Sports Cacs Cacing: Mark Cuban: 'I'm bigoted in a lot of different ways'


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I listened to it on ESPN's website ...all I could do is shake my head...:smh::smh::smh:

This dude was rambling on about presentation all this other bullshit that has nothing do with the comment made by Cuban....He really believes that wearing a suit and tie will somehow subside white people's fear of black men..

And for him to say that a black man wearing a hoodie is the equivalent of a white man having tattoos on his face...I had to pause it for awhile and leave the computer,because I was pissed off by that statement...:smh::smh::smh::smh:

And then he even contradicted this when he commented on how he went to grab a sandwich recently while wearing his awesome suit and tie yet a white woman clutched her purse tightly as he walked near her despite his well groom professional appearance. He was all over the fucking place today.


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
And then he even contradicted this when he commented on how he went to grab a sandwich recently while wearing his awesome suit and tie yet a white woman clutched her purse tightly as he walked near her despite his well groom professional appearance. He was all over the fucking place today.

You caught that too huh?

He just contradicted himself!

Lol he says that appearance matters but then tells a story about how fly his suit is and how fly he's dressed yet n still a white woman grabbed her purse with him walking behind her.

Come on man you can't have it both ways. Appearance matters huh?

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i recorded it cause i knew i wouldnt be up at 9am to catch it live. ill try to upload it on youtube and post it here.

Bottom line is SA Smith was stating what White folks and even Pres "Stepin Fetchit" Obama like to always say..and thats how Black folks are irresponsible, how we need to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, how we need to live by a template created by racist white folks in order to survive, blah blah blah. Dr Dyson basically checked him on all his bs and told him that he made some valid point, but in essence the conversation shouldnt be about cloths, irresponsibility, Black folks making prejudice comment etc etc...but instead it should be about the topic of discussion. and the topic of discussion was white folks wanting things to be like it used to be; Jim crows laws, freedom to kill Blacks, call them nig-gers in public etc etc.

SA Smith..and those like him....want to tackle the easy targets, poor uneducated Black folks, but act like pussies when its time to tackle the elitist thats feeding the bs for profit or use the bs the preach to heal inferior whites souls.

this shit is hilarious.
SA Smith was trying control his posture and the whole nine. That non verbal body language is something to marvel!! SA Smith knew he was getting schooled on live TV. He looked mad uncomfortable. Dr Dyson even cracked a smile a few times when SA Smith tried to follow him up.

Btw....I hope dumbfounded folks learned a lesson from that discussion and didnt take it as two Black Men going at each other. A lot could be learned from both SA SMith and Dr Dyson.

Man dawg, I read this Washington Post article last year by Courtland Malloy about Obama's Morehouse commencement speech and was like...

Here is the article and basically what he said...

This emphasis on personal responsibility has long been a staple of the Obamas’ commencement speeches, no matter the venue. But their mandate for black graduates tends to be far more demanding — and is usually aimed at correcting some bad black behavior — than anything they ask of graduates at predominantly white schools.

big pimp

Rising Star
I told you guys before, the over whelming majority of whites with money feel the same way Sterling does...And that is one of the main reasons why this system that we live in continues to persist...
Thi is why black people have to build there own economics.


Transparent, tasteless, odorless
OG Investor
And then he even contradicted this when he commented on how he went to grab a sandwich recently while wearing his awesome suit and tie yet a white woman clutched her purse tightly as he walked near her despite his well groom professional appearance. He was all over the fucking place today.

Light this man up on bluntbit

Put the contradictory shit in pics to share on social media



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And then he even contradicted this when he commented on how he went to grab a sandwich recently while wearing his awesome suit and tie yet a white woman clutched her purse tightly as he walked near her despite his well groom professional appearance. He was all over the fucking place today.

Man Cari even tried to set dude up anf help him out with the equivalency part of the hoodie and tattoos and that went straight over his head......:smh:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Man Cari even tried to set dude up anf help him out with the equivalency part of the hoodie and tattoos and that went straight over his head......:smh:

I'm gonna drop like this...

that white impersonator ESPN got now does his voice perfectly but lately when he does his routines he has been deliberately MISPRONOUNCING words as the SAS character in homeboys FACE and be straight laughing and chuckling like bagger vance.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
lets 'hope' so!!!

also cubans comments were like a green light in his head for the justification

of the murder or trayvon martin. 'cause zim doggie was in fear. so its ok.
No. Lets hope not. If he doesn't cross the street when he sees him coming then he gets one of those bullets to the head that the crazy white fucker was passing out.:yes:

Only thing making it better would be if he only ended up on that side of the street after crossing from a innocent black kid with a hoodie.

Give Me 3ft.

The Supreme Being
Platinum Member
No. Lets hope not. If he doesn't cross the street when he sees him coming then he gets one of those bullets to the head that the crazy white fucker was passing out.:yes:

Only thing making it better would be if he only ended up on that side of the street after crossing from a innocent black kid with a hoodie.

:cool:, we want the same outcome!


Rising Star
Stephen A Smith was off point and stupid on Friday
Even Skip tried to bail him
First take is one of my top 3 fave tv shows (and I like qSAS)
Now I'm in a dilemma
I want to keep watching the show but somehow I think I'll stop

If many black folks get turned off, SAS will be gone.

He says he doesn't care what people say. But soon he may be the one kicking rocks

II Dxnum

Rising Star
Stephen A Smith was off point and stupid on Friday
Even Skip tried to bail him
First take is one of my top 3 fave tv shows (and I like qSAS)
Now I'm in a dilemma
I want to keep watching the show but somehow I think I'll stop

If many black folks get turned off, SAS will be gone.

He says he doesn't care what people say. But soon he may be the one kicking rocks

the fact that you and others took/are taking so long to tune out says a lot.


Rising Star
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Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
So did someone tweet Mark Cuban and ask him if white kids in BMW's scare him yet?

I'm curious to hear his answer :hmm:

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Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
So did someone tweet Mark Cuban and ask him if white kids in BMW's scare him yet?

I'm curious to hear his answer :hmm:

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That's a good question,because I find the whole thing hilarious,because white men are the ones shooting in public places....


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Mark Cuban discusses prejudice, bigotry on TNT's 'Inside the NBA'

Last week, at a business conference in Nashville, Tennessee, Mavericks owner Mark Cuban addressed the NBA's fight against the Clippers and their owner, Donald Sterling. Cuban's comments threw the sports world into a frenzy, to say the least.

On Tuesday, during TNT's "Inside the NBA" pre-game show, Cuban again fielded questions about what he said.

Cuban began the Q&A by explaining why he apologized to Trayvon Martin's family after he made a reference to a "hoodie."

“The reason I apologized is because I’ve met and spent time with his family,” Cuban said. “When I said it, I hadn’t considered that they might have to deal with all of the media onslaught and that’s not fair to them. …I hadn’t considered the Martin and I felt bad for that. And for that reason, I owed them an apology.

"Let me be clear: No one asked me to apologize. I did it voluntarily because I had made a mistake as far as the Martin family was concerned.”

TNT panelist Charles Barkley followed by asking Cuban if he regretted using the word 'bigot' in last week's remarks. Cuban then proceeded to define three separate words.

“What I meant was — the way I defined it, Charles, was that, you’re prejudiced when you have preconceived notions,” Cuban explained. “You’re bigoted when you take some sort of action. You’re racist when you take some sort of oppressive or derogatory or negatively impactful action against a race or group of people. I was bigoted because I was going across the street — that was an action. That’s the way I define the three different words.”

Analyst Kenny Smith responded by stating that where he grew up, he was never really fearful of people who wore hoodies or had tattoos because it was so commonplace. Smith called Cuban's comments “more fearful and stereotypical” than bigoted or prejudicial.

“I don’t care if someone wears a hoodie,” Cuban added. “Golly, you know, I could associate with anybody. I don’t care if it’s a black kid, an orange kid, a green kid, a brown kid, wearing a hoodie is inconsequential — it means nothing. The bigger point, and again it was a bad example, it was a wrong example.

"Kenny, I don’t care who you are. If you’re walking down the street late at night and I’ve been in that circumstances, it’s not just a hypothetical, I’ve been there and you see some kid that is threatening in any way, shape or form, you’re going to the other side of the street. Period. End of story. I don’t care what they’re wearing and I chose hoodie as an example. It was a poor example, but it was just an example."

Smith continued the conversation around the different behavioral thoughts and actions, stating that he's “prejudiced against people who didn’t go to the University of North Carolina” and “prejudiced against people not from New York City.”

“I won’t hold that accountable as a criteria for you being next to me, with me or about me. But if you are, sometimes I like it,” he added.

Shaq, long-time friend of Cuban, commented, saying to Cuban, “I’ve known you for a long time, I don’t think you have a racist or a bigot bone in your body.”

At the end of the discussion, Cuban further supported what he said this past week in Music City.

“I don’t regret a single thing that I said,” he said. “I stand behind it 100 percent. Other than the examples, I would say the exact same thing over again. I’m proud of the fact that it started a discussion on racism. I’m proud of the fact that it created this firestorm and got people thinking about themselves and how they approach it."

While Cuban said last week that he knew how he’d vote regarding possibly ousting Clippers owner Donald Sterling, he backtracked on his statement, saying he only said that because he wanted the questioning to end. He still doesn’t know how he will vote on June 3.

“I trust Adam Silver and his staff to go through the exact process that needs to take place,” Cuban said. “I’m going to trust Adam in the process, and I’ll make a decision then.”


Rising Star
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Rising Star
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Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said he would have taken a different path with forcing Donald Sterling to sell the Los Angeles Clippers.

He said on a SiriusXM show Thursday that he would have voted to let Sterling keep the team if it had come down to the NBA Governor’s Board decision. He acknowledged that he would probably be the only owner to vote in such a way, but said he doesn’t care,*reports the New York Daily News.

Cuban said, “F**k’em. I don’t care if nobody shows up to games. If I think the ethical thing to do is to vote against 29 other guys, I will.”

Cuban had previously said that punishing Sterling for his thoughts is a dangerous infringement on the first amendment. At the end of April, Cuban said, “I think you’ve got to be very, very careful when you start making blanket statements about what people say and think, as opposed to what they do. It’s a very, very slippery slope.”

Fuck who exactly, Mr. Cuban? :hmm:

Not that this is a surprise based on his comments previous to this. But this whole FUCK EM line is BIG and I hope not only the players but the other owners and Adam Silver is paying attention.

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