Shooting just happened at a Trump rally


Transnational Member

The Republicans have a Fredo problem, they need to clean house with these anti entrepreneur clowns.

I don't mind a foreign company coming to the U.S. just don't be looking desperate and raggety willing to shoot Trump in the head.


I was making some critical comments about AOC, her chasing off some corporate relocation/engaging in poaching. I am not saying the company was engaged in any nefarious activity, the state at the time was looking Republican desperate to domestic and foreign business interest. Willing to do anything for them to shortlist you area. The state was desperately giving them all kinds of money when Andrew Cuomo was in office.


Trump could go into these areas and not have his head blown off versus being in MAGA country which is the irony. I remember California chased Elon Musk off and did not flinch, talked about the many startup companies in the pipeline.


They should be working with the entrepreneurs/startups instead of sandbagging us. Instead of giving all this money to poach companies, they could setup a venture capital fund. Some states brag about poaching some company from California, which is sad, you are admitting to being a whore, coming up to my car dress like a hooker asking for a date.
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Rising Star
BGOL Legend




The Psyops, Politics and Optics of Assassination​

What the Butler shooting reveals​

JUL 14, 2024

Yes, yes, assassinations are bad. Very bad. I’m against them, mostly. Except for the one against Hitler which didn’t work.
I digress.
We’ve been over that when we talked about the assassination of Shinzo Abe. We’ve also talked about how you can make someone a mass shooter and yes, the Butler shooter has all the hallmarks of an IDF operation.
But you don’t come here for that pablum — the “thoughts and prayers” postings. That unity thang. No, you come here for the heavy stuff and most of you enjoy it for free. You’re welcome.
There are three levels of the op:
  1. Frighten Trump.
  2. Strengthen the optics around Trump.
  3. Expose the compromised players who would foment violence in the U.S.
We shall treat them all in turn.
  1. Frighten Trump.
You don’t send a 20-year-old to do a compromised Special Forces guy’s job. Not a serious attempt, anyway. It’s too choreographed.
You’ll note that the shooter wore a Demolition Ranch shirt. That might sound familiar to you as its the place where Omeed Afsarifard hung out with failed congressional candidate, son of the Confederacy Brandon Herrera, aka The AK Guy. Herrera trained with the Russian Special Forces and he is currently under investigation for campaign violations.
Omeed is a gun trafficker. And while it may be too much to say the Demolition Ranch pulled the trigger, it’s pretty clear that “gun influencer” culture needs to go. This is gun porn masquerading as gun rights — a typical foreign op which takes American liberties and contorts them.
A lot of the assumptions here is that the shooter was trying to kill Trump. I’m not so sure that’s true.
No, I think the bullets were meant for the American public, not Trump. And if that’s your frame the bullets hit their intended targets.
I think the shooting was meant to send Trump a message and here it is. It comes from the Mellons, psychological warfare specialist (and Israeli-compromise) Mike Flynn and the naughty Israelis to Trump: “You need to try harder—or we will kill you.”
Of course you’d prefer to hit Trump but his supporters will do nicely. How likely are you to attend another Trump rally now?
  1. Strengthen the optics around Trump.
    1. That AP photo. The photographer is more than a little sus. The effect is to have you rally around the flag. There are definite shades of 9-11 aftermath here. We have a Murdoch property (New York Post) publishing the shooter’s name. We have TMZ, hosted by the very Israeli and secretly Trumpist Harvey Levin, and lots of photos from Evan Vucci from the AP, which is the more compromised of the pro-Israel press. Evan’s boss won a Putlizer for Monica Lewinsky coverage. OK, then.

      A photo that goes a little too hard.
    b. Location, location, location.
The shooting took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Butler was an important place in World War II. It was, among other things, the home of the Jeep.
It’s also named for General Butler who fell at the Battle of Wabash which was the bloodiest defeat at the hands of the Native Americans. Of the 1,000 officers and men that St. Clair led into battle, only 24 escaped unharmed. The shooter meant to hit Americans, too.
  1. Expose compromised players who would drag us into a civil war.
What the Tories, the Israelis, the Russians and the Chinese want is the threat of unrest to restrain the US abroad from checking their moves abroad. A24 even did a movie about it, which I reviewed. Is that not predictive programming?
There’s been regime change in the UK and will soon be similar efforts afoot in Israel. You can see the efforts by Google to buy Wiz as a part of that.
Part of the $20B to Israel deal is to help IDF take out Bibi in exchange for IDing pro-IDF, pro-civil war players. The Israelis, in other words, are burning a lot of their assets.
Assassination politics is how things move in Israel and indeed, in much of the world. Be real. Bibi helped kill Rabin.
Rabin “never knew it was one of his people who shot him in the back” and I suspect the same thing is true for Trump. It’s his supporters he has to fear the most. It looks to as if Thomas Matthew Crooks is Scottish-Jewish and a registered Republican.
There’s lots of Israeli-compromised law enforcement in the United States. What do you think all that IDF training is for? It’s to import the Occupation here.
The more interesting question here is what will happen when Netanyahu comes to visit later this month.
Will President Biden enforce the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant against Netanyahu after all?
First they tried to coup Biden — he’s old, or something — then they tried to kill Trump and his supporters.
All the world’s a stage,” especially politics.
Especially politics.
You are legitimately an idiot. I saw the vid of the taking of that pic. It wasn't one picture. It was multiple pics taken in the middle of chaos. Did the photographer edit the flag in the background?
Did the photographer ask Trump to put his fist in the air? You sir are a legitimate IDIOT



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm going to call it now, although we probably won't find out until months later. The kid likely did it because of Trump's name in the Epstein files. He couldn't handle the cognitive dissonance that most of the Q crowd has on how Trump is supposed to bring all these celebrities to justice, yet according to the files he's one of them.


Rising Star
I really wish people who do not know anything about firearms would stop making posts like that. It makes them look foolish and misinforms other people who also do not know anything about firearms.

@donwuan I'm not speaking directly to you on this so don't take it as such.
i just want to comment he isn't wrong

if you get GRAZED by just a 9mm it still causes bruising and injury to the surrounding tissue - trump has none of this

Trump supposedly got grazed by a bullet ( im very sure he didnt - he actually got hit by shrapnel as news casters started out to say but now its ":he got shot" ) fired from a rifle which shots a round that moves sometimes 3x faster than a pistol round and is an order of magnitudes greater in energy than a pistol

so even getting grazed by a rifle round there should be surrounding damage bruising swelling something - a rifle bullet hitting something ANYTHING is not just going thru cleanly is going to tumble once it hits something ( if its not tumbling already ) and that can cause it to go all kinds of crazy directions

so no Trump didnt get shot - his ear looks fine today - no plastic surgery no stitches nothing....but a fucking My pillow that he wore on his ear....

just saying


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
i just want to comment he isn't wrong

if you get GRAZED by just a 9mm it still causes bruising and injury to the surrounding tissue - trump has none of this

Trump supposedly got grazed by a bullet ( im very sure he didnt - he actually got hit by shrapnel as news casters started out to say but now its ":he got shot" ) fired from a rifle which shots a round that moves sometimes 3x faster than a pistol round and is an order of magnitudes greater in energy than a pistol

so even getting grazed by a rifle round there should be surrounding damage bruising swelling something - a rifle bullet hitting something ANYTHING is not just going thru cleanly is going to tumble once it hits something ( if its not tumbling already ) and that can cause it to go all kinds of crazy directions

so no Trump didnt get shot - his ear looks fine today - no plastic surgery no stitches nothing....but a fucking My pillow that he wore on his ear....

just saying
Exactly. It's been ridiculous and comical at the same time seeing all these "experts" popping up outta no where talking about firearm calibers and long range ballistics when the vast majority of them have never even touched a rifle before much less shot one.