Tariq fires his co-host LIVE on air

Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
he should have done it behind closed doors, him doing podcast , instagram memes , is overkill for a grown man . thats from a guy whos a fan of his

This is who he is. Honestly he knows wasn't nobody checking for that Izm show like that and honestly now that he fired her on the air it will probably be have the most views of that entire show

Anybody know what Old girl said about the co host son?? That's some foul shit bringin her son up.


BGOL Patreon Investor
I appreciate you agreeing to respond to me in a civil and respectful manner. Respect to you for that!
The respect is returned. I'm always interested in hearing another's viewpoint - especially when delivered in a non-confrontational manner. Appreciated, Brother.

As the saying goes, one's perception is one's reality. I saw the video and Sara was not in the best of mood. Neither was Tariq. You could tell that there was tension in the air from the moment the show started. I believe whatever went down off camera and/or over the weekend prior is what precipitated the event that soon followed.
True, she wasn't in the best of moods. But also it was indicated early, that she was feeling sick. It is possible that there was something off-camera that precipitated Tariq going into attack mode.

They were both at fault because they both participated in the argument. Sara did get loud and she did talk to him in a disrespectful manner. Remember, she is his subordinate. He is her superordinate/boss. No reasonable person talks that way to his/her boss and expects to keep his/her job. Tariq has the upper hand and the authority to terminate her for any reason.

However, Tariq was also wrong because he also got load and talked to her in a disrespectful manner/tone. He also acted on impulse which lead to him telling Sara to leave.
Yes, Sara is an employee, but this is kind of job that entails lighthearted banter and back and forth. It's literally the format of shows like this - part of the discourse. Tariq instigated that whole mess, bottom line. Had he not kept needling her, mocking her, accusing her and name-calling her, then bringing up things discussed in private and making them public - no confrontation would have occurred.

Remember, she was basically quiet when Tariq started going in on her. She was completely justified in defending herself against his accusations. And unlike him, she did so without name-calling him or mocking his speaking or accusing him - as Tariq was doing her. She got loud only after Tariq continued to antagonize her about something that they had discussed privately prior to airtime.

Yes, Tariq had the upper hand as her boss. You said she was unreasonable in talking a certain way to him as an employee. What way was that? How long was she supposed to sit there and take him jabbing at her? Should she just take whatever he says as an employee? Is that what he really expected? If so, that's a terrible reflection on Tariq. Bottom line, he showed weakness in instigating a confrontation then making a show of power where it was unnecessary. "Her tone" that he referred to - was his own creation.

Age should have nothing to do with someone behaving a certain way. Let's be honest, we as Black people have this unrealistic expectation that we place upon ourselves to be this perfect Super Negro when in fact there is no such thing! No person is ALWAYS on code. No person ALWAYS behaves in a becoming fashion nor should one be expected to be perfect no matter how old or young they are. Can we strive to be better people? Absolutely! But, we must be reasonable with our expectations that we place upon ourselves as well as others.
Perhaps we somewhat disagree on some of these points. No one expects anyone to be perfect. But on the other hand, it is not unreasonable to expect that someone not continuously behave as an unreasoning jackass with no conscience or self-awareness. Right, no one is ALWAYS on code. But to continually violate the code means that he invokes the code only when convenient, then discards it when it's inconvenient. I'm pretty sure that's not what Neely Fuller had in mind when he developed it. Since this man has been 40 I've watched him:
  • Organize a sustained denigration and ridicule campaign against Roland Martin for the heinous crime of simply disagreeing when Tariq called his friend a Negro Bed Wench.
  • Outright lie by claiming that when he called her a NBW who was not on code, he actually meant, "Non-American Black Woman".
  • Tell a boldface lie that "every time he turns on CNN and they have on a Black Lives Matter leader, the conversation shifts from talking about p0lice murdering Black men to LGBTQ rights"
  • Adopt and propagate the falsehood created by right wing white supremacists that BLM was controlled and financed by George Soros
  • Call a dark-skinned brotha, "Crispy" - an intra-racial perjorative used to portray dark-skinned Black folks as burnt - but when criticized for it, lie and say he meant "ashy".
  • Tell Black folks to stay home and not vote with no contingency plan whatsoever.
  • Continually put down Black folks in the social justice movement.
  • Develop the term "Negro Bed Wench", a term that he falsely claimed was based on history and that negatively sexualizes Black women - whereas not until the last few months did he have an equivalent term for males (Negro Bed Stud).
  • Fire this young lady from his show on the air, trash her after the fact on the air, then continue to trash her in a separate hour long video.
  • Defend his fuckery by saying with a smile on his face, that's he's "petty".
  • Trash the whole concept of Black Feminism without actually knowing what is is, or what its history is - nor taking it seriously enough to interview any of the leading experts in the field.
Yes, absolutely I would expect someone in their 40s to actually act like it. I completely place an expectation on myself to act my age and not my shoe size. I do not believe it unreasonable to expect the same out of someone who claims to be conscious and represent all of us and who has a huge following. With great power comes great responsibility.

Man, you can say that about just anyone! Lol Rarely will you find people openly admit to wrong doing.

Understand this..

I have been supporting Tariq since the early 2000s, when he was promoting his 1st book on a hip hop radio station in Los Angeles. I remember when he use to call up on the Tom Leykis show to drop jewels. I also remember him promoting his book on air and people calling the show to troll and clown him. Needless to say, Tariq clapped back which had me in tears laughing and because of that, I made the decision to buy his book and the rest is history.

Point is..

People will not admit to doing wrong, if they feel they they are right. That is human nature.
I'm around people all the time who are able to dig themselves and admit when they are doing wrong, when it is brought to their attention. I'm such a person myself. To my eyes, that shows maturity and a sense of responsibility and consideration for those around me and those whom my words and actions impact.

People keep assigning him as a leader and pillar of the Black community. He has stated several times that he is NOT a leader. But, people keep putting that label on him. People also keep saying he was a pimp when he has pubically stated that he was never a pimp. He just used to hang out with them and learned the game from them. He also has stated that he used to hang out with gang members, but never got put on. He has also stated that he has been to jail, chased by the police and have had run ins with rival gang members who associated him with his gangster homies.

Point is, dude used to run the streets as a young adult. He grew up, evolved and used his talents to create his own brand/enterprise. But, despite all of this, people hold him to a certain level due to his success which is somewhat understandable, but at the end of the day, he is NO leader. He is a former street dude/hustler turned businessman and avocate.
Whether he accepts it or not, he is a leader by default. He can claim not to be until the cows come home. But his massive faithful audience: The tens of thousands who support his every project, give him money, believe in him, pay to see him, take his word as law and who have made his phraseology into everyday language bear witness to him being a leader. Again, with great power comes great responsibility.

In the case, of my previous message - when I alluded to leadership I was specifically referring to Tariq being those two women on the Izm Show's boss.

I don't knock you for supporting what you find to be his positive endeavors and things that he has presented that you have found beneficial in your life.
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Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
This is who he is. Honestly he knows wasn't nobody checking for that Izm show like that and honestly now that he fired her on the air it will probably be have the most views of that entire show

Anybody know what Old girl said about the co host son?? That's some foul shit bringin her son up.
In the long rant that she did she mentioned the co hosts son being autistic. It's not really diss but it's also private information that the mom may have not wanted to be shared in public.
Her getting fired wasn't a surprise. People have been wanting her gone for months it's just the way that it played out that was surprising. Seems like he was already over her dealing with her and went off at the slightest thing as a result and she's not the type to just shut up and go away quietly.


BGOL Investor
Yall in this bitch posting bullet points and shit.
Mofo got fired...so what. It aint that serious.

Some of yall just dont like Tariq (because of his hustle or whatever) so when something pops up to attack him with, yall have a field day.

Calling Tariq feminine, but yall in here acting female like as well. Relax!
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Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
In the long rant that she did she mentioned the co hosts son being autistic. It's not really diss but it's also private information that the mom may have not wanted to be shared in public.
Her getting fired wasn't a surprise. People have been wanting her gone for months it's just the way that it played out that was surprising. Seems like he was already over her dealing with her and went off at the slightest thing as a result and she's not the type to just shut up and go away quietly.

What a fucking bitch...why would she mention that?

Tariq should say that he should have been better at choosing his co host. It wasn't like this chick was likeable from the jump and she gave off the hoodrat vibe from when it was just a audio podcast.

I hadn't.watched izm in like a month because I felt it was starting to get lame


BGOL Patreon Investor
Yall in this bitch posting bullet points and shit.
Mofo got fired...so what. It aint that series.

Some of yall just dont like Tariq (because of his hustle or whatever) so when something pops up to attack him with, yall have a field day.

Calling Tariq feminine, but yall in here acting female like as well. Relax!
And here you come in late to the convo cherry-picking, making snap judgements and fast food thoughts/comments.

If you would have taken a deep breath before you typed, you would have realized that those bullet points you pointed out speak exactly where Tariq displayed immaturity and poor judgement over a period of time.
Nowhere in my comments here have I knocked his hustle or said I didn't like him.

That's all you.

My primary point is: As host of the Izm show and boss of those two ladies, he could have avoided the situation of Sara's on-air dismissal (and subsequent bitch-session) simply by not creating it in the first place.
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Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
And watch his izm show get mad views on Tuesday b/c people are gonna wanna see who the new cohost is. Most of the izm shows avg around 30K views - the Sarah firing izm shoe averaged 80k views. People love drama.

This was the equivalent of the Aries Spears episode of the 5150 show


Big Coin Star
The respect is returned. I'm always interested in hearing another's viewpoint - especially when delivered in a non-confrontational manner. Appreciated, Brother.

Indeed, bruh. I wish there was more exchanges of respectful discourse on this site. But, I understand that this site has its purpose and people will engage with others in a myriad of ways.

True, she wasn't in the best of moods. But also it was indicated early, that she was feeling sick. It is possible that there was something off-camera that precipitated Tariq going into attack mode.

I understand that this is how you interpreted the events that had transpired. Once again, I will agree that Tariq could have handled this situation better. However, he felt a certain type of way about Sara prior to that day and as a result, asked her to leave.

Yes, Sara is an employee, but this is kind of job that entails lighthearted banter and back and forth. It's literally the format of shows like this - part of the discourse. Tariq instigated that whole mess, bottom line. Had he not kept needling her, mocking her, accusing her and name-calling her, then bringing up things discussed in private and making them public - no confrontation would have occurred.

He had stated that the purpose of the IZM Show was to light heartedly entertain the audience. His co hosts were given the freedom to express themselves as they saw fit. However, common sense would tell a person that even with freedom there are some limitations. I have "cool" bosses who allow us to speak our minds, but we also know that there is a boundary not to cross. She did cross the line which resulted in her dismissal.

Remember, she was basically quiet when Tariq started going in on her. She was completely justified in defending herself against his accusations. And unlike him, she did so without name-calling him or mocking his speaking or accusing him - as Tariq was doing her. She got loud only after Tariq continued to antagonize her about something that they had discussed privately prior to airtime.

Yes, Tariq had the upper hand as her boss. You said she was unreasonable in talking a certain way to him as an employee. What way was that? How long was she supposed to sit there and take him jabbing at her? Should she just take whatever he says as an employee? Is that what he really expected? If so, that's a terrible reflection on Tariq. Bottom line, he showed weakness in instigating a confrontation then making a show of power where it was unnecessary. "Her tone" that he referred to - was his own creation.

I will say this..

Tariq has his flaws, no doubt. He definitely could have handled Sara in a more respectful manner. But, I can't put all of this on him.

The both of them could have done things differently. We do not know all of the nuances off air. We do know that his co hosts were paid to gossip and discuss their relationship business, not his relationship business.

At the end of the day, a fucked up boss is still a BOSS! Sara certainly could have resigned that day or any day prior, if she felt that her boss did not respect her. Tariq could have also fired her a long time ago, if he really felt she was out of pocket and untrustworthy. The both of them gave each other the benefit of the doubt, but it seems that whatever events that took place during a period if time finally caught up to them and resulted in a heated argument. In all, both looked tacky arguing on air. I think both are good people, but we're not a good fit to coexist in a professional environment.

Perhaps we somewhat disagree on some of these points. No one expects anyone to be perfect. But on the other hand, it is not unreasonable to expect that someone not continuously behave as an unreasoning jackass with no conscience or self-awareness. Right, no one is ALWAYS on code. But to continually violate the code means that he invokes the code only when convenient, then discards it when it's inconvenient. I'm pretty sure that's not what Neely Fuller had in mind when he developed it. Since this man has been 40 I've watched him:
  • Organize a sustained denigration and ridicule campaign against Roland Martin for the heinous crime of simply disagreeing when Tariq called his friend a Negro Bed Wench.
  • Outright lie by claiming that when he called her a NBW who was not on code, he actually meant, "Non-American Black Woman".
  • Tell a boldface lie that "every time he turns on CNN and they have on a Black Lives Matter leader, the conversation shifts from talking about p0lice murdering Black men to LGBTQ rights"
  • Adopt and propagate the falsehood created by right wing white supremacists that BLM was controlled and financed by George Soros
  • Call a dark-skinned brotha, "Crispy" - an intra-racial perjorative used to portray dark-skinned Black folks as burnt - but when criticized for it, lie and say he meant "ashy".
  • Tell Black folks to stay home and not vote with no contingency plan whatsoever.
  • Continually put down Black folks in the social justice movement.
  • Develop the term "Negro Bed Wench", a term that he falsely claimed was based on history and that negatively sexualizes Black women - whereas not until the last few months did he have an equivalent term for males (Negro Bed Stud).
  • Fire this young lady from his show on the air, trash her after the fact on the air, then continue to trash her in a separate hour long video.
  • Defend his fuckery by saying with a smile on his face, that's he's "petty".
  • Trash the whole concept of Black Feminism without actually knowing what is is, or what its history is - nor taking it seriously enough to interview any of the leading experts in the field.
Yes, absolutely I would expect someone in their 40s to actually act like it. I completely place an expectation on myself to act my age and not my shoe size. I do not believe it unreasonable to expect the same out of someone who claims to be conscious and represent all of us and who has a huge following. With great power comes great responsibility.

I'm around people all the time who are able to dig themselves and admit when they are doing wrong, when it is brought to their attention. I'm such a person myself. To my eyes, that shows maturity and a sense of responsibility and consideration for those around me and those whom my words and actions impact.

Where we disagree lies with who is at fault regarding the firing. But, I can agree that Tariq has flaws. There are other things that he has said that I disagreed with or disliked, but I do believe that he has more good traits and has demonstrated copious amounts of philanthropy towards less fortunate Black people for me to totally discredit him as a person. You certainly are within your rights to view him as you see fit.

Whether he accepts it or not, he is a leader by default. He can claim not to be until the cows come home. But his massive faithful audience: The tens of thousands who support his every project, give him money, believe in him, pay to see him, take his word as law and who have made his phraseology into everyday language bear witness to him being a leader. Again, with great power comes great responsibility.

In the case, of my previous message - when I alluded to leadership I was specifically referring to Tariq being those two women on the Izm Show's boss.

Nah, he has to accept leadership in vendor it to be legit. He has defined the role he plays in this world and I accept it. We simply may have to agree to disagree with your stance which is cool.

I don't knock you for supporting what you find to be his positive endeavors and things that he has presented that you have found beneficial in your life.

Man, I take the good with the bad. I go by one's intention. He can be a loose cannon as well as off filtered, but given his past experience, I understand. Moving forward, I hope he is more selective on the people he hire as his co hosts and should he find himself to be in conflict with an employee will choose a different way to resolve said conflict. Some things the public does not need to know. I wish Sara the best. I am sure she will be alright once all of this mess subsides.

Appreciate the discourse, once again!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Watch this vid all the way through.

I was surprised at this video but it is good you posted it. To me it cleared up what I was thinking. Tariq is different than me I would have had her to take the color out of her hair before I allow her to be a part of the radio show. I have trouble getting along because I am always trying to change people. I feel that if we are not trying to build a nation is because we want to stay in the reality whites created.
To me the sister seems she has not been around a brother who will keep trying to change her for the good. I do not have things going on like Tariq. He has books, etc. So I have something to prove before I can move forward.
One dude I know is a wielder by trade. He makes good money but he is always saying damn that black stuff and showed me one of his check stubs that was in the thousands. And then asked me if I can match it.
But when ever a black get in position to hire other blacks you got to treat them with respect. Especially if they start moving toward black empowerment. I believe in showing them they are greater than what a white world make them appear to be. What I mean by that is the ability to be yourself and not a carbon copy of whites. Some blacks soul causes them to live other than themselves. It is like wrestling with an unknown force to free the minds of blacks suffering all over the world from oppression of being born black in a white man's world. It is those natural powers and gifts that they disguise and hid that we have and do not know about.


BGOL Patreon Investor
Indeed, bruh. I wish there was more exchanges of respectful discourse on this site. But, I understand that this site has its purpose and people will engage with others in a myriad of ways.

I understand that this is how you interpreted the events that had transpired. Once again, I will agree that Tariq could have handled this situation better. However, he felt a certain type of way about Sara prior to that day and as a result, asked her to leave.

He had stated that the purpose of the IZM Show was to high heartedly entertain the audience. His co hosts were given the freedom to express themselves as they saw fit. However, common sense would tell a person that even with freedom there are some limitations. I have "cool" bosses who allow us to speak our minds, but we also know that there is a boundary not to cross. She did cross the line which resulted in her dismissal.

I will say this..

Tariq has his flaws, no doubt. He definitely could have handled Sara in a more respectful manner. But, I can't put all of this on him.

The both of them could have done things differently. We do not know all of the nuances off air. We do know that his co hosts were paid to gossip and discuss their relationship business, not his relationship business.

At the end of the day, a ducked up boss is still a BOSS! Sara certainly could have resigned that way for any day prior, if she felt that her boss did not respect her. Tariq could have also fired her a long time ago, if he really felt she was out of pocket and untrustworthy. The both of them have each other the benefit of the doubt, but it seems that whatever events that took place during a period if time finally caught up to them and resulted in a heated argument. In all, both looked tacky arguing on air. I think both are good people, but we're not a good fit to coexist in a professional environment.
Fair enough! I concur with 90% of what you just said.

In the end, we agree on more points than we disagree. Thank you for a quality exchange!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This dude...most gayesque shit i've seen in a while...



Student of Kogalee_Muhammad
I think I can recall Tariq calling a woman a bitch once since he's been doing his podcast...and was a joke skit where he went out and his date brought handicapped clients to Karaoke and the Kid was singing Saturday Love.

Have you heard is debate with Pearl Jr?


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Yall in this bitch posting bullet points and shit.
Mofo got fired...so what. It aint that series.

Some of yall just dont like Tariq (because of his hustle or whatever) so when something pops up to attack him with, yall have a field day.

Calling Tariq feminine, but yall in here acting female like as well. Relax!

I almost hit "like" twice

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
This thread has gone 14 pages in less than a week?!?

Ah well minus whale pile on:

Tune into IZM RADIO this Tuesday. We are going to have 4 new potential female co-hosts for the show. We are going to let them each have 10 mins. of airtime with me and my other co-host Laila while we are live.. We are then going to let the audience decide who will be the new full time co-host. So YOU get to decide who the next host of IZM Radio will be. Tune in at www.izmradio.com



BGOL Investor
If you would have taken a deep breath before you typed, you would have realized that those bullet points you pointed out speak exactly where Tariq displayed immaturity and poor judgement over a period of time.

Yea, but bottom line is you used the bulletpoint feature on BGOL when it wasnt even needed.


Calm down...
Its not that serious.
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Support BGOL
Nothing wrong with a opinion about someone but a lot of this shit in here look like hate...
Peanut has a black father..She fine with a fat ass..Every straight dude in here would wife..Any comments on her are just showing niggas jealousy.
I'm sure if you watch Tariqs shows and videos it's a lot of shit he could have don't better..Sara presented herself in a rough way with her language..She got fired on air big deal..
Niggas love to focus on when something goes wrong or a flaw you may have...Never do they honor the good you do.
Sure the knowledge is out the Tariq brings but the fact is to many won't take the time to research and study..If he brings it packaged right and people are uplifted by it why the hate?


BGOL Patreon Investor
Sara presented herself in a rough way with her language..She got fired on air big deal..
Niggas love to focus on when something goes wrong or a flaw you may have...Never do they honor the good you do.
Sure the knowledge is out the Tariq brings but the fact is to many won't take the time to research and study..If he brings it packaged right and people are uplifted by it why the hate?
Whatever. So Sarah was supposed to sit there and let Tariq attack her and walk all over her? Fuck outta here.

If Tariq is acting like an asshole, people are supposed to be like, "but he made Hidden Colors.?"

How silly do you sound.


Support BGOL
Whatever. So Sarah was supposed to sit there and let Tariq attack her and walk all over her? Fuck outta here.

If Tariq is acting like an asshole, people are supposed to be like, "but he made Hidden Colors.?"

How silly do you sound.
Guy Sara is a adult and if she was offended in any way all she had to do was excuse herself....She came to him..
Sara had feelings for him,I have seen this far too often. You can see it in her attitude..She want to be peanut..His past life and personal biz shouldn't matter to her..Are you a female just asking? I understand your emotions if you are


BGOL Patreon Investor
Guy Sara is a adult and if she was offended in any way all she had to do was excuse herself....She came to him..
Sara had feelings for him,I have seen this far too often. You can see it in her attitude..She want to be peanut..His past life and personal biz shouldn't matter to her..Are you a female just asking? I understand your emotions if you are
You sound like a sensitive female thinking with her emotions instead of logic. Caping for a grown man lol. On that video, Sara did not come to Tariq.
Tariq started in on her.

You're up here adding to the story and making up shit - talking about "Sara had feelings for him." "She wants to be Peanut? " Really? You should write for soap operas. :lol:

"All she had to do was excuse herself?" All Tariq had to do was deal with whatever personal issue he had with her, offscreen, beforehand - instead of getting all sensitive and lashing out at her while she was chilling on set.

THAT is what was on that video. Not all that speculative bullshit you're talking. And again, Hidden Colors didn't have shit to do with this, yet you weirdly brought it up.


Saving all my fucks for retirement
BGOL Investor
Yall in this bitch posting bullet points and shit.
Mofo got fired...so what. It aint that serious.

Some of yall just dont like Tariq (because of his hustle or whatever) so when something pops up to attack him with, yall have a field day.

Calling Tariq feminine, but yall in here acting female like as well. Relax!
^^^ Basically
mufuckas will jump a fence to completely discount him for any little misstep as if he aint a human being. You dont see the same vitriol for other people out here. Money be on some bullshit sometimes but its far outweighed by the positivity hes on.
I'm not judging or making blanket statements but people expose themselves speaking on him cuz I've never met someone who hates on Tariq like that who wasnt already radiating coon, simp, or confused pseudo Black feminist vibes


Big Coin Star
Fair enough! I concur with 90% of what you just said.

In the end, we agree on more points than we disagree. Thank you for a quality exchange!

No doubt! I don't expect us to always agree. But, as long as we understand each other's position on a topic w/o resorting to hurling insults towards one another, then we can make progress and possibly learn something that we may not have thought about proviously.

Lastly, I try that see things for wha it is. TN is entertaining to me. I don't agree with everything he says or does, but what I do agree with or support outweighs what I don't agree with or support.