So I see Mayor Adams is a Coon


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
no matter what thread.

that nigga dissapears immediately when this pic is postdd


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
These coons always talk like this until something happens them. They get pro black then. It’s like clockwork, it happens all of the time. He can’t see it now cause things are going good for him so he’s blinded.
One of the "Three Amigos of Coonery" and ranking member of the BGOL coon squad ..... trying to blend in huh ... MegaTranny?

Fuck outta here you a fucking cac cocksucker who pretends to be black on bgol and these stupid niggaz can't see it cause they ride you dick. You got nuts on your chin, bitch.
You always in with that fag talk..... :hmm:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He and BLM ain't shit soooo. But damn NY yall catching hell. Crime increase, dropping 3k a month for 600sqft studio, coon mayor, Remy MA bitches. BUT PLEASE DONT MOVE TO ATL WE FULL

nyc like anywhere ran by zionist is going to be over priced... but nyc has legal herb and

legal prostitution, hey Im getting real tired of NYC in the winter but in the summer.

bruh in the Summer.. nyc is not to be fucked wit bruh...

and the ATL bruh.. its getting so wild out there, even

brooklyn Kniggas who moved there, talkin bout..movin

to Africa.. because they tired of the same trap rap scene

in every fuckin hood all over america.. its like the youth are all

programmed to act a certain way... Everybody from ATL

is saying if you move out here, dont move to the ATL...

I heard lowkey the cacs gentrifyin it the fuck up


Rising Star
hold up maybe I'm missing something...sounds like he was asking legitimate questions that responsible people people can discern.

Oh i get it...some cats don't like to be called out the rebuttal is the coon label. FoH.

Some of us don't believe in black accountability - but only outside our own homes.

None of these fools calling him coon would be ok with their children not going to school, shooting each other and openly reppin gangs on social media.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
nyc like anywhere ran by zionist is going to be over priced... but nyc has legal herb and

legal prostitution, hey Im getting real tired of NYC in the winter but in the summer.

bruh in the Summer.. nyc is not to be fucked wit bruh...

and the ATL bruh.. its getting so wild out there, even

brooklyn Kniggas who moved there, talkin bout..movin

to Africa.. because they tired of the same trap rap scene

in every fuckin hood all over america.. its like the youth are all

programmed to act a certain way... Everybody from ATL

is saying if you move out here, dont move to the ATL...

I heard lowkey the cacs gentrifyin it the fuck up

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
did yall listen at all? EA said it clearly.. "S&F wasn't the issue, it was the abuse b the police of S&F." while it can be argued whether S&F is legal or not, but you can't argue about its abuse. and for those of you who have a problem with S&F,think about that the next time, you go to the airport, go to check out a game at your park, the next time someone "wands" you down, have you walk through a scanner. All the same, its just one appears to be non intrusive but the reality is, its still a S&F.
You a coon bro

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is no Black-on-Black crime. There is just Crime. We have Crime because we live in a society built on corruption. Much of the wealth of this Nation and many others are the result of crimes against humanity. Even now, our economic system rewards so-called "White Collar" crime while making an example of society's lowest and least valued human beings. It's just a show to keep the folks in the middle running on the daily treadmill believing there's hope while unknowingly feeding the beast.



BANNED lambo renter
He’s 100% right but unfortunately when you blame blacks for their own bullshit, you’re labeled a coon.


blacks only care when blacks get killed by cops
Blacks are the ones committing the shootings in nyc

Black mothers are doing a fucking terrible job.... they are raising generations of criminals, faggots, and lesbians

BLM is full of dog shit

You niggas are too soft and stupid to handle the truth

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
He’s 100% right but unfortunately when you blame blacks for their own bullshit, you’re labeled a coon.


blacks only care when blacks get killed by cops
Blacks are the ones committing the shootings in nyc

Black mothers are doing a fucking terrible job.... they are raising generations of criminals, faggots, and lesbians

BLM is full of dog shit

You niggas are too soft and stupid to handle the truth


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nothing funnier than a thread full of "I hate Democrats" / Don't vote assholes in here calling other people Coons. Even funnier they're saying people aren't Black and none of them have posted a hand.

PPure comedy.
What's this have to do with the topic? Do you agree or disagree? Are you a pro police democrat? What's your business in here?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What he said doesn't bother me. Yall are weird and ultra sensitive.
Where is BLM for real. Cause I really thought they would keep it up.
They took the money and bounced? Where the fuck they at?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What he said doesn't bother me. Yall are weird and ultra sensitive.
Where is BLM for real. Cause I really thought they would keep it up.
They took the money and bounced? Where the fuck they at?
He's using old racist cliches while ignoring the root of the problem. I don't give a fuck about BLM. Address the poverty and unemployment in these communities which lead to crime. Address the lack of resources in education in these communities..he's playing to his base which is rich white people and the donors for his campaign.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are many roots of the problem. I do not agree with how he is saying it and the context but nothing he said is wrong per se.

The root of the problem is strong parenting. It starts from a young age when parents are raising their children.

The honest truth is 100% of parents fuck up.

But some people just had no right to have children.

Sad and fucked up but truth. Unwanted children with issues are running around and ruining society.

You DO NOT need to be rich or educated to be a decent human being.

So education and a job aint gonna turn a savage into a decent person.

He's using old racist cliches while ignoring the root of the problem. I don't give a fuck about BLM. Address the poverty and unemployment in these communities which lead to crime. Address the lack of resources in education in these communities..he's playing to his base which is rich white people and the donors for his campaign.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
To help the coons.

If you go to a restaurant and the cook burns your food. You complain and they say, well, you burn your own food and you don't care. Why do you only care when I burn your food? I thought you cared about burnt food?

See, I paid you to professionally prepare my food. So...

1. the fact that I may burn my food at home has nothing to do with whether you burn my food or not
2. you're trained to properly cook food so I'm holding you to your professional standard.

So cops are paid to do their jobs. And what people that are not cops do has ABSOLUTELY ZERO to do with a cop's performance and our complaints on how they do their job.

Stop blaming people for trained professionals not doing their jobs.

You might burn your soup every day, but when you go to a restaurant and they burn it after you pay for it, you have every right to complain.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There are many roots of the problem. I do not agree with how he is saying it and the context but nothing he said is wrong per se.

The root of the problem is strong parenting. It starts from a young age when parents are raising their children.

The honest truth is 100% of parents fuck up.

But some people just had no right to have children.

Sad and fucked up but truth. Unwanted children with issues are running around and ruining society.

You DO NOT need to be rich or educated to be a decent human being.

So education and a job aint gonna turn a savage into a decent person.
Parenting doesn't get you hired at a job that won't hire you. Also doesn't put food on the table if your impoverished


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To help the coons.

If you go to a restaurant and the cook burns your food. You complain and they say, well, you burn your own food and you don't care. Why do you only care when I burn your food? I thought you cared about burnt food?

See, I paid you to professionally prepare my food. So...

1. the fact that I may burn my food at home has nothing to do with whether you burn my food or not
2. you're trained to properly cook food so I'm holding you to your professional standard.

So cops are paid to do their jobs. And what people that are not cops do has ABSOLUTELY ZERO to do with a cop's performance and our complaints on how they do their job.

Stop blaming people for trained professionals not doing their jobs.

You might burn your soup every day, but when you go to a restaurant and they burn it after you pay for it, you have every right to complain.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is no Black-on-Black crime. There is just Crime. We have Crime because we live in a society built on corruption. Much of the wealth of this Nation and many others are the result of crimes against humanity. Even now, our economic system rewards so-called "White Collar" crime while making an example of society's lowest and least valued human beings. It's just a show to keep the folks in the middle running on the daily treadmill believing there's hope while unknowingly feeding the beast.

Thank you brotha for posting this. I agree 1000%. Some of this shit I'm reading in here is borderline coon speak.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So please explain the situation why someone would not be hired? Explain to me how someone comes into that predicament.

Then I will explain how that person, if they had the right parenting would have avoided that situation.

Not saying they can get any job they want which no one can, but they would have been in a better situation in life where they would have been hirable for something. They would have also be content with the results of the hard work they put in!

Parenting doesn't get you hired at a job that won't hire you. Also doesn't put food on the table if your impoverished


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So please explain the situation why someone would not be hired? Explain to me how someone comes into that predicament.

Then I will explain how that person, if they had the right parenting would have avoided that situation.

Not saying they can get any job they want which no one can, but they would have been in a better situation in life where they would have been hirable for something. They would have also be content with the results of the hard work they put in!
Unfortunately in 2022 there is this thing called discrimination that's been around a while especially when you're of the darker persuasion. Young black kids don't get the same benefit of the doubt as white kids because racism is still a thing.. I know surprisingly lmao


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is a direct correlation with the breakdown of the black family and the rise of crime in black areas.
Having a mother AND a father in the house in general, increases someones chances of success in life.

Now if that person actually has good parents.... forget about it.

Problem is nowadays even having 2 parent in the house doesn't mean the parents are worth shit!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes there is discrimination and it gets me depressed some days thinking about the shit I have to go through.
However, who you think has more discrimination, someone living in 2022 or something living in 1922?
In 1922 was there crime in the black communities like there is now?

Be honest and look and see the root of it is the BLACK FAMILY.

It is internal before it is external.

Unfortunately in 2022 there is this thing called discrimination that's been around a while especially when you're of the darker persuasion. Young black kids don't get the same benefit of the doubt as white kids because racism is still a thing.. I know surprisingly lmao


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
What's this have to do with the topic? Do you agree or disagree? Are you a pro police democrat? What's your business in here?

What this have to do? I find it highly amusing at the stupidity of you and the rest of the don't vote crowd.

Remember I don't take any of you dudes seriously.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Seriously, only a faggot would save this pic and spam post it in 10 threads per day. I don’t even want to look at this bullshit and this nigga has it saved and spams it daily:

fucking faggot!
Hey Tina it’s not saved you stupid fuck boy bitch nigga. Look at the URL you dumb bitch