No they not.Niggas selling Trump Merch on your streets and you allow it. Chicoongo
No they not.Niggas selling Trump Merch on your streets and you allow it. Chicoongo
U hatin on Trumpac Shakur?Pull this bullshit down.
No need for sticky anymore.
What is funny running across somebody black that will mimic this behavior because this is all they know, I am leaning toward cultural.Trump is a good example of the schizophrenic nonsensical ramblings of whites in general. Some don't display this behavior that well especially left wing politicians.
They have these emotional breakdowns especially with me and invent a delusional reason in their mind to do something. Many of them engage in terrorism. I frequently deal with them such as car chasing or overt surveillance trying to establish dominance. It has left me no other choice.
If you wanted to give somebody a sense of what it is like being around whites (that may have had limited interactions) in general, I would definitely case study Trump. Many people look at Jan 6th and think it is due to Trump.
This is how all whites act in general due to cultural or genetic factors.
StfuPull this bullshit down.
No need for sticky anymore.
We are all witness
to a President surviving
a bullet to the face. It
needs to be stickied
till we get ALL the facts.
How?Drop the mans cock, brah!
Trump said he ‘went down’ in helicopter ‘emergency landing’ with former San Francisco mayor, who says it never happened | CNN Politics
Former President Donald Trump recounted a story to reporters on Thursday about being involved in a helicopter emergency landing with former San Francisco Mayor Willie
All he does is lie. SMH