread! All embarrassed over your nerdiness or geekdom or whatever. I love it. As a kid I tried to fit in with the cool kids but once I became an adult and got my grown man on I embraced my nerdiness full throttle. Screw the cool kids. They aint paying my bills and plenty women are down with it including hood rats so screw em. I'ma be me and that's it.

I don't mean on some social goofiness and awkwardness like Urkel or something. That is an extreme and comical exaggeration.

I mean on like a Key and Peele level or even Dave Chappelle, Common, Tribe Called Quest and Lupe Fiasco. Key and Peele said Obama made nerds cool. To me Spike Lee and Robert Townsend already did that back in the 80s.

Anyway back to the subject I am lost on most of this stuff but once again BGOL has piqued my curiosity on everything else beyond Star Trek and Star Wars. That is about as deep and as far as I went in with sci-fi. Well there is also The Matrix and the Terminator but that's not really inter-galactic space travel.

But all of this sounds like plain and simple ole power and politics. Those battles, struggles, philosophies, ideologies and moral motivations are ancient and are mirrored by or inspired by real history going back to Nazis, General Patton, Napoleon, the Roman Empire, the Greeks and the Egyptians and even modern day terrorism and guerilla warfare.

It's all the same themes because the principles are pretty much timeless although technology always changes the rules of the game up. Rules change to fit the time period or short term circumstances. Principles are timeless and never change.

Good thread tho. I'll have to get my nerd and geek on and get my sci-fi game up.

Welcome and Start with the Introductory video below::yes:



Rising Star
Welcome and Start with the Introductory video below::yes:



Oh I have been a hardcore trekkie since childhood back in the late 70s. I'm just behind on Battlestar Galactica and some of these other shows people have named. I'm a little behind on Star Wars because I never really got that deep into it. The movies were cool and all but didn't quite have the same effect on me as the Star Trek world.

The focus seemed to be more fantasy and adventure than the more cerebral and adult approach that Gene started out with back in the 60s. But a lot of the stuff sounds interesting and filled with the twists and turns of drama and political intrigue.

I'll definitely be checking more of those shows out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Perception is a motherfucker

Every Large organization is going to face corruption. Thats the easy answer

The not so easy answer is that when so much is on the line tuff shrewd decision must be made.

That is why leaders need to realistic and have a good moral compass

The federation did their share of dirt. Imagine you need to chose between two warring factions and one side has a vast resource of dilithium crystals. You must trend lightly in situations like this because you need that resource. By looking to other way at certain atrocities you can do a great service to your people by getting your hands on a vital resource.

The federation did nothing for years as the Cardassians enslaved the Bajoran people all to try and keep the peace.

How many world were left in despair when the neutral zone was mapped out

Trade policy ... heavy influence on local issues ... choosing favorites in elections.... For some people the federation was more a problem than a solution.

The Dominion offered another way a universe free from the perceived tyranny of the federation

Win: Federation

The Separatist had a reasonable premise .... They did not want to be part of the republic .. they wanted to do their own thing. Their is nothing wrong with that. However the Darkside twisted that shit up pretty good & everyone got Fucked in the end.


Well Said!!!:dance:


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I was on the side of the federation, but the dominion was bad ass. Star Wars: the Rebels.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

dark matter bump


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Was just watching this over the weekend

Star Trek vs Star Wars vs BSG vs Farscape vs Mass Effect vs Andromeda crossover

Star Trek vs BSG HD


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

While many Trekkies are loving a new action figure set based on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wil Wheaton is not one of them. The famed super nerd recently took umbrage at a new figure based on his most famous role – the teen prodigy, Ensign Wesley Crusher.

The action figure in question was part of a set depicting the main cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Released by – a web-based business that manufactures made to order LEGO figures as well as unofficial adaptations of popular pop-culture characters – the Wesley Crusher figure is depicted as a crying child, in stark contrast to the more stoic and determined adult figures around him. The site also features custom figures based on other popular science fiction franchises such as Rick and Morty, Red Dwarf and The X-Files.


Wheaton responded to the set’s release via a lengthy post on his personal website. Wheaton called the depiction of his character “insulting and demeaning to everyone who loved that character when they were kids. ” He did, however, admit that “Wesley was a terribly-written character” during Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s first season.


The character of Wesley Crusher has long been a polarizing one among Star Trek fans. Some, like Wheaton, say that Wesley was an inspiring figure to many young people and that he offered an important point-of-view character for younger viewers who were being exposed to the Star Trek universe for the first time. Others hold that the character was little more than a cynical attempt at fan-service by the show’s producers to try and reach out to what they thought most of the show’s younger fans were like.

Wheaton, for his part, does not hold any grudge against those who find humor in the Minifigs set, though he says that he personally found the humor involved to be lazy. He does, however, caution against anything that might turn young prodigies – both boys and girls – away from careers in STEM fields because of the implication that there is no place for them among adults.

…this isn’t about me. This is about thirty years of people kicking Wesley Crusher around because writers in the first season of Next Generation… didn’t write him as well as writers did in later seasons, and once the fandom narrative was fixed, no amount of ‘Final Mission’ or ‘Starfleet Academy’ -like episodes could change it.”

The irony that Wil Wheaton is defending his most famous role as not being a whiny little crybaby who irritated everyone in existence by complaining about it online does merit some consideration. Heaven help the next critic who dares say anything negative about The Big Bang Theory.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Wesley was hated by the majority of fans. Gene Roddenberry even got into a shouting match with some fans over Wesley's character. He said "I created him for me, not you".


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
During its original run, I had no problem with Wesley Crusher.
Back in my teens I didn't really see him as an annoying character who ruined the episodes he was in.
But as an adult; I've come to understand why fans hate the character so much, and resent Wheaton as they do.
The Wesley character was essentially a Gene Roddenberry "Wish Fulfillment" stand in and was his voice/essence in the Star Trek mythos.
He was:
- Abnormally intelligent despite his age.
- Exceptionally gifted without any real effort.
- Extraordinarily capable without having any training.
- Amazingly adept at technological problem solving without any real schooling.
- Sucked up to Picard EVERY time he was in Picard's presence, and kissed his ass.
They forced him down fans throats.
And when they made him "Acting Ensign Crusher" and by letting him pilot The Enterprise, (and skipping over other more qualified and experienced ensigns onboard) they ensured his character would be placed in situations (and solving problems) no other character of his status ever would... :smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster