Shogun - New Mini-Series Debut On FX


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’d smell the seat


Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
An episode title A Dream within a Drean starts w/ 10 minutes of nonstop visual and story based metaphors.

His son, Mariko, Iron Fist. They're all just really well trained Hawks. Flying or not flying at his will.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Enough of this childish ass Asian fetishization.. Go do that shit in a porn thread

You're fucking up the flow of the flow of the conversation,
This BGOL , been this way since day one. Don’t like it? Go join an AARP book club . Mariko is fine as fuck


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I know it doesn’t suit the style of the show
But I can’t be the only one that was a bit disappointed they did not show the final battle.
Fuck alluding to it in flashbacks, I wanted to see a fight on some lord of the rings shit


Rising Star
OG Investor
I know it doesn’t suit the style of the show
But I can’t be the only one that was a bit disappointed they did not show the final battle.
Fuck alluding to it in flashbacks, I wanted to see a fight on some lord of the rings shit

I never read the books and I dont know the story outside the show but I heard someone say that the battle is potentially couple episodes long. So if they were doing a second season the battle would be in there.

I didnt even catch that. Yabu was too weak but I liked the character overall - the series needed him. When it was time to seppuku he didnt hesitate for a second.

Mr. Lengthy


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Legend



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Season One
Episodes 9 and 10

I finished up the series last night at home.

Started off with Maiko’s introduction to Christianity.

Maiko played out the plan perfectly, I thought that was it for her until Ishido showed up. But in the end she went out like a warrior. Wasn’t expecting that.

Kashigi scheming Ass having those Ninja’s come in to take out Maiko. It did not surprise me seeing him as the traitor.

Toranaga played the long game explaining how it went down to Kashigi. He was ahead of everyone from the start.

Overall, great series. Acting and Visuals were on point. This series should be getting a stack of nominations later this year and next.

Disney could expand on it if done right. There obviously is a demand for this type of content with the success of this series and MAX’s “Tokyo Vice”. Folks have been Thirsty for this type of content since HBO had that Samurai World episode in “Westworld”.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
The only question I have is with the final scene.

Tozanga walked up overseeing Anjin pulling the ship out.

They made eye contact with each other and Tozanga nodded.

Did Anjin figure out on his own what Tozanga did, especially with his ship?

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
The only question I have is with the final scene.

Tozanga walked up overseeing Anjin pulling the ship out.

They made eye contact with each other and Tozanga nodded.

Did Anjin figure out on his own what Tozanga did, especially with his ship?
Yes , I’d be happy to stay in Japan. The women bathe and look 1000 times better than those filthy English cac mutants . I’d thank the Gods I’m stuck in the Japans. I’d need a royal cleaning every 4 hours

Simply Sickenin'

Valar Morghulis ....
BGOL Investor
Having read the novel and watched the 1st adaption, I've been really worried for this show and how people would react to the ending.

It might be recency bias but this is my favorite version of the story. This was the only version on the story were the barbarian seemed like an actual uncivilized barbarian who learned some Japanese culture.

The OG show and the novel both end like No Country for Old Men. They don't show you shit and you just get a paragraph and half long exposition dump. This version gave you WAY more insight into how Toranaga outmaneuvered the regents before the battle ever started.


X-pert Professional
Platinum Member