So I see Mayor Adams is a Coon


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
your comparison is quite off. There's a difference between going to an optional event where EVERYONE is checked and you have the option of walking away and not attend the event vs being picked at random mainly because of skin color and catching a case cause you don't want to be searched.

How do you not see the difference?
how so? are you really not going to catch a plane because of the body scanner? Are you really gonna miss the game because you are going to get wanded? Are you really not going to go to where you go because you know they gonna wand you? No matter how its presented, its really no difference. Me walking down the street and being stopped and frisk is fucked up, me wanting to go to a concert and them wanding me down is just as fucked up but I don't get as heated about it. My overall point, is The mayor did in fact, say the abuse is the true issue. While i disagree and think its more a constitutional violation, until it gets to the supreme court, its shit that we had to deal with but in the interim, local policy from the Mayor can be put in place to stop or reduce the stop and frisk.


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
You a coon bro
Ok, do you got something to contribute on the conversation are you just gonna keep saying stupid shit. I could be the worlds biggest fucking buck dancing coon but from time to time i try to elevate the converation this board, unless your punk ass . so yeah nigga Im a coon, so let the fucking words you type, say some shit about the topic on hand or log the fuck off.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
There are many roots of the problem. I do not agree with how he is saying it and the context but nothing he said is wrong per se.

The root of the problem is strong parenting. It starts from a young age when parents are raising their children.

The honest truth is 100% of parents fuck up.

But some people just had no right to have children.

Sad and fucked up but truth. Unwanted children with issues are running around and ruining society.

You DO NOT need to be rich or educated to be a decent human being.

So education and a job aint gonna turn a savage into a decent person.
that's not the root. it's black women being more careful about choosing partners, forcing men to become parents that they don't want to, and leaving relationships because of their independent mindset. They have been breaking up black families since the 70s. All the parents of those bad kids are single women.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not blaming black women for the actions of black men!
Black men need to stand up and take responsibility.
Niggas do whatever to get the pussy but when a baby start growing out that shit they ghost.
Naw man.

Black MEN are to blame.

that's not the root. it's black women being more careful about choosing partners, forcing men to become parents that they don't want to, and leaving relationships because of their independent mindset. They have been breaking up black families since the 70s. All the parents of those bad kids are single women.


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
There is no Black-on-Black crime. There is just Crime. We have Crime because we live in a society built on corruption. Much of the wealth of this Nation and many others are the result of crimes against humanity. Even now, our economic system rewards so-called "White Collar" crime while making an example of society's lowest and least valued human beings. It's just a show to keep the folks in the middle running on the daily treadmill believing there's hope while unknowingly feeding the beast.
well by your logic..lets see.
there is such thing as soul food.. it just food..
there is no such thing as soul music, gospel , alternative, rock music... its just music
there is no such thing as being black and proud.. there is just being a human being and proud
there is no such thing as white supremacy, its just supremacy...
there is no such thing as chocolate cream, its just ice cream


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's using old racist cliches while ignoring the root of the problem. I don't give a fuck about BLM. Address the poverty and unemployment in these communities which lead to crime. Address the lack of resources in education in these communities..he's playing to his base which is rich white people and the donors for his campaign.
That’ll never matter because most people don’t want those jobs or the education. Generational poverty is a mindset. You’ll either do everything possible to get out of the hood or make every excuse to stay. We don’t need after school programs, playgrounds or more shit jobs—people need to get the fuck out. You can’t make your community better when you’re one of the few wanting it. Niggas will always be Niggas because it’s comfortable. Politicians don’t change shit, nor do preachers—it’s you. We will never be able to talk a hoodlum into pulling his pants up or a rat out of red weave. It’s who they are and who they will raise their kids to be. The self-hatred is real bit downplayed by losers and simps. The church is a racket, and a waste of time. They are more ingrained in the hood than anybody and they just pass the plate. We live and die by tropes and hope. There is ZERO hope for us as a race in America. None.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He’s not wrong for what he said, he’s wrong for where he said it. He told ZERO lies. His biggest mistake was using a Cac talking point with BLM. He’s basically became Fox News at that point. Black on black crimes is the only reason most blacks are dying. We are poppin caps in asses nonstop and have been for ages. Stop hating the message because don’t like the messenger. We are shitty parents, don’t know where are kids are half the time, will kill one of us before we tough a Zimmerman, etc. We are our worst enemy. Can’t deny that. Cops kill less than 200 of us a year, that a couple months of murders in Chicago alone. Can’t go into a Mall in atlanta because of us. Armed guards ain’t in white malls unless we frequent that mall. That smash and grabs, carjackings and gas station shootouts are US. Dead rapper almost weekly. That’s us. I don’t like that he said on tv. That’s a town hall event. That’s the message for a church.
Self-hatred is a MF. All that “tough talk” and no solution(s) :smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
That’ll never matter because most people don’t want those jobs or the education. Generational poverty is a mindset. You’ll either do everything possible to get out of the hood or make every excuse to stay. We don’t need after school programs, playgrounds or more shit jobs—people need to get the fuck out. You can’t make your community better when you’re one of the few wanting it. Niggas will always be Niggas because it’s comfortable. Politicians don’t change shit, nor do preachers—it’s you. We will never be able to talk a hoodlum into pulling his pants up or a rat out of red weave. It’s who they are and who they will raise their kids to be. The self-hatred is real bit downplayed by losers and simps. The church is a racket, and a waste of time. They are more ingrained in the hood than anybody and they just pass the plate. We live and die by tropes and hope. There is ZERO hope for us as a race in America. None.
many dudes that were incarcerated for 10 yrs or more learned trades such as carpentry, culinary skills, etc.. lot of those dudes came out and got construction jobs and actually are making more and even doing better than some people with college degrees here in nyc.. dudes coming out making 30+-55+ an hr doing construction.. many more focus than ever b4 with the mindset they never going back and changing their lifestyles. Some of my friends and even a cousin fall under these people.. anywhere from 8 yrs to 16 yrs in prison due to things like drug charges, etc.. some done flip that money and are into real estate, owning brick and mortar stores, etc.. so believe it or not there are bros that can change their lives around.. if you willing to show dudes alternative skills, alternative ways of making money, and showing them they are capable of doing it you will be surprised how you can change their lives around or in certain cases prevent them from choosing some negative routes in life.. it all starts with info and providing everybody with large amounts of it.. than making certain opportunities available… asking a homeless to start a bizz with zero funds and giving some rich kid a million to start 1 chances are the rich kid will more likely succeed.. but if you gave that homeless man 20,000 + various blueprints to diff genres of biz I can guarantee his chances quickly increase for success.. all people asking for is to give them a better chance at achieving and u’ll be surprised at the increase in success


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Self-hatred is a MF. All that “tough talk” and no solution(s) :smh:
Solutions only work with black people; there’s no hope for niggas. Black folks only need a little guidance; niggas don’t want any part of it. Can’t reach who won’t extend their hand. This is why people die trying to save a drowning person. Niggas don’t want to improve; they thrive in chaos. If you’re not hood or ghetto to the core you’ll do whatever you have to and leave the hood. If people don’t want better you can’t force better on them. What program or funding will stop the murders in Chicago, Altanta, etc? What speech? Which politician, preacher, athlete or rapper is gonna go back and save their hood? Many have tried. The ones who want saved will flourish.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Solutions only work with black people; there’s no hope for niggas. Black folks only need a little guidance; niggas don’t want any part of it. Can’t reach who won’t extend their hand. This is why people die trying to save a drowning person. Niggas don’t want to improve; they thrive in chaos. If you’re not hood or ghetto to the core you’ll do whatever you have to and leave the hood. If people don’t want better you can’t force better on them. What program or funding will stop the murders in Chicago, Altanta, etc? What speech? Which politician, preacher, athlete or rapper is gonna go back and save their hood? Many have tried. The ones who want saved will flourish.
Lmao y'all still blaming poor black people for being in the position they are in. If they only pulled themselves up by their bootstraps like so and so did they could make it. Then nobody would be poor or unemployed. Tell me about the laziness always it's easier to blame people rather then policy. People are right in ya face. Meanwhile whites and other races didn't pull them selves up by shit. Government policy created the white middle class. You want black people to do what nobody else has done in order to not be poor and in poverty.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The message is wrong because he's calling out blm and all the protesters.
The protests were Because there was outrage about police brutality. Police are civil servants that swore an oath to serve and protect. Pookie and Rayray are held to no such standard because they aren't around for our protection or the betterment of society.
I agree with his statement about parents monitoring their kids though.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To help the coons.

If you go to a restaurant and the cook burns your food. You complain and they say, well, you burn your own food and you don't care. Why do you only care when I burn your food? I thought you cared about burnt food?

See, I paid you to professionally prepare my food. So...

1. the fact that I may burn my food at home has nothing to do with whether you burn my food or not
2. you're trained to properly cook food so I'm holding you to your professional standard.

So cops are paid to do their jobs. And what people that are not cops do has ABSOLUTELY ZERO to do with a cop's performance and our complaints on how they do their job.

Stop blaming people for trained professionals not doing their jobs.

You might burn your soup every day, but when you go to a restaurant and they burn it after you pay for it, you have every right to complain.
This was about 7 paragraphs of a terrible analogy. The nigga thought this was fire when he hit send:lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He reminds me of Hershel Walker --- equally stupid. I knew what he was going to be when he ran on a law and order platform. New Yorkers of all races had a chance to elect a strong intelligent progressive woman in Maya Wiley but instead they got behind this idiot piece of shit. :angry:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don’t see what he said was wrong. I understand the emotional side of being black and called out in the media. So I get people being in their feelings. But he spoke facts

Facts??? As one sided as they made be were an indictment of only black people. White people don't commit crime in New York? Stop caping for this tool. :smh:

Cle Da YoungKingPin

Rising Star
Platinum Member
He’s 100% right but unfortunately when you blame blacks for their own bullshit, you’re labeled a coon.


blacks only care when blacks get killed by cops
Blacks are the ones committing the shootings in nyc

Black mothers are doing a fucking terrible job.... they are raising generations of criminals, faggots, and lesbians

BLM is full of dog shit

You niggas are too soft and stupid to handle the truth
Nigggggggaaaaaaaaaa.....when white people are blamed for they own bullshit they change laws and narratives example look at florida and this critical race theory shit....telling kids there were no slaves.....foh.....and yea the skin color is not a fuckin metric of crime....poverty and being uneducated access u cant do better if u dont know better u cant do better its a fucking cycle


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
well by your logic..lets see.
there is such thing as soul food.. it just food..
there is no such thing as soul music, gospel , alternative, rock music... its just music
there is no such thing as being black and proud.. there is just being a human being and proud
there is no such thing as white supremacy, its just supremacy...
there is no such thing as chocolate cream, its just ice cream

Chocolate is not Ice cream. Chocolate is a product created from the cocoa bean. You can enjoy Chocolate in many forms including ice cream but "Chocolate" is not Ice Cream.


BANNED lambo renter
Nigggggggaaaaaaaaaa.....when white people are blamed for they own bullshit they change laws and narratives example look at florida and this critical race theory shit....telling kids there were no slaves.....foh.....and yea the skin color is not a fuckin metric of crime....poverty and being uneducated access u cant do better if u dont know better u cant do better its a fucking cycle
Dude, I don’t give a shit about the “reason” niggas are committing crimes, I’m just reporting facts!

So, what you’re saying is that 22 year old LeVarious Jenkins needs to shoot up an entire block because he’s poor and has no opportunities. Meanwhile, Paco Gomez, the immigrant is outside grinding, selling flowers, water, or whatever to earn a living! FOH with This excuse shit!

if you want to debate then we debate FACTS only! The reason 95/100 senseless shootings in the cities are committed by blacks has NOTHING to do with poverty! Not one of these goons are shooting up banks to get money. They are shooting over beef or to steal niggas gold or car. They are committing crimes based off of greed and being bum ass losers. It all starts with their ghetto trash mothers! I keep telling you niggas, these savage women do a terrible job raising their kids. Have you ever noticed that it’s ONLY black mothers who rant about “I take care of my kids”. As if that’s some special fucking thing they are doing? Dumb bitch, that’s what you’re supposed to fucking do!

I will reiterate what I’ve said for years but some black apologist always comes In with some bogus counter argument..... children thrive in 2 parent households. If that’s not possible, then at least children should have relationships with their fathers. Black women lead ALL RACES in single motherhood. An astounding 73% of black children grow up in a single mother household. Most of those kids have no relationship with the father. I blame Black women for this... they get pregnant by losers who wind up in prison or half the time the women are so insufferable that niggas skip town, or the bitches have no idea who the father is. They bring these savage kids into the world and all the kids do is become faggots, lesbians, future welfare recipients or criminals. Sorry to report facts but that’s what it is.

And one last time, it’s not about lack of opportunities, it’s about greed! If the immigrant can come here dirt poor and not know a word of English and their children become successes, then fuck your weak argument! LOOK at pretty much EVERY African immigrant. All of their children become doctors and lawyers. And they are undeniably black. They have the same obstacles as Dequan Jones and Shantavious Williams. The difference is Mr. Ngoku and his wife are a better quality human who understand what it means to work for your shit!

Now, instead of you soft ass pusiese hitting report soca bitch ass mod can delete my post, why not debunk what I’ve said? Why not? Lmao...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nigggggggaaaaaaaaaa.....when white people are blamed for they own bullshit they change laws and narratives example look at florida and this critical race theory shit....telling kids there were no slaves.....foh.....and yea the skin color is not a fuckin metric of crime....poverty and being uneducated access u cant do better if u dont know better u cant do better its a fucking cycle
He won't understand this...self hate is strong in him

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Dude, I don’t give a shit about the “reason” niggas are committing crimes, I’m just reporting facts!

So, what you’re saying is that 22 year old LeVarious Jenkins needs to shoot up an entire block because he’s poor and has no opportunities. Meanwhile, Paco Gomez, the immigrant is outside grinding, selling flowers, water, or whatever to earn a living! FOH with This excuse shit!

if you want to debate then we debate FACTS only! The reason 95/100 senseless shootings in the cities are committed by blacks has NOTHING to do with poverty! Not one of these goons are shooting up banks to get money. They are shooting over beef or to steal niggas gold or car. They are committing crimes based off of greed and being bum ass losers. It all starts with their ghetto trash mothers! I keep telling you niggas, these savage women do a terrible job raising their kids. Have you ever noticed that it’s ONLY black mothers who rant about “I take care of my kids”. As if that’s some special fucking thing they are doing? Dumb bitch, that’s what you’re supposed to fucking do!

I will reiterate what I’ve said for years but some black apologist always comes In with some bogus counter argument..... children thrive in 2 parent households. If that’s not possible, then at least children should have relationships with their fathers. Black women lead ALL RACES in single motherhood. An astounding 73% of black children grow up in a single mother household. Most of those kids have no relationship with the father. I blame Black women for this... they get pregnant by losers who wind up in prison or half the time the women are so insufferable that niggas skip town, or the bitches have no idea who the father is. They bring these savage kids into the world and all the kids do is become faggots, lesbians, future welfare recipients or criminals. Sorry to report facts but that’s what it is.

And one last time, it’s not about lack of opportunities, it’s about greed! If the immigrant can come here dirt poor and not know a word of English and their children become successes, then fuck your weak argument! LOOK at pretty much EVERY African immigrant. All of their children become doctors and lawyers. And they are undeniably black. They have the same obstacles as Dequan Jones and Shantavious Williams. The difference is Mr. Ngoku and his wife are a better quality human who understand what it means to work for your shit!

Now, instead of you soft ass pusiese hitting report soca bitch ass mod can delete my post, why not debunk what I’ve said? Why not? Lmao...



Rising Star
Platinum Member
how so? are you really not going to catch a plane because of the body scanner? Are you really gonna miss the game because you are going to get wanded? Are you really not going to go to where you go because you know they gonna wand you? No matter how its presented, its really no difference. Me walking down the street and being stopped and frisk is fucked up, me wanting to go to a concert and them wanding me down is just as fucked up but I don't get as heated about it. My overall point, is The mayor did in fact, say the abuse is the true issue. While i disagree and think its more a constitutional violation, until it gets to the supreme court, its shit that we had to deal with but in the interim, local policy from the Mayor can be put in place to stop or reduce the stop and frisk.
The difference is government action versus private action. You are right, when boarding a plane or going to a concert you have the choice to not go and don’t be searched. Are you telling me that when an officer chooses to stop and frisk someone, they have the right to tell that officer “no I do not want to be searched”? Of course they do not or it would defeat the purpose. That’s the problem. When an officer chooses to stop and frisk an individual, they have no choice to resist.


Rising Star
The reason 95/100 senseless shootings in the cities are committed by blacks has NOTHING to do with poverty! Not one of these goons are shooting up banks to get money. They are shooting over beef or to steal niggas gold or car. They are committing crimes based off of greed and being bum ass losers. It all starts with their ghetto trash mothers!

Some of these kids have mothers with good jobs. They would just rather run the streets. This the "the culture":

"Warlick and a rival, 23-year-old Rockyworld gang member Kendale Hamilton, both drew guns outside the fast-food restaurant. Warlick got the better in the gunfight, shooting Hamilton in the shoulder and back of the head, prosecutors said.

“It don’t make no damn sense what’s going on, killing off each other,” said the dead man’s mother, Lesley Hamilton, a forensic psychiatrist in the Brooklyn courts."

Last edited:


BANNED lambo renter
Some of these kids have mothers with good jobs. They would just rather run the streets. This the "the culture":

"Warlick and a rival, 23-year-old Rockyworld gang member Kendale Hamilton, both drew guns outside the fast-food restaurant. Warlick got the better in the gunfight, shooting Hamilton in the shoulder and back of the head, prosecutors said.

“It don’t make no damn sense what’s going on, killing off each other,” said the dead man’s mother, Lesley Hamilton, a forensic psychiatrist in the Brooklyn courts."

Unmarried black women can NOT raise blacks boys. They’ve proven to be failures over and over. You always hear black women wishing each other happy Father’s Day and dumb shit like that. They chase these fathers away and raise a generation of fucking animals. This is real talk. I don’t care about the sensitive faggots who are in denial on this board.

These goons are totally out of control! In NYC, it’s like 90% of the shootings, rapes and other violent crimes are committed by black goons. Not hispanic, but black. I’m fucking embarrassed, ashamed and pissed the fuck off. I have ZERO sympathy for these fucks when cops pump bullets into them because in my opinion, their lives do NOT matter at all!

You can’t have your mom or girlfriend walk the streets in the city anymore because some dumb loser young black male will be on the prowl looking to carjack, rape, or rob them....OR, a shootout will pop off over some brain dead gang shit and they will get clipped by a stray bullet.

No matter how brain dead you niggas are, you know I’m telling the truth

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Unmarried black women can NOT raise blacks boys. They’ve proven to be failures over and over. You always hear black women wishing each other happy Father’s Day and dumb shit like that. They chase these fathers away and raise a generation of fucking animals. This is real talk. I don’t care about the sensitive faggots who are in denial on this board.

These goons are totally out of control! In NYC, it’s like 90% of the shootings, rapes and other violent crimes are committed by black goons. Not hispanic, but black. I’m fucking embarrassed, ashamed and pissed the fuck off. I have ZERO sympathy for these fucks when cops pump bullets into them because in my opinion, their lives do NOT matter at all!

You can’t have your mom or girlfriend walk the streets in the city anymore because some dumb loser young black male will be on the prowl looking to carjack, rape, or rob them....OR, a shootout will pop off over some brain dead gang shit and they will get clipped by a stray bullet.

No matter how brain dead you niggas are, you know I’m telling the truth