From a Star Wars historical perspective, yes. The Empire was always run by white men. Never any women and never any Aliens. Only Alien allowed in any high ranks was Thrawn.
See above. I have no problem with them including women in the Rebel Alliance, but having women and women commanders in the Empire is forced and goes against what has been established.
I'm glad Ahsoka finally made it to Live Action, I only wanted to see her fight like she did in Clone Wars because I wanted to see that style on screen.
Toxic because we criticize a franchise we love? Oh you one of them Terry Crews "Toxic Masculinity is the devil" types?
Toxic because your nit picking shit. The character was done flawlessly and motherfuckers want to conplain about her head tails and that she didnt use reverse grip long enough??????? Tgis is why star wars has these fucked up sequels