So I see Mayor Adams is a Coon

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Fuck outta here you a fucking cac cocksucker who pretends to be black on bgol and these stupid niggaz can't see it cause they ride you dick. You got nuts on your chin, bitch.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These coons always talk like this until something happens them. They get pro black then. It’s like clockwork, it happens all of the time. He can’t see it now cause things are going good for him so he’s blinded.
Truth. He is a useful idiot right now to the real powers of NYC. Look who bankrolled his campaign. Wall Street. What does he have to do with Wall Street?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Tried to tell y'all
This dude got voted in like Biden did.. they didn’t vote for him they voted against his opponent.. nigs didn’t vote for Biden they voted against trump.. so pretty much put any candidate up against the guardian angel or trump and people wouldve voted against them just so they won’t have those idiots in office… only reason he in office .. you can bet both those individuals probably won’t get re-elected as long as there’s something just a lil better


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He’s not wrong for what he said, he’s wrong for where he said it. He told ZERO lies. His biggest mistake was using a Cac talking point with BLM. He’s basically became Fox News at that point. Black on black crimes is the only reason most blacks are dying. We are poppin caps in asses nonstop and have been for ages. Stop hating the message because don’t like the messenger. We are shitty parents, don’t know where are kids are half the time, will kill one of us before we tough a Zimmerman, etc. We are our worst enemy. Can’t deny that. Cops kill less than 200 of us a year, that a couple months of murders in Chicago alone. Can’t go into a Mall in atlanta because of us. Armed guards ain’t in white malls unless we frequent that mall. That smash and grabs, carjackings and gas station shootouts are US. Dead rapper almost weekly. That’s us. I don’t like that he said on tv. That’s a town hall event. That’s the message for a church.


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
I aiiight ima speak on it from my perspective. I am and always have been black. period full stop. In my black community, the reality is and continue to be, is that the #1 killer of black people are other black people. The #1 killer of young black men in my community is other young black men. I've seen it play out over and over again and see the same shit. Today when I turn on my news, or read my newspaper I will read about black victims and black perpetrators ad nauseum.

Yes, white people kill each other. Yes, white people kills and fuck up everything. Yes I have an issue with white people killing blacks but.. but..BUT... my focus, concern and reality is what i see in my black community.

Say what you want, accuse me of what you want but nothing or nobody can tell me what I've lived the past 40+ years as a black man in a black community will change the reality of the facts i see every single day. We black people are the # killers of other black people and the #1 killer of young black people are other young black people., so you can miss me with that bullshit about black lives matter because it damn sure don't matter to black people, because we live in a culture that we accept blacks killing blacks on a regular fueled by the stupid ass street code of "no snitching" yet lose our collective shit, when Mr. white man do what we do to each other on a regular. I disagree with Mr. Adams policy on a lot of shit but what he was saying in that clip is 100%. Stop shooting the messenger and listen to the message. Many have said the same shit over the course of our existence in this counttry, yet we black folks want to get all the fuck bent out of shape over some shit that true as fuck.


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
He’s not wrong for what he said, he’s wrong for where he said it. He told ZERO lies. His biggest mistake was using a Cac talking point with BLM. He’s basically became Fox News at that point. Black on black crimes is the only reason most blacks are dying. We are poppin caps in asses nonstop and have been for ages. Stop acting hating the message because don’t like the messenger. We are shitty parents, don’t know where are kids are half the time, will kill one of us before we tough a Zimmerman, etc. We are our worst enemy. Can’t deny that. Cops kill less than 200 of us a year, that a couple months of murders in Chicago alone. Can’t go into a Mall in atlanta because of us. Armed guards ain’t in white malls unless we frequent that mall. That smash and grabs, carjackings and gas station shootouts are US. Dead rapper almost weekly. That’s us. I don’t like that he said on tv. That’s a town hall event. That’s the message for a church.
Bro.. i like what you had to say but why criticize the messenger or the place of the message. Fox new will exploit us, but for all there fuckery, they aint killing us. We can choose to turn off fox or any of these fuck boi tv's and forums but our reality is we we do to each other. Me personally don't give a fuck who is saying it, I'm only upset that we ain't listening too it. Seah Hannity types will say it loud as fuck from their platforms and make us look like godless heathens but the reality is, in our own communites, too many of us act, live and exist as godless heathens causing the rest of us problems. So my worry about the messenger and his place of telling the message because it aint' changing shit for those who need to hear the shit.


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
This dude got voted in like Biden did.. they didn’t vote for him they voted against his opponent.. nigs didn’t vote for Biden they voted against trump.. so pretty much put any candidate up against the guardian angel or trump and people wouldve voted against them just so they won’t have those idiots in office… only reason he in office .. you can bet both those individuals probably won’t get re-elected as long as there’s something just a lil better
but,...but ...but.. what about his message? is he wrong?...explain how he is wrong?


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
You were warned, but this is what they chose him for.

did yall listen at all? EA said it clearly.. "S&F wasn't the issue, it was the abuse b the police of S&F." while it can be argued whether S&F is legal or not, but you can't argue about its abuse. and for those of you who have a problem with S&F,think about that the next time, you go to the airport, go to check out a game at your park, the next time someone "wands" you down, have you walk through a scanner. All the same, its just one appears to be non intrusive but the reality is, its still a S&F.

Cle Da YoungKingPin

Rising Star
Platinum Member
This dude got voted in like Biden did.. they didn’t vote for him they voted against his opponent.. nigs didn’t vote for Biden they voted against trump.. so pretty much put any candidate up against the guardian angel or trump and people wouldve voted against them just so they won’t have those idiots in office… only reason he in office .. you can bet both those individuals probably won’t get re-elected as long as there’s something just a lil better
NO we had a chance to vote Maya Wiley on to that ballot....she was the only one with a plan.....bring 100k jobs back to nyc and help people recover from the pandemic


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
did yall listen at all? EA said it clearly.. "S&F wasn't the issue, it was the abuse b the police of S&F." while it can be argued whether S&F is legal or not, but you can't argue about its abuse. and for those of you who have a problem with S&F,think about that the next time, you go to the airport, go to check out a game at your park, the next time someone "wands" you down, have you walk through a scanner. All the same, its just one appears to be non intrusive but the reality is, its still a S&F.
your comparison is quite off. There's a difference between going to an optional event where EVERYONE is checked and you have the option of walking away and not attend the event vs being picked at random mainly because of skin color and catching a case cause you don't want to be searched.

How do you not see the difference?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is no Black-on-Black crime. There is just Crime. We have Crime because we live in a society built on corruption. Much of the wealth of this Nation and many others are the result of crimes against humanity. Even now, our economic system rewards so-called "White Collar" crime while making an example of society's lowest and least valued human beings. It's just a show to keep the folks in the middle running on the daily treadmill believing there's hope while unknowingly feeding the beast.