he doesnt know it... but he really meant Silver SurferLols I'll bite....
Magneto can move and manipulate metal.
Jedi can move anything....
Luke + boulders = splat!
he doesnt know it... but he really meant Silver SurferLols I'll bite....
Magneto can move and manipulate metal.
Jedi can move anything....
Luke + boulders = splat!
Lols I'll bite....
Magneto can move and manipulate metal.
Jedi can move anything....
Luke + boulders = splat!
Nah. Magneto can manipulate mental in your blood as well. Luke would be died or in server pain before the Boulder reaches Magento and that would probably includes that robot arm being used against him too.
Even if the Boulder reached him, I believe Magento can use is powers like a shield around his body.
Magneto would have took those rock em sock em robots way faster than luke and light saber=metal
Boulder probably has metal in it
psionic loses to cosmicMagnetos helmet can block dr Xaviers mind it can block the force choke
Yup and the watcher can say it was a what ifShit, now that Disney owns Marvel, the Scarlet Witch can erase that bullshit timeline!
So you do the same thing I do? Wait for all episodes?
It was enjoyable, but they got to chill with the forced girl power shit. So these girls constantly kick TRAINED men's asses like that. Where the fuck that happen though? Even 'husky' gina only 5'8" 160 pounds. The shit is unbelievable when Arnold, sly, and segal did it, but with girl power it gets old quick. As a girl ever lost a fight in this shit? Even Boba had to fight the chick to a draw. These cac hippie writers just doing too much. Cool points for no reason but cool points.
Other than that forced shit, it was entertaining. Just can tell they writing for certain messaging instead of worrying about story first. It is what it is with hollywood and especially Disney at this point.
2 more stonesSo Mando has Beskar armor, Beskar spear, Dark Saber, who really gonna fuck with him now? He Overpowered as shit.
Avatar Aang vs MagnetoThe video doesn't really help your case. You assume that Vader would know the exact location of Magento. Based on the video, you can't just force choke someone by thinking about it. Plus Magento is a strategist. I doubt he'd just have a zoom call with Vader with knowledge of the force could be used against him.
This goes back to the fight likely taking place in close proximity. The fight more than likely boils down to who dies first and given that Vader is more machine than man I'd put my money on Magento still. He's worse off than Luke. If the fight is on a space ship or Magento is aware that Vader is on the ship, Vader losses.
Lols I'll bite....
Magneto can move and manipulate metal.
Jedi can move anything....
Luke + boulders = splat!
Avatar Aang vs Magneto
1. the statment was "magneto kills any jedi" not magneto kills vader
the vid uses sidious, vader n luke to give examples of the observed distance of force choke
the basic is that force wielders can literally kill effortlessly via facetime... magneto is limited to the range of his senses, physical health and the condition of magnetosphere of the plenet he is on....
2. ok- here is what is wrong about "magneto kills any jedi"
magneto's power is based in the electromagnetic spectrum - he is constrained in stories by what we currently know about quantum physics
A high level force user is wielding or manipulating power on a cosmic level
They are tapping into to the "building blocks of reality" = magic
this is how powerful force users absord and manipulate multiple forms of energy and even warp gravity in canon stories
Like I said previously - op doesn't know it but he really means Silver Surfer. (direct cosmic level up for magneto)
and -yes- wanda, frank, pheonix etc can wipe out force users... their powers are cosmic in nature
Avatar Aang vs Magneto
1. the statment was "magneto kills any jedi" not magneto kills vader
the vid uses sidious, vader n luke to give examples of the observed distance of force choke
the basic is that force wielders can literally kill effortlessly via facetime... magneto is limited to the range of his senses, physical health and the condition of magnetosphere of the plenet he is on....
2. ok- here is what is wrong about "magneto kills any jedi"
magneto's power is based in the electromagnetic spectrum - he is constrained in stories by what we currently know about quantum physics
A high level force user is wielding or manipulating power on a cosmic level
They are tapping into to the "building blocks of reality" = magic
this is how powerful force users absord and manipulate multiple forms of energy and even warp gravity in canon stories
Like I said previously - op doesn't know it but he really means Silver Surfer. (direct cosmic level up for magneto)
and -yes- wanda, frank, pheonix etc can wipe out force users... their powers are cosmic in nature
The same rules apply regardless of the force user in question. Based on the video on a low level the force user needs to be aware of the person's location. It seems to be more than just the user seeing the person to target them. The video also implies that the force user may also need to be familiar with the opponent in question. Lets assume it's as simple as seeing the person on facetime. Why would Magento take a call from Vader?
Think about. If Vader or anyone with the ability to force choke someone from a distance could do so easily, why wouldn't they just kill off all of the rebels high level officers? Vader had a high ranking rebel in his custody. Why didn't he use her to call others and force choke them.I'm not very familiar with Star Wars but has it been used against other force sensitive people?
Taking it back to just any Jedi or force sensitive beings. Didn't alot of them get killed by clones with no special powers at all? Yet you're saying force sensitive people could beat Magento?
I'm not saying it is impossible for Magento to lose, but I believe it would be a closure fight than you believe and in most cases I have Magento coming out on top.
Kyle Katarn is due his live action debut......
Would love to see Filoni/Favreau do it.
I'd like to see Mara Jade too
Disney won't let that happen since those two are now Legends/EU..Disney needs to stop fucking around and do a Luke Skywalker show based on Jedi Academy, bringing in Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn...
Technically we kind of did in the sequel trilogy...Kylo Ren/Ben Solo was based off of JacenSadly we won't get the storyline with Jaina & Jacen Solo where Jacen becomes Darth Caedus
Vader is a cyborg made of metal. Magneto would annihilate him.
funny AF but man did you date yourself![]()
My solution to the last three Star Wars Movies.
WWE's Sasha Banks. She looks good on the show but she needs to eat more food. Too damn skinny.
She is also Snoop Dogg's cousin.
WWE's Sasha Banks. She looks good on the show but she needs to eat more food. Too damn skinny.
She is also Snoop Dogg's cousin.
She was wearing the hell out of those shorts on the Smackdownn the week before last Friday's..Welcome to the family Snoop!!
WWE RAW!! Hulkamania Smash!!
The wwe chick right? Yet these niggas in here gushing overr gina corano's chubby assIs its just me or does anyone else wanna go raw in that lil Mixed Founder/Mandalorian snack??
Wonder if she like brothas??
Basically, saying Disney is trying to fade out the trilogy movies very slowly.
Best Star Wars content in 40 years and you got negroes in this thread talking about "claustrophobic set design" and "fighting styles" lmao.