Sonya Massey called police over possible intruder and gets killed by deputies.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
You know what his own police department probably seen the body cam and they told dude that we can’t save you fucked up you really fucked up. RIP to the sister of this tragedy and I hope they give the police officer a hard time.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Pure incompetence
This is where a social worker/mental health person should be on the call

The cops were doing too much and wanted to be too involved in her and her business.

They had the opportunity to leave, but instead decided to keep pressing her about the car in the driveway. She says that it ain't hers and it's in her driveway and doesn't have a problem with it leave.

It was obvious that she has issues going on but they kept pressing for more information. There was no one on the property, leave.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
They cannot say she is poised as an immediate threat to anyone other than herself and even if they felt threatened they could have backed up with their weapons drawn firing only if she were actually to attract them.
I swear to god I hope they spend the next thirty years being Lil Jay's prison Bitch!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From what I can see, she at no point attempted to throw anything at them. When she saw the guns drawn she threw her hands up and dropped to the floor, then as soon as she stood back up or attempted to, he shot her. Which looks like she may have knocked over the pot in that instance. Dumb fucking cop didn't know what "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" stands for and took it as a threat when it wasn't, and escalated the situation. He deserves a beatdown on top of life in jail


Rising Star
OG Investor
From what I can see, she at no point attempted to throw anything at them. When she saw the guns drawn she threw her hands up and dropped to the floor, then as soon as she stood back up or attempted to, he shot her. Which looks like she may have knocked over the pot in that instance. Dumb fucking cop didn't know what "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" stands for and took it as a threat when it wasn't, and escalated the situation. He deserves a beatdown on top of life in jail

This is another reason why the partner should be charged too. He should have told his partner to chill.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I have no words…

Go to the 14 minute mark to see the shooting.

This is beyond insane. And typically i would say murder 1 was overcharge. Here it is not.

That was a kill squad. A straight sociopath on the job itching to kill. And please notice how the other officer yelled to him that his camera was on (as if he know the shooters camera was off). I believe the murderers camera was purposely off here.

That officer is a deranged animal that needs to be put down. That was fucking insane.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
They are over charging him with first degree murder.

This is how people get off!!!!

It's definitely 2nd degree for sure.

POS shot her cause she had boiling water and then didn't want to help her??!!!

He better get some decades in prison!
Lol u said this without seeing the video

Same with the people who liked it

keep that same energy


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Man.... That makes no fuckin' sense!

Cause she rebuked them, he went all crazy?!

Dude should spend the rest of his life in prison! Hopefully he will meet the business end of a shank.

They are over charging him with first degree murder.

This is how people get off!!!!

It's definitely 2nd degree for sure.

POS shot her cause she had boiling water and then didn't want to help her??!!!

He better get some decades in prison!



Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
This is beyond insane. And typically i would say murder 1 was overcharge. Here it is not.

That was a kill squad. A straight sociopath on the job itching to kill. And please notice how the other officer yelled to him that his camera was on (as if he know the shooters camera was off). I believe the murderers camera was purposely off here.

That officer is a deranged animal that needs to be put down. That was fucking insane.
Lol @ overcharge

Man u guys are fucking hilarious

And I noticed u didn’t speak about how he denied her first aid when the other officer was going to get his kit.

It was a fucking 3 foot wide counter in between her and the cop in addition to the several feet he was standing behind the counter

This wasn’t murder

This was a Lynch, a hate crime. Capital Murder

The James Byrd Jr ACT HAS to be enacted.


May God bless this Lady soul.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I can’t watch! I just can’t! I know it’s bullshit and I hope he everyone involved sits in cell and rot for the rest of their lives. Only could thing is cameras everywhere! There own system is how all this will stop! Cameras will bring change and or revolution…
Why did you like that post about the overcharge or first degree murder?

Watch the fucking video , so u can be as enraged as I am. Right now, u are only imagining what u think is on the video.

Watch this hate crime.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
this worse than laquan McDonald
Far worse. That was gross incompetence and racism.. This was a demon in human form hell bent on murdering a child of God. Her asking for her bible, and rebuking him were not crazy rants or a person under distress. The lady felt the presence of evil. Those cops were active white supremacist and highly likely followers of norse occult practices. There are some very sick people out here. Majority YT's of course.