Shameless Is About The Craziest Shit I have seen

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: @ the poster for the new season



Rising Star
Interesting first episode..

Like, how many months has passed since the season 5 finale? It must have been at least a few months since Carl got out early from his one year sentence.

However, how wouldn't Debbie know if she was pregnant yet? She took the pregnancy test at the end of season 5?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
if shameless was done with an all black cast you mofos would lose your minds about how bad and detrimental this show was for the black community..

show about white dysfunctional trash = best show on tv
show about black dysfunction trash = conspiracy to destroy the black community

Man stfu with your false equivalency bullshit. White dysfunction is presented as an anomaly, exception to the rule and as comedic relief in the context of its representation on television. Black dysfunction is presented as the rule.

here's the CAN'T write dysfunctionality in black won't be accepted period.
Since when ho ass nigga? Blacks are routinely stereotyped and marginalized in media and entertainment depictions. Foh!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man stfu with your false equivalency bullshit. White dysfunction is presented as an anomaly, exception to the rule and as comedic relief in the context of its representation on television. Black dysfunction is presented as the rule.

Since when ho ass nigga? Blacks are routinely stereotyped and marginalized in media and entertainment depictions. Foh!

Really? lets be honest here...when has dysfunction been shown as the rule in black sitcoms? many shows in the 70s or 80s, the 90s..the 00s? Most shows are sitcoms so how many comedies did we see growing up that showed black families that came anywhere near stereotypical racists portrayals?

The biggest knock about black representation is the lack of black leads, blacks being side kicks or when they do supporting parts those parts submissive in some way. In cop shows and dramas you would see blacks in the roles of criminals of some sort or domestics but then the issue there is NO black leads. Then in the 90s you saw black actors complaining that they were offered parts on both extremes either they were goody twoshoes cops, lawyers or doctors or criminals of some sort with little nuance. But those were in DRAMAS mostly.

The reality is most of the tv shows with blacks as leads or major characters have been comedies and the vast majority of those shows have black characters and families who are middle class, educated, upwardly mobile and clean cut (that includes tyler perry sitcoms) In fact the ONLY shows that actually showed blacks living working class or poor was Good Times and Roc and even in that they had honor and family values..everything else is decidedly middle class. even if you want to factor in reality tv that still doesn't represent the majority of black representation on tv as a whole.

So if you REALLY wanna look at it after 40 years of tv programming (the first black led comedy show post ww2 started in 1969-70) you really can't say in 2016 that the majority of black representation you have seen on tv in your life time has been negative portrayals of blacks. Thats NOT to say that we get as much shine or nuanced characters as whites get but stop acting like every time you turn on the tv all you see of yourself is pimps and hoes..

Empire is the first network prime time drama starring blacks and a STAPLE ELEMENT of drama is dysfunction and yet there is a schism in the black community over this show..half love it and the other half are so embarrassed by it they want to burn down the houses of the first half for loving it.

And white dysfunction isn't presented as an anomaly you raging fuck face..since as I said fucked up characters and dysfunction is a staple element in drama and most types of comedies MOST of the shows you watch is about fucked up white people..the difference is its not applied to their real lives..

YOU don't watch Shameless and say that shit is true thats how all cacs are..
But you do see Empire and say My God they THINK thats how we all act!!

This is why its hard to do dysfunction in black tv shows.

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
Good first episode.

- Debbie is learning the hard way that she's just another knocked up teen.

- Carl is keeping it 100 (White boy Carl!), but I think he's going to get locked up for a long time.

- Mickey got 15 years?!?! Damn.

- Mickey's baby mom's tits were looking phenomenal

- Lip is in his feelings... Going to be a problem for him

- That professor's tits were looking phenomenal

- That character played by Will Sasso (the Greek guy) was funny. They need to bring him back a few times

- I want to see those hipsters in the bar (or in the general neighborhood) get taken in some money losing scheme orchestrated by the original neighborhood residents

Can't wait for the next one.

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
if shameless was done with an all black cast you mofos would lose your minds about how bad and detrimental this show was for the black community..

show about white dysfunctional trash = best show on tv
show about black dysfunction trash = conspiracy to destroy the black community


I watch Empire and Shameless. I might take a break from Empire only because it's getting really unbelievable and a little boring, not because of the whole "it puts black people in the wrong light" thing.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Fonz' - You ever check out Will Sasso's podcast, Ten Minute Podcast? It's been running for a handful of years. Mostly him and special guests this past year, but before that it was him & his friends Bryan Callen & Chris D'Elia. They've had some funny shit over the years ... Will's at his best when he does his Hogan & Stone Cold voices/impressions. Funny when he guests on The Fighter and the Kid too ...

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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Good first episode.

- Debbie is learning the hard way that she's just another knocked up teen.

- Carl is keeping it 100 (White boy Carl!), but I think he's going to get locked up for a long time.

- Mickey got 15 years?!?! Damn.

- Mickey's baby mom's tits were looking phenomenal

- Lip is in his feelings... Going to be a problem for him

- That professor's tits were looking phenomenal

- That character played by Will Sasso (the Greek guy) was funny. They need to bring him back a few times

- I want to see those hipsters in the bar (or in the general neighborhood) get taken in some money losing scheme orchestrated by the original neighborhood residents

Can't wait for the next one.

on carl- Yeah u think thats why they named that episode carls first sentence:lol:
that russian chicks titties was on point.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I just got caught up shameless Saturday. I watched it on my roku3. Btw any thoughts on how the show will end?


International Member
This ep was funny as fuck wonder how Carl's friend living with them is gonna turn out


Aww Skeet Skeet!

The antithesis of nonsense.
BGOL Investor
Damn, I didn't think crack would make a return. Frank never ceases to amaze.

Also, nice plot twist with Fiona.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Fonz' - You ever check out Will Sasso's podcast, Ten Minute Podcast? It's been running for a handful of years. Mostly him and special guests this past year, but before that it was him & his friends Bryan Callen & Chris D'Elia. They've had some funny shit over the years ... Will's at his best when he does his Hogan & Stone Cold voices/impressions. Funny when he guests on The Fighter and the Kid too ...

Yeap..... I just cant believe that he isn't playing the Dad in someones sitcom. He is just naturally funny.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
if shameless was done with an all black cast...

...then I would probably empathize more w/ the characters...tried watching the show...can't stand it...I dislike every single character...from the fuck up the gay the mildly retarded looking the white trash bitch that think her shit don't stink and her twat face looking boyfriend...tried watching the british version...couldn't deal w/ it...tried watching the american version this weekend...still disliked it...maybe if it was just 30 minutes I'd be able to tolerate the characters...but not for an hour
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A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
Damn, I didn't think crack would make a return. Frank never ceases to amaze.

Also, nice plot twist with Fiona.

Didnt see that plotline with Fiona getting knocked up. Who the father? Gus, jimmy or the boss.

And i am exhausted with the debbie plotline. She was the responsible one in the early seasons. Now she damn near retarded.

Oh yeah crack is wack.

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
Damn, I didn't think crack would make a return. Frank never ceases to amaze.

Also, nice plot twist with Fiona.

Word...Fiona is careless as fuck. The preview for next week ep got me heated, due to her going to see the other dude she married. Don't go running back now bitch.


Been here longer than you think!
Platinum Member
Show is frustrating now.

Samantha needs to get choked out. Not slapped or yelled at. This heffa needs a straight eyes-rolled-back-into-the-head lights-out-snoring-for-five-minutes choking.

I've already said that Fiona is a slutty fuck-up so not even gonna talk about her mess.

Ian's story is getting tiring.

Lip just needs to chill and keep getting easy pussy. He's catching feelings and is about to fuck shit up.

Carl is keeping the show interesting to me.

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
Carl is stupid as fuck... :lol2:@ the chick father about to whoop his ass

I had the fist pump going when Gus did the "F Word". He left that bitch head spinning.

On the flip side, Kudos to Fiona for telling Debbie exactly how it is going to be if she has that baby


Been here longer than you think!
Platinum Member

On the flip side, Kudos to Fiona for telling Debbie exactly how it is going to be if she has that baby

That was the best part about the episode. Many will think it was cold hearted but Samantha is straight destructive. When she told Fiona how she intentionally tricked dude into getting pregnant Fiona knew she had set her straight.

I mean I know she is being a hard headed teen but she is being downright stupid.

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
That was the best part about the episode. Many will think it was cold hearted but Samantha is straight destructive. When she told Fiona how she intentionally tricked dude into getting pregnant Fiona knew she had set her straight.

I mean I know she is being a hard headed teen but she is being downright stupid.

You keep calling her Samantha, but it's Debbie. Samantha was the blonde chick from last season that was Frank's estranged daughter.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Constantly trying to include a gay story is a turn off.

Some scenes add nothing to the plot.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
Frank has corrupted Deb and pimping her out.

Anything to make Debs plight interesting. I hate that character. She has always been fucking annoying.

Good Ole plot twist! Next week's ep looks good too.

I love what Carl did this week. His arch and growth is fucking awesome.

Constantly trying to include a gay story is a turn off.

Some scenes add nothing to the plot.

Ian is prolly going to be a "gay fire fighter" and end up with the black dude. Bruh Ian being gay is nothing new since season one. If anything it has been less in your face gay stuff happening since the show first began.

And Ian has always been the Character with the most dimensions.