Actually yeah.. I'm shocked that nothing has dropped from this.
that is INSANE..
just NOT possible
this was WAY to intricate and organized.
You telling me there was absolutely NO extortion or blackmail involved in ALL this?
Actually yeah.. I'm shocked that nothing has dropped from this.
“...somebody saaaaaaaaaaave meeeeee!” lmaooooooo
Rosa Laura Junco, Nicki Clyne removed from Knife Media home page – does it signal their imminent indictment?
July 23, 2018
The Knife Media [formerly The Knife of Aristotle] was led by CEO Rosa Laura Junco – who funded it – and Nicki Clyne (CALLY FROM BSG)– who was listed as its Producer. Their photos and names appeared at the top of the homepage.
Now, they are gone. This suggests to me that they are readying to be indicted.
There were 25 members on The Knife team before Raniere’s arrest.
Now, there are 15 members.
Gone are Rosa Laura Junco, Nicki CLyne, Analea Holland, Tina Stausholm, Everett Hart, Gabrielle Saulsbery, Maggie Dou, Vasco Bilbao-Bastida, Shaun Bergeron, Daryen Ru, and Chelsea Brown.
The fact that Analea Holland – one of Keith Raniere’s prime harem members for a time; Maggie Dou – a reputed DOS slave; Chelsea Brown – Adrian Fluffy Fernandez’s girlfriend; and longtime member Shaun Bergeron are also absent – suggest defections left and right from Vanguard’s team now that he is in prison.
But the removal of the two top names – Clyne and Junco suggest more than mere defection. It suggests their arrests – coming soon.
that is INSANE..
just NOT possible
this was WAY to intricate and organized.
You telling me there was absolutely NO extortion or blackmail involved in ALL this?
The concept of collateral actually came into Nxivm, the whole company, in a program they taught called Human Pain, which they started I believe in 2011 or 2012. That curriculum was an eight-day level two training—so after people had taken the basic training—and started with these concepts of collateral and penance. People were encouraged to put down collateral as weight to their word for their commitments. I personally didn't really do this, but it was part of the program—if you didn't complete your goals or something you said you were going to do, people were literally sleeping on the floor, or taking cold showers for a week.
While avoiding the words "master" and "slave" in the initial recruiting pitch, a master would tell her prospective slave that the prospective slave had an opportunity to join an organization that would change her life.
The master then told the prospective slave that, in order to learn more, she had to provide "collateral," which was meant to ensure that the prospective slave would keep what she was about to learn a secret.
Collateral consisted of material or information that the prospective slave would not want revealed because it would be ruinous to the prospective slave herself and/or someone close to her.
Collateral provided by prospective slaves included sexually explicit photographs; videos made to look candid in which the prospective slaves told damning stories (true or untrue) about themselves, close friends and/or family members; and letters making damaging accusations (true or untrue) against friends and family members. In many cases, the masters helped the prospective slaves develop ideas for what would be appropriate collateral or instructed the prospective slaves on lies to tell in order to make the collateral even more damaging.
Prospective slaves who agreed to join DOS were told that in order to join they had to provide additional collateral, similar in type to the collateral they had already provided. Some slaves were told that they had to collateralize all aspects of their lives, including signing over any assets, disclaiming their faith, and doing things that would ruin their careers and relationships if the collateral were released. DOS slaves understood that if they left DOS, spoke publicly about DOS, or repeatedly failed DOS obligations or assignments, their collateral could be released.[/QUOTE]
This is probably why nothing has leaked so far. Kats are holding on to that shit as insurance.
Salinas stands tall for NXIVM in testimonial
April 2, 2018
Whether Emiliano Salinas is arrested for being part of the conspiracy to enslave women and deceive NXIVM followers and students remains to be seen.
Back on October 18, 2017 – a day after the New York Times published its seminal story on NXIVM and its practice of branding women – Emiliano Salinas published the following on his website.:
“On October 18, The New York Times published a story that links, without foundation, Executive Success Programs (ESP), a company that I lead in its Mexico chapter, with allegedly recent events in the United States.
“Although my name does not appear in the aforementioned article, nor is there a link with what I do in Mexico, there were some who, in social networks and taking advantage of the resonance in my country of my paternal surname, tried to link me personally and directly, thereby confusing public opinion with it.
“For this reason, it is very important for me to point out the following:
“1) I categorically reject any accusation made about myself, the programs we offer in Mexico and the institution that I am honored to direct, with respect to the facts that are referred to in the article of said media.
“2) I condemn and reject personally, and through all the associations of which I form and have been a part, any form of violence, submission, intimidation, pressure or abuse against any person, especially women.
“3) Never, under any circumstance, has any of our clients been coerced, pressured or forced to do anything against their will.
“For more than 15 years, I have been part, facilitator and administrator of ESP Mexico. In this period of time, more than 16,000 people, from 30 countries, have participated in our programs with a remarkable degree of satisfaction.
“I keep with particular pride hundreds of personal testimonies and surveys that show, convincingly, the operation and the gratitude of the vast majority of our clients. More important to me, we have been able to see, together, that our tools, educational programs, corporate training and coaching work and help many people achieve their life goals and overcome challenges.
“On numerous occasions, through these same tools and at no cost, we have helped victims of violence, kidnappings, abuses and personal tragedies to get ahead.
“This is a core commitment of ESP Mexico; that’s how it has been and will be for me.
“My work is public and numerous texts have been published in well-known media and testimonies on social networks. It has never been a “secret”, for me, or for the hundreds or thousands of clients with whom I have had the privilege of interacting personally (many of them, friends whom I continue to frequent).”
– Emiliano Salinas
Peep this Arizona Mafia shit.
Meet the Arizona Mafia; ties to Raniere-Bronfman-Salinas further exposed
July 23, 2018
One of the reasons why I am now writing about the Arizona Mafia is that I find it astonishing that Dennis Burke, a charter member of the Arizona Mafia, is Clare Bronfman’s attorney,
Since Burke is close to their Mafia compadres on the other side of the border – especially the Salinas crime organization – it puzzles me why Clare Bronfman would select him to represent her in what could result in a significant prison sentence for her.
Before we try to figure that out – I think it is about time we look at just who is the Arizona Mafia and how it may be connected to both Salinas – and the Bronfman-Raniere crime syndicate.
First of all – it is called the Arizona Mafia – but it is not connected to the Sicilian Mafia. It is a political-social group known colloquially in Washington, D.C. and beyond as the “Arizona Mafia.”
This Arizona-based group is known to include some of the most ruthless political operators within the U.S. Democratic party or to phrase it better, they are “the strong arm of the Democratic party,” and are tied to the Salinas political family in Mexico.
The ties are clear, real, and verifiable from multiple sources. The ties of the “Arizona Mafia” within the United States Democratic party and their rapidly increasing business dealings, social friendships, and interests in Mexico suggest and reveal other current and past ties between the Democratic Party and former Mexican President Carlos Salinas.
There are significant sub-members and branches of the “Arizona Mafia” political-social group of friends. However, to include those names, at this time, as members of the “Arizona Mafia” would not be as relevant to readers at this time as the top 10 members.
Although there are big, “A-list” names in the United States Democratic Party who are doing corrupt business with the Arizona Mafia – members in the U.S. and Mexico – they are not directly in the “Arizona Mafia” themselves and so the distinction must be maintained.
The names and connections will be revealed soon. This is an important, timely disclosure to make to the American people.
First off – the leader of this group is Janet Napolitano. She is the boss.
And the history of the Arizona Mafia is the history of how a group of Napolitano’s friends gained political experience, moved from Arizona to Washington, D.C., and became the social group known as the “Arizona Mafia.”
At the state level, Janet Napolitano won a statewide election and became the Attorney General of Arizona
from 1999 to 2003.
Napolitano was first diagnosed with cancer in 2000 and has been battling various cancers ever since.
Napolitano won an extremely close election as governor of Arizona in 2003 against Republican Matt Salon.
Napolitano credited former Nogales, Arizona Mayor Marco Lopez, “the youngest Mayor in America,” for
delivering the votes late that night of the election, that she said pushed her over the top and made her
the Governor of Arizona.
In August of 2008, Janet Napolitano, her right-hand man, Dennis Burke, Noah Kroloff, and Arizona-Mexico
Commission Director Marco Lopez, flew together with Jeffrey Peterson on Peterson’s Cessna Citation X
private jet, from Phoenix, Arizona, to Denver Colorado, where Napolitano gave a speech endorsing
presidential candidate Barack Obama. At that convention, Hillary Clinton nominated Obama as the official
candidate of the Democratic Party for President of the United States.
On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama won the presidential election.
The next day, November 5, 2008, Napolitano and her right-hand man, Dennis Burke, joined the Obama-Biden
Transition team in Washington, D.C.
The following month, in December of 2008, newly elected President Obama nominated Napolitano as his
candidate for Homeland Security Secretary.
Napolitano remained governor of Arizona until January 2009, when she became the 3rd Secretary of the
United States Homeland Security (DHS). DHS Offices include the Secret Service, Customs and Border
Protection, FEMA, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), United States Coast Guard, the Domestic
Nuclear Detection Office, and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.
Napolitano named her most loyal and closest friends and allies to posts within the Department of Homeland
Security. Many of those individuals then moved from Arizona to Washington, D.C.
When the “Napolitano crew” arrived in D.C., they were known by friends and colleagues as the “Arizona
Mafia,” a joke name that referred to how ruthless and willing they were to do absolutely anything in
support of their boss, Napolitano. Many in D.C. were rightfully terrified to hear that they had engaged
in a dispute or problem with a member of Napolitano’s “Arizona Mafia,” due to the reputation they
developed for ruthlessness.
The top 10 Arizona Mafia members are, in rough order of importance:
1. Janet Napolitano –
The Boss. Chief of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and a top member of the
Democratic Party. Napolitano was ranked by Forbes Magazine as the world’s eighth most powerful woman in
Napolitano left DHS after many department scandals. “Napolitano was known in Arizona for her backroom
deals and ruthless targeting of conservatives.”
At the time of Napolitano’s resignation, there was suspicion in the press about why she had resigned.
“Many believe she abruptly left DHS because of some sordid dealings that are about to be discovered.”
“Napolitano Leaving DHS Under Cloud of Suspicion”
While Napolitano ran DHS, aside from other scandals, there was an important federal discrimination suit.
“A federal discrimination suit accused Janet Napolitano of turning the department into a female-run
“frat house” where male staffers were banished to the bathrooms and routinely humiliated.
James Hayes Jr., who now is New York’s top Homeland Security cop, claims Napolitano filled top spots in
Washington, D.C., with two of her gal pals who were bent on tormenting male employees.
The suit identified them as Dora Schriro, who is now running the city Department of Correction, and
Suzanne Barr, the chief of staff for the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”
In 2014, a Senate oversight panel found that Charles Edwards, formerly the Inspector General of Homeland
Security (DHS), “altered and delayed investigations at the request of senior administration officials,
compromising his independent role as an inspector general.”
Edwards “routinely shared drinks and dinner with department leaders and gave them inside information
about the timing and findings of investigations.” The investigation found that “Edwards improperly relied
on the advice of top political advisers to then-Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and
acquiesced to their suggestions about the wording and timing of three separate reports.”
The investigation stated “We found that Mr. Edwards was a compromised inspector general . . . who was not
exercising real oversight,” and “Any report generated out of his office would be suspect.”
Edwards resigned his office three days before he was scheduled to appear at a Senate hearing to answer
questions. The hearing was canceled.
Finally, the current Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, said this about Napolitano: “Sen. Jeff Sessions,
R-Ala. sums up Napolitano’s record at DHS the best, “Secretary Napolitano’s tenure at the Department of
Homeland Security was defined by a consistent disrespect for the rule of law,” he said in a statement.”
Except for the lead dog – the view is always the same. Dennis Burke -flunk of Janet Napolitano – does her dirty work and follows orders. What are his orders in his representation of Clare Bronfman?
2. Dennis Burke
Janet’s right-hand man and ally of many years. Burke was Janet’s top deputy at the Arizona Attorney
General’s office and her Chief of Staff, the top position under her in the Arizona Governor’s office.
He was named as United States Attorney for Arizona on September 16, 2009. Resigned in August of 2011 amid
pressure from the United States Congress in the wake of the gunwalker scandal, also known as Operation
Fast and Furious, within the ranks of the U.S. Justice Department, specifically the FBI. In Operation Fast
and Furious, thousands of weapons were trafficked to Mexican drug cartels, with the Obama administration’s
knowledge. Burke’s resignation was the most senior resignation. President Obama asserted executive
privilege to deny Congress access to records pertaining to Fast and Furious.
Democratic Attorney General Eric Holder was criticized for ‘Fast and Furious’ obstruction.
In 2016 a judge ruled against the executive privilege and that certain documents would be released to
Congress. In March of 2018, the Trump administration announced that Fast and Furious documents previously
Withheld by Eric Holder would be released.
The truth about the Fast and Furious matter is still shrouded in a veil of confusion and secrecy.
3. Noah Kroloff
Was Deputy Chief of Staff under Napolitano. That position may have been his first job as a lawyer.
Kroloff was very young at the time. He was appointed as Chief of Staff, of the entire Department of
Homeland Security, when Napolitano became secretary. Noah is a tough negotiator who is known as
“Napolitano’s bulldog.”
Look out for his fangs – he bites – friends and foes alike. Marco Lopez – now top aide to Carlos Slim and Carlos Salinas in America. He is putting the pressure on to insure Emiliano Salinas is not indicted. If that means surrendering a stupid liquor heiress – so be it.4. Marco Lopez –
Formerly Mayor of Nogales, Arizona. Was called the “youngest Mayor in America” by CNN. Was Director of the Arizona-Mexico Commission, an official Office of the Governor in the State of Arizona (the Governor is the Chairperson of the Arizona Mexico Commission). Lopez then became the Director of the Arizona Department of Commerce. He was appointed as the Chief of Staff of United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), a federal law enforcement agency with 40,000 employees, when Napolitano became Homeland Security Secretary.
CBP is the largest federal law enforcement agency. In 2011, with the assistance of his friend and and business partner, Jeffrey Peterson, Lopez formed his own consulting business, Intermestic Partners (“Intermestic”). Intermestic’s first client was Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. Soon thereafter, Marco Lopez became Carlos Slim’s “Senior Advisor” and “Senior Advisor” to Grupo Carso, Carlos Slim’s Mexican global business conglomerate. Lopez also serves as an advisor to Carlos Salinas de Gortari, the former
President of Mexico, and is a close friend of his son, Emiliano Salinas.
Beware of that smile. John Sandweg is no one to mess around with – especially if he is smiling at you.
5. John Sandweg –
Formerly a criminal defense attorney who “represented accused and convicted murderers, sex offenders and pedophiles and fought for the release of violent convicted offenders.” Sandweg is a political ally who raised campaign finance money for Napolitano from 2002 to 2008 in Arizona. Became General Counsel of the entire Department of Homeland Security under Napolitano. Resigned from DHS after six months on the job. Was then named acting head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under Napolitano. His appointment was scrutinized due to his brief law enforcement experience. Was criticized for taking an active stance in the obstruction of Freedom of Information Act requests which outlined spending by the DHS from the 2009 stimulus package. A 2011 report readied for the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., delineates paperwork reflecting that Sandweg – top political appointee in Napolitano’s inner circle and senior adviser – was in charge of “halting releases on behalf of the [Office of the General Counsel] and the Office of the Secretary.” Sandweg is frequently a commentator in the national media.
She used her office at Homeland Security to intimidate and sexually abuse her emasculated male underlings.
6. Suzanne Barr –
Daughter of formerly powerful Arizona Republican war hero, Burton Barr. “Suzie” was formerly an aide to Napolitano in Arizona. She was named as Chief of Staff of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) when Napolitano became DHS Secretary. Resigned from ICE in September of 2012 after being accused of creating a sexualized office culture that was hostile to men. Barr’s resignation was covered by the national media. A discrimination suit was filed against Barr and Napolitano. “ICE chief of staff Suzanne Barr, “…[C]reated a frat-house type atmosphere that is targeted to humiliate and intimidate male employees.”
“The top Homeland Security official accused of cultivating a “frat-house”-style work environment has “voluntarily placed herself on leave” amid an internal review, the department told late Tuesday evening — just hours after contacted the agency about new allegations against her. The official, Suzanne Barr, is chief of staff for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Two more ICE employees came forward this week to complain about “lewd” conduct inside the agency, submitting sworn affidavits that depict graphic comments made by two top officials working under DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano. The affidavits were given as part of a discrimination and retaliation suit filed earlier this year by James T. Hayes Jr., the head of the New York office for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.”
See: ICE chief of staff on leave after new allegations of lewd conduct surface
7. Dora Schriro -Cut from the same cloth as Napolitano – ruthless, viscous and corrupt. Beware – little Clare!
Previously director of Arizona’s State Department of Corrections under Napolitano. Brutally corrupt and tough. Involved in scandals in Arizona and everywhere she has worked. Was called “pound for pound. . .the most unflinching ramrod that has ever run Arizona’s troubled prison system.” Was appointed as Special Advisor on ICE and Detention & Removal at ICE under Napolitano at DHS. Was sued named with Suzie Barr in ICE Lawsuit. Currently the Connecticut State police commissioner. Formerly commissioner for New York City’s corrections department. Said to be corrupt in every position she has held.
Times Editorial Cites ‘Outrageous Behavior’ By Dora Schriro, Now CT Public Safety Commissioner
Mark Sullivan appeared in court for Keith Raniere.
8. Mark Sullivan –
A non-Arizona member of the “Arizona Mafia.” Was Director of the United States Secret Service while Napolitano was DHS Secretary. Involved in a prostitution scandal while he was the Secret Service director. Has been publicly accused of intimidating (the following is copied from Wikipedia): In April 2012, a scandal involving the President’s security detail received international press attention. The scandal involved 11 agents and more military personnel from all four branches who allegedly engaged prostitutes while assigned to protect President Barack Obama at the 6th Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia. As of April 24, nine employees had resigned or retired. A Senate subcommittee found that the DHS inspector general was influenced in his review of the Secret Service prostitution scandal.
See: Departure adds to concerns about Secret Service probe
Also significant is that this is the same Mark Sullivan who appeared in court last month – at the
request of Keith Raniere’s attorneys- as the man who would supervise the Home Detention of Raniere
on the Bronfman funded bail package. Why a member of the Arizona Mafia would be selected by Bronfman-
Raniere legal team to be in charge of supervising the guarding of Raniere opens a whole new world of
9. Victor Flores – Previously the President of the Arizona-Mexico Commission under Napolitano. Has been in Senior management at Arizona’s two largest public utilities (electric companies). Was Director of Executive Projects and Support in the Community Development Department at Arizona Public Service (APS). Previously Senior Government and Community Relations Representative at Salt River Project (SRP). Declined moving to Washington, D.C. under Napolitano, as his wife had been appointed as a Superior Court Judge in Arizona by Napolitano. A fiercely loyal member of the Arizona Mafia.
Little fat boy Luis Borban Holguin
10. Luis Borbón Holguín – A Mexican citizen from the state of Sonora, Mexico. Previously the bag (luggage) carrier and errand boy for Sonoran Governor Eduardo Bours who used to be a friend of Janet Napolitano. Now the top assistant/aide and 24/7 companion to Marco Lopez who is now the top representative of Mexican
billionaire Carlos Slim and former Mexican President Carlos Salinas. For that reason, Borbon can sometimes be seen in social media pictures with world leaders and celebrities. A fiercely loyal member of the Arizona Mafia. His nickname is “gordito” (little fat boy).
this is going to be an award winning 3 part film on HBO or FX in like 2 years
Beverley Mitchell
On Friday, Mitchell spoke with actress Christine Lakin on her podcast, The Worst Ever Podcast, and told the host that Mack contacted her to recruit her to a “self-help group.” She said Mack tried to get her to attend a seminar, which Mitchell understood to be an empowerment seminar for women. Mitchell said she told Mack it was not for her but she “gifted” the seminar to her friends, who did not attend.“First of all, I thought it was like an empowerment of women; I thought it was for someone who needed a confidence boost,” she said.
Law & Order: SVU Is Taking On The NXIVM Cult & We Have A Clip
OCTOBER 17, 2018, 3:50 PM
There is an old saying that goes: What is bad for life is good for the Law and Order: SVUwriters' room. The hellscape that has been 2018 has provided the now 20-year-old television franchise with plenty of fodder to rip from the headlines and now we have an episode taking on the infamous sex cult, NXIVM.
Not familiar with NXIVM (pronounced nexium)? The group bills itself as a "self-empowerment group," but this year charges were brought against founder Keith Raniere and member Allison Mack (who you might recognize from her role in Smallville). The two are accused of operating a cult and pyramid scheme in which members (almost all women) are brainwashed, branded, and sexually assaulted.
In an article for the New York Times one survivor described the process of being branded saying, “I wept the whole time. I disassociated out of my body.”
In a clip from Wednesday's episode of SVU, Detectives Rollins (Kelli Giddish) and Carisi (Peter Scanavino) arrive at a tony New York City apartment to question the charismatic leader of the "Accredo" group after a member is found murdered. Detective Carisi is clearly not amused by the man's antics, but is it possible that newly pregnant Detective Rollins might be a little intrigued?
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So Chloe from Smallvillle was trying to pull Lucy from 7th Heaven. I feel like I shouldn't be okay with this, but I'm really okay with thatNoo not Lucy from 7th Heaven
I wonder if she ever got at any of the Charmed chicks.
I can’t believe not a single naked pic of her has dropped yet
‘Smallville’ Alum Allison Mack Changes Plea to ‘Guilty’ in NXIVM Sex-Trafficking Case
Smallville alum Allison Mack pleaded guilty to racketeering and racketeering conspiracy charges on Monday, April 8, in connection to the NXIVM sex cult, Us Weekly can confirm.
The star was indicted on multiple counts of sex-trafficking, sex-trafficking conspiracy and conspiracy to commit forced labor in the case after allegedly recruiting women to be slaves of Keith Raniere, the leader of a sex- trafficking cult within New York-based marketing firm NXIVM known as DOS. She was also accused of identity fraud and money laundering.
“As alleged in the indictment, Allison Mack recruited women to join what was purported to be a female mentorship group that was, in fact, created and led by Keith Raniere,” United States Attorney Richard P. Donoghue told The Hollywood Reporter in a statement. “The victims were then exploited, both sexually and for their labor, to the defendants’ benefit.”
Huffman just came up too. CrazyJust coming in to post this...