hiding dirt ....News news and entertainment industry stuff was a bit diff. You'd hear "it was reported that..." and their stuff was vague.
The wedding was announced on MTV by Kurt Cobain, yet the mom's says it's all untrue and they never wed. So I'm saying how else we hear what we heard back then.
Today social media news spreads faster than something hitting the news or TV. So today once it comes on TV then it's true? Too many news outlets reports the same from another. All controlled by one outlet. Gault Industries...
legally they were never married - you have to be 16 with a parents permission to marry in Illinois - Aaliyah was 15 at the time
MTV got an accurate report on the intent but unaware of the legal situation
Today nothing is changed
just because its on TV or in the papers or website or social media doesn't make it real or accurate- until you check the sourcing to corroborate it