Carl ran and was like " Dont shoot Im white"![]()
I had to rewind that shit cause I couldn't believe it

Carl ran and was like " Dont shoot Im white"![]()
Fucking Frank.. just the lowest of low. When you think it's done, here he comes with some more despicable shit.
Sammie not going to be able to live there anymore. She snitched, she's gone.
V might be waking up finally right when Kev is like fuck it.
Lip kept it real, if he goes home he's never coming back.
Fiona, just thought everything would magically be OK. Sorry.
Ian is fucked up....
This here had be laughing
Dedication to duty
Frank in the beginning when fiona said it was bad parenting and he said "don't blame yourself"
Frank and Bianca man.... I hope he doesn't fuck that up because their scenes and chemistry were powerful.
Frank sees in her the other side of his nihilistic lifestyle, a woman who forgoes a life of pleasure with hard work and make major achievements in life. But that's the big irony, or big joke that seemingly Frank gets, no matter how kind you are, no matter how good your intentions, how rich, smart, succesful you are, life and death is indiscriminate and it all can end quickly and abruptly. So Frank chooses his path of leisure with no regrets, with no shame.
This show keeps getting better...
This is Frank we're talking about.Frank and Bianca man.... I hope he doesn't fuck that up because their scenes and chemistry were powerful.
Frank sees in her the other side of his nihilistic lifestyle, a woman who forgoes a life of pleasure with hard work and make major achievements in life. But that's the big irony, or big joke that seemingly Frank gets, no matter how kind you are, no matter how good your intentions, how rich, smart, succesful you are, life and death is indiscriminate and it all can end quickly and abruptly. So Frank chooses his path of leisure with no regrets, with no shame.
This show keeps getting better...
This is Frank we're talking about.
The more you care for Frank the more he'll fuck you over.
He ratted out Carl the only family member besides Sammy that actually cared for him. He blew up Shield's house.
I'm just waiting for him to fuck Lip's future's up somehow.
Frank's instincts for self preservation and gratification will likely fuck Bianca over, even though his selfish motives for hanging with her were for her to foot the bill for a couple days of debauchery, something about him not taking her money for that moment was selfless.
Debbieand dude fell for it
yea, she's lookin like a problem that's gotta be solved before the season finalereal talk Sammie need to be killed or permanently maimed
she had a legit beef with Carl & Frank but the rest of em aint have shit to do with Chucky's situation. Why snitch out Ian other than outta pure spite.
why the fuck she still in their house to begin with?
Debbieand dude fell for it
Wait, They didnt get Birth Control? Fuck you look away for 2secs and you miss that.
What did fiona put in her pocket?
Yeah, Sammie needs to be fucked up in some way.
She did but it doesn't take effect for 48 hrs
Straight up
if they don't kill Sammie next week
i swear to..........
Who is they?
Mick is the only one capable of murder.
Props to the writers for developing Sammi from the annoying, aimless character she was at the beginning of the season to the most hated character on TV!
I'm still thinking what charges they can bring against Ian. He used a fake ID to enroll in the army so the AWOL charge can't stick because he was never legally in the military. The destruction of government property, fine that's there, but how many years is that?
And fucking Fiona is the worst rushing from dick to dick. Gus better let her fly.