Some of these passport bros are the biggest simps and suckas alive!!!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Most of these niggas are socially inept with women, only to flee the sexual tyranny of the IS to get played by some bitch living in poverty in another hemisphere. I listen to Oshay all the time for entertainment and I have to look at him sideways sometimes.

Did you notice the look on her face when he talked about getting married? It looked like she was saying, "Ah hell nah!" with her eyes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Your perspective of true living is different, when you are a millionaire or overseas fucking 20 something year olds everyday. I spend 6 months to 7 months overseas a year, enjoy the best of both worlds.

There are advantages and disadvantages to living overseas vs stateside. I love my life in both places. Its a balanced life.

Average dude stateside has had 8 sex partners in life, that tells you everything. And normally, average dudes don't face lawsuits or false rape accusations to get extorted, so they are more comfortable.

If you never solo travelled,l internationally, you get conditioned to dating, marrying, or fucking a bunch average to below average, generic, or 35 and up women.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Your perspective of true living is different, when you are a millionaire or overseas fucking 20 something year olds everyday. I spend 6 months to 7 months overseas a year, enjoy the best of both worlds.

There are advantages and disadvantages to living overseas vs stateside. I love my life in both places. Its a balanced life.

Average dude stateside has had 8 sex partners in life, that tells you everything. And normally, average dudes don't face lawsuits or false rape accusations to get extorted, so they are more comfortable.

If you never solo travelled,l internationally, you get conditioned to dating, marrying, or fucking a bunch average to below average, generic, or 35 and up women.

Even though it was Sosua and I'm sure all the women congregated in that one area it was some really nice look bitches there. Yes I know they was hookers. Even the regular workers I saw where attractive. Yeah they had some BBWs walking the stroll. My next trip I'm looking to vacation somewhere more normal to sight see. Thinking of Costa Rica to see what its about.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Even though it was Sosua and I'm sure all the women congregated in that one area it was some really nice look bitches there. Yes I know they was hookers. Even the regular workers I saw where attractive. Yeah they had some BBWs walking the stroll. My next trip I'm looking to vacation somewhere more normal to sight see. Thinking of Costa Rica to see what its about.
I love Costa Rica, beautiful country. Definitely worth a visit, not just for the women. Nice beaches, Volvano sites, ecosystem, resorts in Tamarindo and Hot Springs.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This simply isnt realistic in our community.

Hell, plenty of niggas even in the states wont do that for the women they make kids with, they arent going to do it overseas in a foreign country.

I stayed there for 3yrs consistently and know español, so I had time to really get into the culture of the country. Establishing relationships with ppl being a foreigner is vital. You never know who can help you. As for the begging, if you come from a “first” world country you can’t help but notice the difference infrastructure and social programs provide. If I was staying with a chick or a family and I saw something that I could help with I would. Showing gratitude and a heart to help goes a long way especially if you are actually staying in the country for a long period of time.

I run the same playbook in the states and never had an issue like most dudes have with women.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I stayed there for 3yrs consistently and know español, so I had time to really get into the culture of the country. Establishing relationships with ppl being a foreigner is vital. You never know who can help you. As for the begging, if you come from a “first” world country you can’t help but notice the difference infrastructure and social programs provide. If I was staying with a chick or a family and I saw something that I could help with I would. Showing gratitude and a heart to help goes a long way especially if you are actually staying in the country for a long period of time.

I run the same playbook in the states and never had an issue like most dudes have with women.
I feel you, but I think thats a fundamental difference between our philosophies.

Im NOT trying to spend consistent time down there because as an American I have 2 things going for me:
1. Scarcity- I am not like the guys you have access to down there because I am NOT down there consistently. That makes when I am down there special for you.
2. Resources- I am not down there consistently because I am busy(hence making money) becoming more valuable to you. Me making money elsewhere puts me on a completely different plane than the guys down there because we simply make more money up here. Be it DR or Colombia where most brothers play, or my favorite playground in South America Peru.

By not being around you also, indirectly, make the woman feel more important. When I come down and have my Peruvian girl pick me up she feels seen. When she cooks for me, her food becomes Peruvian food. She is on her A-game. When you are always down there that slides. She doesnt want to cook as much, and wants more restaurants(which puts you at risk as many places put tap water in their water bottles or their Perrier in wine glasses turns into tap water...thats your stomach fucked up for weeks). She doesnt want the full time effort. She gives you the same experience she would a man down there because you become A MAN DOWN THERE.

The begging also becomes a means of self-preservation. If you are only dealing with her, for the most part, you are out of sight and out of mind to her family. This stops you from being a target of cousins and other unsavory characters. Most of these people dont believe women when they brag about things because women in the third world, like women here, lie all the time. They lie on what men do for them, lie about what privileges they receive, lie about how they make money, and generally make tall tales to seem bigger than what they are. When you dont have much, you have to sell these tickets. Think of it as niggas in the hood with Jordans. You arent going to come down there, view them through your white man's burden lens, and save them by giving them money. Your charity isnt going to replace her decades of training and culture. If dad is sitting at home all day making jack shit, you are going to come in and fund that. You're also going to fund sister's and aunts bad choice in men and their kids. You wont change that laying up in their house giving them money and trying to provide social services they'd never vote for, or work to support.

The money has to go through the girl always because she has to feel she is providing you with something to deserve it. If she doesnt, and the money is just freely coming to ma dukes and big sis, she will become entitled and resentful. If her family is around they will feel the same. It will turn into a reparations argument where they will feel entitled to something they arent even doing but because "You fucking my family, I need a cut of that too". Its nothing but headaches for you. It always must be:

"YOU are my girl, you get this for being my girl. Your dad is YOUR dad, he does nothing for me. If YOU want to take YOUR money that YOU get from me to pay some of his bills, YOU do that."

You have to frame it that way always.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most of these fellas go to the hottest spots in those countries with the bow down to me bitch attitude and this is what you get when it doesn't work out. WTF would you go to the club looking for a woman then run to YT to post a walk-through talking about I got that baddest of the baddest?

Most of my partners with foreign women all did this....go to the non-tourist area maintain a low profile learn the culture and see what happens...keep your mouth shut and don't lead with your wallet. Most of these chicks just want a basic lifestyle. It's not that hard to find a decent woman out there especially in Latin Countries.

Dudes like Auston are running from themselves, trauma, and using body count as a band-aid as opposed to actually going to immerse yourself in the culture.

Like I said I'm in Bahia a lot and that is a mecca of chocolate way you can't find a decent woman there if you can speak basic portguguese. Also a lot of brothers pass up on places like Campino Grande..a lot of good sisters there too because it's not the hot spot.

The fellas is weird so 99% of it is him....his mom is just as crazy :lol:

Bahia, and Salvador in particular, is the black westerners paradise.

A city mostly black that has only had one(semi) black mayor nearly 50 years ago. Black people dont run shit there, dont have any ambition to run shit there, and Wont run shit there.

A city full of black people happy at being subservient to the few whites there, and ready to bend the knee to anybody white elsewhere. You most certainly can find a decent women there. One who wont run shit, one who'll have your kids not wanting to run shit(Ever), and one who might even be loyal if you are able to keep her away from any white boys who are prowling to scratch an itch.

As far as me? I didnt grow up with black power, and become a success, just to mix my lineage into a defeated mentality from scratch.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I feel you, but I think thats a fundamental difference between our philosophies.

Im NOT trying to spend consistent time down there because as an American I have 2 things going for me:
1. Scarcity- I am not like the guys you have access to down there because I am NOT down there consistently. That makes when I am down there special for you.
2. Resources- I am not down there consistently because I am busy(hence making money) becoming more valuable to you. Me making money elsewhere puts me on a completely different plane than the guys down there because we simply make more money up here. Be it DR or Colombia where most brothers play, or my favorite playground in South America Peru.

By not being around you also, indirectly, make the woman feel more important. When I come down and have my Peruvian girl pick me up she feels seen. When she cooks for me, her food becomes Peruvian food. She is on her A-game. When you are always down there that slides. She doesnt want to cook as much, and wants more restaurants(which puts you at risk as many places put tap water in their water bottles or their Perrier in wine glasses turns into tap water...thats your stomach fucked up for weeks). She doesnt want the full time effort. She gives you the same experience she would a man down there because you become A MAN DOWN THERE.

The begging also becomes a means of self-preservation. If you are only dealing with her, for the most part, you are out of sight and out of mind to her family. This stops you from being a target of cousins and other unsavory characters. Most of these people dont believe women when they brag about things because women in the third world, like women here, lie all the time. They lie on what men do for them, lie about what privileges they receive, lie about how they make money, and generally make tall tales to seem bigger than what they are. When you dont have much, you have to sell these tickets. Think of it as niggas in the hood with Jordans. You arent going to come down there, view them through your white man's burden lens, and save them by giving them money. Your charity isnt going to replace her decades of training and culture. If dad is sitting at home all day making jack shit, you are going to come in and fund that. You're also going to fund sister's and aunts bad choice in men and their kids. You wont change that laying up in their house giving them money and trying to provide social services they'd never vote for, or work to support.

The money has to go through the girl always because she has to feel she is providing you with something to deserve it. If she doesnt, and the money is just freely coming to ma dukes and big sis, she will become entitled and resentful. If her family is around they will feel the same. It will turn into a reparations argument where they will feel entitled to something they arent even doing but because "You fucking my family, I need a cut of that too". Its nothing but headaches for you. It always must be:

"YOU are my girl, you get this for being my girl. Your dad is YOUR dad, he does nothing for me. If YOU want to take YOUR money that YOU get from me to pay some of his bills, YOU do that."

You have to frame it that way always.

I get your point.

It all depends on the type of woman too. Most dudes will go for low hanging fruit and be surprised with the outcome it brings. I was lucky and I mean lucky to meet quality chicks who had their own situation and didn’t really need my resources for survival or to support a lifestyle. I needed them more than they needed me.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A lot men won't even get that.....

8:48 - another dufus who clearly told on himself (he got into some wild shit a while back too):roflmao3:

How about these brothers stop messing with women you have no intentions of actually being with them getting mad when they actually want something serious, then running around with go pros talking about getting ya passport :smh:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bahia, and Salvador in particular, is the black westerners paradise.

A city mostly black that has only had one(semi) black mayor nearly 50 years ago. Black people dont run shit there, dont have any ambition to run shit there, and Wont run shit there.

A city full of black people happy at being subservient to the few whites there, and ready to bend the knee to anybody white elsewhere. You most certainly can find a decent women there. One who wont run shit, one who'll have your kids not wanting to run shit(Ever), and one who might even be loyal if you are able to keep her away from any white boys who are prowling to scratch an itch.

As far as me? I didnt grow up with black power, and become a success, just to mix my lineage into a defeated mentality from scratch.
Fortunately, mines is all about tearing down the walls of white supremacy, She was actually part of a Afro Brazilian cohort that went to Brasilia to raise hell about legislation. As a matter of fact, when she's here, we constantly joke in the car about the cacs with big ass trucks and Confederate flags, snakes, ar-15s, while we're cruising the roads here in the US.

That kind goes back to what I was saying, dudes have to do actual investigations about potential mates and not fall for the beauty because that fades anyways.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
my brother he literally said a woman tried to actually be in a conducive relationship with him but he wanted to go pay the skanks instead :lol:
...but he complains about the women HERE not wanting to be in a relationship...but then goes there to play the field??? Like what do you want? You want 7's or higher in America while being a 4 (at best!) but then go to a country and complain about the 7's or higher wanting a relationship IN A THRID WORLD COUNTRY!!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
...but he complains about the women HERE not wanting to be in a relationship...but then goes there to play the field??? Like what do you want? You want 7's or higher in America while being a 4 (at best!) but then go to a country and complain about the 7's or higher wanting a relationship IN A THRID WORLD COUNTRY!!!!
you can't make that shit up my brother :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
...but he complains about the women HERE not wanting to be in a relationship...but then goes there to play the field??? Like what do you want? You want 7's or higher in America while being a 4 (at best!) but then go to a country and complain about the 7's or higher wanting a relationship IN A THRID WORLD COUNTRY!!!!
Anyone on the board who has a Latin Woman will tell you either you are in or you or out. They don't play when it comes to actually being in a committed relationship.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anyone on the board who has a Latin Woman will tell you either you are in or you or out. They don't play when it comes to actually being in a committed relationship.

nothing but FUEGO lol... better let them know from the jump what you about.. because once you are IN you are in,

and them latino hoes have a fuckin NETWORK... you could try and go on a date without em you may get by the first few dates,

but let her find out something aint right, go through your phone while you lacking....

your next date aint gonna be so much fun, if she aint invited...that bitch



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
nothing but FUEGO lol... better let them know from the jump what you about.. because once you are IN you are in,

and them latino hoes have a fuckin NETWORK... you could try and go on a date without em you may get by the first few dates,

but let her find out something aint right, go through your phone while you lacking....

your next date aint gonna be so much fun, if she aint invited...that bitch

She'll deal with her first then you are about to GET IT :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
...but he complains about the women HERE not wanting to be in a relationship...but then goes there to play the field??? Like what do you want? You want 7's or higher in America while being a 4 (at best!) but then go to a country and complain about the 7's or higher wanting a relationship IN A THRID WORLD COUNTRY!!!!

"Once a lame, always a lame..."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let this man live his life... :roflmao:
Most the women these dudes dating overseas are prostitutes. The dudes you see moving overseas are usually ex military living off them disability checks. I'm glad other youtubers expose them for the lies they put out. Guys who stays in Thailand and Phillipines due so due to the cheap cost of living. Shit a fantasy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most the women these dudes dating overseas are prostitutes. The dudes you see moving overseas are usually ex military living off them disability checks. I'm glad other youtubers expose them for the lies they put out. Guys who stays in Thailand and Phillipines due so due to the cheap cost of living. Shit a fantasy
What's crazy is that white dudes been doing this shyt for YEARS!!!! Black cats started doing it, gave it a cool nickname and used it for the gender wars. Quiet as kept motherfcukers want to become a vlogger begging for super chats to fund their lifestyle and trips just makes you an even bigger loser.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
What's crazy is that white dudes been doing this shyt for YEARS!!!! Black cats started doing it, gave it a cool nickname and used it for the gender wars. Quiet as kept motherfcukers want to become a vlogger begging for super chats to fund their lifestyle and trips just makes you an even bigger loser.

Brah all that shit talk haters are doing against "Passport Bros" equates to dick monitoring with extra steps.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Brah all that shit talk haters are doing against "Passport Bros" equates dick monitoring with extra steps.
How is it "hate" if you broadcast your exploits on YouTube? I didn't go out looking for their videos. Someone made a thread and I commented on it. If I go out of my way to view their content and say what I am saying THAT is a hater. Hard to NOT monitor something if you put it out for the entire world to see. EVERYTHING that they're doing, they can do WITHOUT the camera and YouTube. Folks want fame while doing the bare minimum.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
The problem with that is the fact america can work if people accept who they are and stop trying to live in fantasy land thinking shit is perfect or thinking everybody rich or have to do expensive shit and go on expensive vacations, but to enjoy each other company within their means.

Only reason why folks go overseas is because shit is cheap and women over there are poor and you don't have to give them much to fuck or for them to be your girlfriend doing favors for their family and her.

I feel like money shouldn't need to be spent if you vibing with a chick that likes you vs a chick that doesn't that you gotta give her money to impress her or for her to have sex with you and to be with you.
that part right there. and when you find one that fits that description, you hang onto her.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
How is it "hate" if you broadcast your exploits on YouTube? I didn't go out looking for their videos. Someone made a thread and I commented on it. If I go out of my way to view their content and say what I am saying THAT is a hater. Hard to NOT monitor something if you put it out for the entire world to see. EVERYTHING that they're doing, they can do WITHOUT the camera and YouTube. Folks want fame while doing the bare minimum.

Folks post about stuff going on in there lives all the times. That's what made YouTube what it is. Whether it be a female traveling to beaches across the country in a van or a man going to different countries to fuck women. When I see folks hating on "Passport Bros" I just shake my head. Folks talmbout, "he gotta pay for pussy" or "he don't like Black women here in America". Why he can't just be traveling and having fun? I'm happy to see Black men traveling and having fun. Whereas so many other folks have all types of negative shit to say about them.