Bill this shit needs to be violent af, fuck these kidsFocused on Live action
I don't think there has ever been a bad animated so it went without saying lol
ThanksAbout 5 years after the 2nd Death Star blew up.
Bill this shit needs to be violent af, fuck these kids
its war, that’s my only gripe
but this shit dope af tho
It needs tittiesIt's violent. They fight every single episode.
People get clapped up people get eaten by giant worms its raw
just not gushing blood everywhere
You know she is a hardcore Trump Supporter....
yepYou know she is a hardcore Trump Supporter....
Okay. I've watched all the movies. When does this take place in regards to the movies?
Flawless? Haha. Come on man.
The force is in your blood now? Hmm. Ok. So you can give someone a blood transfusion and they and weld the force?
if this shit had titties it would be the best tv show ever hands downIt needs titties
nah...I just watched it again. She actually said the opposite. She emphasized that Gideon was hers....she went as far as to say "I don't care what happens to him, as long as he surrenders to me."She instructed mando to get the dark saber because in gideons hands she didnt stand a chance and mandos beskar armor is nearly impervious
The sets are all lame and so claustrophobic. I don't get why y'all niggas are so hype.
Star Wars is notorious for repeating characters and copying the previous movies beat by beat.
1. Death Star 1,2,3. Same device in 3 times!!!
2. Yoda and the Kid look exactly alike! Bullshit! The short motherfucker is so annoying to watch.
3. Old characters always show up decades later!
Okay. I've watched all the movies. When does this take place in regards to the movies?
Thank you. I’ll will watch it that order
Who comes into a thread about a show that they don't like to tell people that like the show why "Hey I don't like it?" This social media generation is creating sociopaths. Would you go your local bar and argue with the customers about how they fry their wings? They would ask you if you dont like the food why the fuck are you here? How about fuck off and find something you enjoy and not piss on other peoples parade.
What else could you possibly want? There's nothing worth complaining about with this current series.
Yes and trust me, star wars more sense that way.
And no you can't get it transfused. Though it hasn't throughly been explored to that degree yet
Yeah i believe the Dark Troopers came from the games.![]()
You forgot about the Video Games as well..They are a part of the Story as well...
Okay. I've watched all the movies. When does this take place in regards to the movies?
The force is in your blood now? Hmm. Ok. So you can give someone a blood transfusion and they and weld the force?
Kyle Katarn is due his live action debut......No to the second question. But in the non-canon Kyle Katarn game, JD2: Outcast, the antagonist used power from the Valley of the Jedi to turn normal people into force users.
Gideon probably was more so interested in studying Grogu's/Yoda's species affinity for the reason behind their high midichlorian count.
I'd like to see Mara Jade tooKyle Katarn is due his live action debut......
Would love to see Filoni/Favreau do it.
I binge watch all 8 episodes today. I really enjoyed it alot especially the ending....
Disney needs to stop fucking around and do a Luke Skywalker show based on Jedi Academy, bringing in Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn...I'd like to see Mara Jade too
Sadly we won't get the storyline with Jaina & Jacen Solo where Jacen becomes Darth CaedusDisney needs to stop fucking around and do a Luke Skywalker show based on Jedi Academy, bringing in Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn...
Lols I'll bite....Still say magneto would beat any jedi