Shogun - New Mini-Series Debut On FX


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Is it subtitles through the whole thing? I was hoping that it was like Warrior where they eventually switched it to English.

I usually watch my shows during my daily ride. Had to stop this jawn, because I'll be too busy reading, lol

Subtitles are used when they speak Japanese.

When English is spoken, we are told they are actually speaking Portuguese.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Season One
Episodes 5 - 8

Finished these this afternoon at home.

Picked up immediately after the attack Nagakado did. Watching them pick up body parts like pieces of Beef was a trip.

Buntaro managed to survive. The earthquake visuals was done well. At first I thought an Army on horseback was arriving when those birds took off.

Lady Ochiba shows up and goes directly into scheming mode. We got a flashback on Mariko’s past as a young girl.

Blackthorne at the brothel dealing with high end whores instead of the skanks he is used too back in Portugal was funny.

Lord Ishido said Fuck it and took out Lord Sugiyama and his clan without hesitation. Dude wants full control of the Council. Lord Toranga now has to hit the “Nuclear Button” and go full out against him with his Crimson Sky operation.

Toranga’s brother, everyone has that one sibling/family member that is a complete Asshole and can’t STFU. And then his brother throws him under the bus.

Lord Hiromatsu and Nagakado went out like true warriors, both were mad loyal to take themselves out like that. I definitely didn’t see it coming, but I got a hint went Toranga gave the Cleric that land next to the whore house which was pure comedy.

Two episodes left, gonna let those debut and binge them together at the end of the month.

Definitely looking forward to how this ends.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Moeka Hoshi
Usami Fuji

This bird is growing on me.

Definitely going in RAW in her. She going to be squirting out a few War Babies before I’m done with her.



