One of the best shows on tv period.
Frank...really loved that woman. Really did. That's a side of frank we probably won't see again for the duration of the series.
Ian was with Monica and realized she's Monica.. lol. Went home broke it off with Mickey and is going to do him.
Mickey running for his life after getting his heart broken and

@ Sammie not being dead smfh
Deb is just a kid and out of spite is going to mess up her life
Poor Liam.. got him up at 10pm watching zombies. seeing his big sister bout to fuck all that shit lol.
V finally woke up and Kev finally appeased her by saying let's do the shit together. V's mom kept it real with her every step of the way.
Gus.. he didn't know who he was marrying. Fiona will do that to ya. Should make a good album
Diner owner is a little child. He tries to get with her. Then she tries to get with him and he says no. Fiona after being rejected goes and gets married. Now he's passive aggressive towards her cause she found someone else. Then continues that cycle of little kid shit. Then she says hey i want you because you make me happy.. then he says happiness is overrated, grow up. He's a little kid.
Ol girl fell in love with Lip Lip falling in love with the professor..which is fucking stupid..she's married and he knows it. Ol girl does have a little right to feel salty. She picked up right where Mickey's sister..i forgot her name left him. I guess this will be lip's pattern. upgrade to the chick who can get him the furthest.. so we have Mickey's sister got him to college. Ol girl got him to take college seriously now professor is going to get him a career.
Best part is the end where Lip and Ian are in the car smoking both going through relationship troubles then Frank comes and he takes a hit.. all of em going through the same thing. If this was a somewhat normal family they'd have a pow wow about it but this is the Gallagher clan.. they just smoke weed and keep it moving
Should be 24 episode season i don't want to wait another year