Someone was trying to EXTORT Kevin Hart - so he publicly apologizes on IG to his wife and two kids


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
does anyone think she's an upgrade or push looks wise from eniko??



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

who the fuck took that shot?? thats some creepy shit right there...and them niggas sleep too soundly..:smh::smh::smh:


Rising Star
OG Investor
9/19/2017 1:00 AM PDT
Kevin Hart Extortion Plot, Woman in Video is a Traveling Stripper


Kevin Hart
partied with a woman -- who is now at the center of the sexually explicit video -- for an entire weekend last month, and we've learned she's a stripper who hits up whatever clubs she can book.

Her name is Montia Sabbag, although she sometimes spells it Montiah Sabagg. She's 27, lives in Long Beach, CA and met Kevin during a pretty wild weekend in Vegas back in August.

The first frames of the 4 minute and 47 second video are a pic of Kevin and Montia. You can't see who's on the bed during the most explicit portion of the tape, but after the bed scene 2 people who look like Kevin and Montia are walking around in various stages of undress.


We're told Kevin had never met her before and has not had any encounters with her since.

As we reported, she denies she had anything to do with shooting the video, but authorities are not so sure. We're told there were other people present during the weekend and investigators are tracking them all down, with the intent of serving search warrants as quickly as possible.

The brass ring for law enforcement is decoding the encrypted emails the extortionist sent to Kevin's people and figuring out the sender's identity.

As we reported, Montia lawyered up almost immediately after Kevin's team contacted her, and her lawyer said she would sit for a lie detector test if Kevin paid her $420,000.

Our sources say before making a multi-million dollar demand to Kevin in return for keeping the video a secret, the extortionist tried to get at least one media outlet to pay $15 million for the highly produced video.


Our sources say Kevin had a meeting by telephone Monday afternoon with 2 investigators on the case and it lasted an hour and a half. He aggressively wants to help law enforcement identify and catch the extortionist(s). This was his second meeting with investigators.
the extorters got greedy, if they lowered their price he would have paid


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I dunno.

I think she was in on it.

Her extortion partners got greedy.

She will flip on the rest eventually.

Right now she's trying to get her 5 minutes out of this. And her lawyer is probably working for a percentage of that reality TV and interview salary.

...and to be known as the "go to" lawyer for sneaky ass bitches.


Beep beep. Who's got the keys to the Jeep? VROOM!
OG Investor
For a Man that is known for stand up comedy and comedy movies
As serious as this is supposed to be everybody is laughing at this
People can and are laughing at this story because in the grand scheme of things it really is not that big of a deal. Kevin Hart cheated on his wife. AND? If his wife can deal with it, then no one else outside of the people involved and their families should be affected by this "news". The extortion component, however, IS criminal and a big deal - but that component alone is not the reason this thread has over 400 replies.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People can and are laughing at this story because in the grand scheme of things it really is not that big of a deal. Kevin Hart cheated on his wife. AND? If his wife can deal with it, then no one else outside of the people involved and their families should be affected by this "news". The extortion component, however, IS criminal and a big deal - but that component alone is not the reason this thread has over 400 replies.
it wouldn't be an issue if he hadn't literally ran around the country promoting his relationship as the end all to be all and he's specifically is done with cheating and learned his lesson blah blah blah...

He put himself out there and opened himself up to all kinds of shit...the extortion is just the price of playing the game. And the extortion ain't over either..guess what eniko's gonna be demanding even tho she staying...


BGOL Legend
9/19/2017 1:00 AM PDT
Kevin Hart Extortion Plot, Woman in Video is a Traveling Stripper


Kevin Hart
partied with a woman -- who is now at the center of the sexually explicit video -- for an entire weekend last month, and we've learned she's a stripper who hits up whatever clubs she can book.

Her name is Montia Sabbag, although she sometimes spells it Montiah Sabagg. She's 27, lives in Long Beach, CA and met Kevin during a pretty wild weekend in Vegas back in August.

The first frames of the 4 minute and 47 second video are a pic of Kevin and Montia. You can't see who's on the bed during the most explicit portion of the tape, but after the bed scene 2 people who look like Kevin and Montia are walking around in various stages of undress.


We're told Kevin had never met her before and has not had any encounters with her since.

As we reported, she denies she had anything to do with shooting the video, but authorities are not so sure. We're told there were other people present during the weekend and investigators are tracking them all down, with the intent of serving search warrants as quickly as possible.

The brass ring for law enforcement is decoding the encrypted emails the extortionist sent to Kevin's people and figuring out the sender's identity.

As we reported, Montia lawyered up almost immediately after Kevin's team contacted her, and her lawyer said she would sit for a lie detector test if Kevin paid her $420,000.

Our sources say before making a multi-million dollar demand to Kevin in return for keeping the video a secret, the extortionist tried to get at least one media outlet to pay $15 million for the highly produced video.


Our sources say Kevin had a meeting by telephone Monday afternoon with 2 investigators on the case and it lasted an hour and a half. He aggressively wants to help law enforcement identify and catch the extortionist(s). This was his second meeting with investigators.

reads like i suspected
he just met her she was around and she was down to fuck. everybody is overthinking the circumstance talking about choosing this and that etc.
she was just around that day.

BGOL Investor
reads like i suspected
he just met her she was around and she was down to fuck. everybody is overthinking the circumstance talking about choosing this and that etc.
she was just around that day.

Only women and moist niggas think that know who I'm talking about


BGOL Legend
Only women and moist niggas think that know who I'm talking about

Men would fuck a lot of people if they didn't have to put ANY effort into it at all.
Even striking up a legit conversation and pretended to be interested is enough to thwart a guy from trying to talk to a girl to eventually gain sex
Imagine if you had to do nothing at all.
Just be there. Then she comes up to you. Then you just be like let's fuck within a few moments of meeting her and she says "OK"

How would that list look if that were possible lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Men would fuck a lot of people if they didn't have to put ANY effort into it at all.
Even striking up a legit conversation and pretended to be interested is enough to thwart a guy from trying to talk to a girl to eventually gain sex
Imagine if you had to do nothing at all.
Just be there. Then she comes up to you. Then you just be like let's fuck within a few moments of meeting her and she says "OK"

How would that list look if that were possible lol

at the end of the day youre talking about self control and integrity and a commitment YOU one put a gun to anyones head and said TAKE THESE VOWS! No one forced anyone to stand up in front of your family/her family/God and the state you live in and say I want to be with her and ONLY her for the rest of my life!

a MAN'S word is supposed to be his bond. thats the whole point and issue.. if eniko is down with the program then fine and kev didn't cheat. But he's sure as hell ACTING like he cheated. If nothing else Kevs got to do damage control for his brand and image.. But if she decides at some point to rake him over the coals and use that incident...then who's fault is that?

ya'll wanna talk about got niggas on here butthurt about cats being held to the standard THEY set.:hmm:

I many niggas here regularly cheat on their wife..and you know who I'm talking about..
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BGOL Legend
at the end of the day youre talking about self control and integrity and a commitment YOU one put a gun to anyones head and said TAKE THESE VOWS! No one forced anyone to stand up in front of your family/her family/God and the state you live in and say I want to be with her and ONLY her for the rest of my life!

a MAN'S word is supposed to be his bond. thats the whole point and issue.. if eniko is down with the program then fine and kev didn't cheat. But he's sure as hell ACTING like he cheated. If nothing else Kevs got to do damage control for his brand and image.. But if she decides at some point to rake him over the coals and use that incident...then who's fault is that?

ya'll wanna talk about got niggas on here butthurt about cats being held to the standard THEY set.:hmm:

I many niggas here regularly cheat on their wife..and you know who I'm talking about..

Youre confusing my statement with excusing cheating on his wife

I am speaking on the looks of the woman solely.

Ppl were saying he could do better looks wise and I am saying if you had to put no effort into 6s and 7s and 8s why would you put effort into a 9 or a 10 if you're literally going to see her 1 day in your life and you get to fuck?

That is a general celebrity rich man concept not in the context of what he did with cheating on his wife


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The point is that you are acting like Kevin cheated on you personally. The ONLY people I see acting like this are women.
as a FAN of kevin hart he is a philly dude who made damn good.. a guy who proclaimed love and commitment was coming out of his eyes..its disappointing to see dude fuck up his shit..the same way I was disappointed with bill cosby who opened himself up to all this shit because he couldn't keep it in pants all the while promoting family values. The point is these dudes promoted themselves as one way then willingly fucked that up and what you expect people to ignore that shit?

you have a point I have a counter point youre the one pussyhurt because I stated my point and didn't cheerlead how many hoes kev fucked around with.

BGOL Investor
as a FAN of kevin hart he is a philly dude who made damn good.. a guy who proclaimed love and commitment was coming out of his eyes..its disappointing to see dude fuck up his shit..the same way I was disappointed with bill cosby who opened himself up to all this shit because he couldn't keep it in pants all the while promoting family values.

"You trusted him"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He can't always fuck dimes only like BGOL members do.
actually he could..he's RICH unlike bgol members that dude is REAL rich and famous.. hey old girl is cute no doubt but i bet eniko is looking at kev like REALLY NIGGA? REALLY?

Youre confusing my statement with excusing cheating on his wife

I am speaking on the looks of the woman solely.

Ppl were saying he could do better looks wise and I am saying if you had to put no effort into 6s and 7s and 8s why would you put effort into a 9 or a 10 if you're literally going to see her 1 day in your life and you get to fuck?

That is a general celebrity rich man concept not in the context of what he did with cheating on his wife

okay lets put it this way everytime you cheat you risk blowing your shit up.. in kev's case would it be worth damaging his brand and all that embarrassment for a 7? half the bitches tiger fucked didn't come close to being better looking than his wife and that nigga took a club iron to the head and lost endorsements for it.

was it worth it?:dunno:


BGOL Legend
actually he could..he's RICH unlike bgol members that dude is REAL rich and famous.. hey old girl is cute no doubt but i bet eniko is looking at kev like REALLY NIGGA? REALLY?

okay lets put it this way everytime you cheat you risk blowing your shit up.. in kev's case would it be worth damaging his brand and all that embarrassment for a 7? half the bitches tiger fucked didn't come close to being better looking than his wife and that nigga took a club iron to the head and lost endorsements for it.

was it worth it?:dunno:

You're still talking about cheating.
I am talking about his choice in woman or any man's choice in women in that situation where there was no effort put into having sex at all
I am not talking about anything have to do with blowing up a spot or a relationship I am saying as a man that in the situation of choosing to have sex with a woman after giving no effort not in the context of whether or not you're in a relationship.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Kevin fucked a trick that he could've pulled when he was broke. With his money and status you're only supposed to be hitting dimes. Dude making rookie mistakes.
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