So where is Kamala’s Dad ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh no she's black we have to vote for her no matter what she believes right!? Ever if she supports pushing gay agenda in elementary schools
Nigga, just shut the fuck up and vote for Project 2025 and enjoy that career of indentured servitude picking cotton for that racist, orange mothafucker!!! This motherfucker ain’t done shit, hasn’t coherently explained anything he’d do, because he can’t, but some of you idiots will run to him like he’s your savior, while you question credentials her over race, regardless of the fact that she has a coherent plan, that doesn’t include establishing a dictatorship or making every race other than white men, subservient or subhuman …you dickheads will spit shine this dude’s nuts because he tricked y’all into thinking he’s this great businessman and that he actually gives a fuck about your wellbeing…or that he did something for you because of a covid stimulus check, that was actually the result of the work of Schumer and Pelosi. A black Trump supporter is simply a fucking moron


Rising Star
Nigga, just shut the fuck up and vote for Project 2025 and enjoy that career of indentured servitude picking cotton for that racist, orange mothafucker!!! This motherfucker ain’t done shit, hasn’t coherently explained anything he’d do, because he can’t, but some of you idiots will run to him like he’s your savior, while you question credentials her over race, regardless of the fact that she has a coherent plan, that doesn’t include establishing a dictatorship or making every race other than white men, subservient or subhuman …you dickheads will spit shine this dude’s nuts because he tricked y’all into thinking he’s this great businessman and that he actually gives a fuck about your wellbeing…or that he did something for you because of a covid stimulus check, that was actually the result of the work of Schumer and Pelosi. A black Trump supporter is simply a fucking moron
Like I said before, show me where I said I support Trump. U zombies have no argument... I can tell your upset just like a gay boy would be, keep voting for your Indian women sissy LOL


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm voting for myself... Hold that thought

Thank you for the response and your answer.

Nothing to think about, voting for yourself you might as well write in and vote for an



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Me and family live a happy life without depending on other to save us... So keep dancing

I gave you the two choices on the presidential ballot to choose and you chose none.

You're a non-voter so anything presidential election related you voice or opinion doesn't count or matter.

And nothing that I stated referenced anyone saving me, I asked you to answer a question between two candidates.

No beef, I just asked you a question and you gave me your answer.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
I’ve been reading that her mother was really messed up and alienated her from her dad. Her mother moved her and her sister to another state and he quit his job to get another job closer to them. The mother later moved to Canada which further reduced his connection and influence. She then moved to California. It’s actually really messed up what her mother did if true.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’ve been reading that her mother was really messed up and alienated her from her dad. Her mother moved her and her sister to another state and he quit his job to get another job closer to them. The mother later moved to Canada which further reduced his connection and influence. She then moved to California. It’s actually really messed up what her mother did if true.
If you believe that Jamaican quit a job to be closer to his kids, but wouldnt move to a place literally full of Jamaicans in the 70's to be near them then I have a bridge to sell you in London.

He wanted nothing to do with either of his kids because he didnt feel he had to handle ANY responsibility, which is probably why he considers himself a marxist now. Kamala fully explained this in her book years ago. He didnt want kids interrupting his "great" career....of speaking bullshit to rich kids on university campuses, and giving suggestions to nations who would never follow them.


Rising Star
I’ve been reading that her mother was really messed up and alienated her from her dad. Her mother moved her and her sister to another state and he quit his job to get another job closer to them. The mother later moved to Canada which further reduced his connection and influence. She then moved to California. It’s actually really messed up what her mother did if true.
Where did you read this?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lol I can tell your an emotional gay boy, literally. Roland Martin type negro...
This coming from some little keyboard bitch with angry responses…lol
I’d rather be a Roland Martin type, you know, the thinking negro with some sense, rather than a full blown, boot licking, ass kissing house nigg•r, such as yourself…now be gone, slave boy


Rising Star
This coming from some little keyboard bitch with angry responses…lol
I’d rather be a Roland Martin type, you know, the thinking negro with some sense, rather than a full blown, boot licking, ass kissing house nigg•r, such as yourself…now be gone, slave boy
Angry? Im laughing at u. U have mental illness, its not normal to be fruity, stop trying to push it on normal people fruitcake.:beatyourass:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Angry? Im laughing at u. U have mental illness, it’s not normal to be fruity, stop trying to push it on normal people
You do realize how much of a bitch you sound like? Just like a Trump supporter…get your card pulled and you resort to deflecting and name calling…you ain’t nothing but an ignorant, keyboard bitch trying to look big and smart…do you feel big, strong and smart, little bitch-ling? Nigga, I’d love to see you face to face so “Yo Bitch Chose Me” over you, little bitch bitch. Now go on with your mouthful of Trump dick lol


Rising Star
You do realize how much of a bitch you sound like? Just like a Trump supporter…get your card pulled and you resort to deflecting and name calling…you ain’t nothing but an ignorant, keyboard bitch trying to look big and smart…do you feel big, strong and smart, little bitch-ling? Nigga, I’d love to see you face to face so “Yo Bitch Chose Me” over you, little bitch bitch. Now go on with your mouthful of Trump dick lol
I hurt u, didn't I? :clown :beatyourass: