Sci Fi Heads (Star Wars / Star Trek): Federation Vs Dominion Vs The Republic Vs Separatists


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I am literally watching the entire run of DS9 for the first time right now. It is a tough watch for me. These first two seasons are super slow.

People keep telling me to hold on and I am. I will finish the entire run. I want my Trekkie knowledge filled completely. I still need to watch Enterprise as well. But that show seemed so hokey.

I am a life long Trekkie. I was watching Star Trek TOS in diapers. My parents were very into Sci Fi.

But DS9 is a different flavor. I felt the same about Voyager. It eventually picked up.

But Discovery is off the chain from ep 1. I wait on the next episode like a crack head looking for his next hit.

Though I'm still pissed about it being a "Prequel" of sorts,


Show is definitely Sci-Fi Crack.
Martin-Greene is so fucking photogenic.
Jason Isaacs is THAT DUDE!
Mary Wiseman is my Girl. Because with all the seriousness, we need a character who's naive, but spunky.

Main Title Opening is one of the Best TV Themes EVER! I love how Jeff Russo has composed it as an homage using Alexander Courage's original ST theme at the end. That shit nearly has me in tears every time.

And finally, The Klingons, regardless of their look, are given a serious back history and culture. This should have been done years ago. Now we know their ambitions and motives on an organic and personal scale.

I'd even fuck L'Rell at this point. As long as I don't end up a torture experiment. LOL

This show is everything "ENTERPRISE" wasn't.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Grew up seeing TOS and watching/loving TNG. I remember seeing the premier of DS9 and being thrown off bc it was on a station. I stopped watching for a while and got back into it when Sisko went bald. Some years ago, I really sat down and watched the entire DS9 series and I maintain it is the best series. That one went deep into all the characters! Made me feel good about Black relationships. Damn near everyone besides the Bajorans (who always make me feel like they would be Bosnians IRL) and Cardashians were folks of color or dated a person or color.

Enterprise and Voyager start slow but I for damn sure got hooked on them.

The Federation is just like Naruto Kage or Hunter X Hunter Hunter’s associations. Publically and under cover they are about peace, protection and advancing civilization but they also have Warhawk sides and shadow structures that aren’t exactly humane.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
One of my favorite TNG episodes ever.

Ensign Ro Laren was one of my favorite second tier characters.
When she bolted the Federation to join the Marquis during a spy mission,
And Riker had to tell Picard (who trusted her to no end),
This ending and Stewart's expression was BRILLIANT!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mannn let me tell you some great fucking TV there

If you really want to geek out and have fun check out these books


They have 3 volumes for next generation alone



yeah Looooong before everything wrong with..there was phil ferand..:yes::yes::yes::lol:

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Grew up seeing TOS and watching/loving TNG. I remember seeing the premier of DS9 and being thrown off bc it was on a station. I stopped watching for a while and got back into it when Sisko went bald. Some years ago, I really sat down and watched the entire DS9 series and I maintain it is the best series. That one went deep into all the characters! Made me feel good about Black relationships. Damn near everyone besides the Bajorans (who always make me feel like they would be Bosnians IRL) and Cardashians were folks of color or dated a person or color.

Enterprise and Voyager start slow but I for damn sure got hooked on them.

The Federation is just like Naruto Kage or Hunter X Hunter Hunter’s associations. Publically and under cover they are about peace, protection and advancing civilization but they also have Warhawk sides and shadow structures that aren’t exactly humane.

Smartest move they could make.

I think most of us wanted HAWK from the spencer for hire. Seeing dude with hair was weird ass fuck. When he shaved his head for DS9 it was like a psychological veil had been lifted.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I am literally watching the entire run of DS9 for the first time right now. It is a tough watch for me. These first two seasons are super slow.

People keep telling me to hold on and I am. I will finish the entire run. I want my Trekkie knowledge filled completely. I still need to watch Enterprise as well. But that show seemed so hokey.

I am a life long Trekkie. I was watching Star Trek TOS in diapers. My parents were very into Sci Fi.

But DS9 is a different flavor. I felt the same about Voyager. It eventually picked up.

But Discovery is off the chain from ep 1. I wait on the next episode like a crack head looking for his next hit.

DS9 really picks up in season 4.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I guess you can’t post spoilers for something old like a bunch of these series but I will say this vaguely.

Picard was that dude. He wound up being a King of amongst the enemy.

Sisko...I’d want to have my back any day and any where. Mofo was legit prophet and celestrail/galaxy class being like.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Just yesterday, I just got into a FB discussion about how most Black folks practically ignored "DS9" during its initial airing.
Because Sisko had a Space Station instead of a StarShip.
Couldn't see the FACT that we had a positive image of a Single Black Father raising a son in a very untrustworthy void.
And I recall some Blacks complaining that they couldn't even relate because it didn't have the "Urban" stlye of a lot of Black Programming during that period.
And there were Black shows coming out like water in those days.
I'll never forget listening to "NIGHT TALK" on WWRL one late night. And Brooks practically getting slammed by some Black Callers.
Brooks had to argue with them about that role.

Avery Brooks was very underappreciated by most Black Folks, most White ST fans, studio heads, network, and to an extent, even some of the producers.
And people still can't understand why he rarely bothers talking about "DS9", goes to ST events, etc.

It's only now that 'DS9" has been receiving the accolades it so deserved 25 years ago.
Show was a canvas. In which every action had a major consequence further down the line.
It was dark in places no other ST show went.
And even comedic when it needed to be.
as a child i was more of a star wars fan. i didn't get star trek until i was a little older watching TNG. i never watched DS9 but now i'm interested off of the synopsis.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Any Link to Download all DS9 ?

the whole thing is available on netflix. that is how i am watching it.

for me at 8 bux a month some stuff isn't worth always trying to find a link for.

it is also on hulu. but i ain't paying for hulu.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I said this before in other similar threads to this Star Trek is more realistic than Star Wars


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
There once was a lady from Venus
Who's body was shaped like a penis
When First Contact was made
The crew were dismayed
When she told them her species and genus

- Data
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We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
The best argument would have been the Vorlons vs the Shadows in the Babylon 5 universe. They were both different sides of the same coin...


The Vorlons were all about order. The Shadows, chaos. What state is best for human beings?

We get too comfortable when we're under an orderly society. Most won't strive to be great. They'll rely on government too much. Then the government will take on a life of it's own, and indifference will ensue. Or, even worse, we'll rely on religious dogma.

But, when we're oppressed, we tend to come together in order to overthrow the oppressor. New ideas flow freely out of necessity. Should the strongest rule? Should the smartest rule? These are questions that must be answered once the oppressor is overthrown.

I said all of that just to say, The Shadows were the shit!

Dammit, It's too early in the morning to be discussing Thomas Hobbes' "Leviathan."