Tariq fires his co-host LIVE on air

Damian Stone

I saw a real UFO....
BGOL Investor
Man Tariq is doing something right if he can draw out all those emotions. I find it weird that the girl he fired never really researched who she was gonna work for. The whole thing feels staged.
But, as I said before, this Tariq guy is stupid petty, which IMO puts a dent in his hustles somewhat.

I respect the thought that got him to create those Hidden Colors series but frankly, follow the work, not the man.


BGOL Patreon Investor
Man Tariq is doing something right if he can draw out all those emotions. I find it weird that the girl he fired never really researched who she was gonna work for. The whole thing feels staged.
But, as I said before, this Tariq guy is stupid petty, which IMO puts a dent in his hustles somewhat.

I respect the thought that got him to create those Hidden Colors series but frankly, follow the work, not the man.
That's alright. I can get the same info elsewhere.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
What's most embarrassing is that you, a supposed adult is sittin' on this board defending another grown ass man in da manner in which you are like you're fightin' for this nigga honor or some shit.

I'm starting to think Backshot Bully is Tariq or his cousin or something. Nigga is fighting to the death for cuz. Blood covered and down on one knee....:roflmao::lol:


Diligent side hos don't even work as hard

Tariq got loyal soldiers. I'd say even more loyal than Trump followers

Some people need that bullshitter surrogate father in their lives, whether its Trump or Tariq


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

He was saying bitch so much I thought Tariq had an alias here

Typical rude American bitch???? I promise I started to be a real petty American bitch with your ass just then.

It's a lot of MALE bitches running amuck here lately.
fuck that bitch only sensitive people get bothered by words soft asses. :itsawrap::lol:even her best friend realized she got dragged in bs so she took her vid down but y'all sticking up for her foh


BGOL Patreon Investor
never said it didn't that was never my point. my point is how don't you see how she was invading his privacy?
According to her, the barber told her Tariq was a pimp. She never said she asked dude.

The rest of what made him appear pimpish was publicly on the net.

Tariq's sensitivity is legendary and by no means did it start yesterday. People in here are calling him "petty".

"Petty" = "ultra sensitive"

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

According to her, the barber told her Tariq was a pimp. She never said she asked dude.

The rest of what made him appear pimpish was publicly on the net.

Tariq's sensitivity is legendary and by no means did it start yesterday. People in here are calling him "petty".

"Petty" = "ultra sensitive"
Bitch is messy even her best friend she did a rebuttal vid with pulled it saying it was too many inconsistencies in her story your just dumb, stay stuck on stupid it's your right.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
I'm still waiting on the day when Sean Hannity attacks Rush Limbaugh and they both have twitter wars against each other and make youtube videos calling each other names - then getting their battallions of followers to join the flame war and attack each other by proxy.
Very profound. The realist thing you've said so far.
This isn't a good look collectively, at all.

Boyce vs Umar
Umar vs Tariq
Boyce vs Yvette
TBA vs Zo
Etc etc..

Unite or die


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Very profound. The realist thing you've said so far.
This isn't a good look collectively, at all.

Boyce vs Umar
Umar vs Tariq
Boyce vs Yvette
TBA vs Zo
Etc etc..

Unite or die

Right all this call for black unity and empowerment and the people that want to take the lead are battling themselves like crabs in a barrel.


Student of Kogalee_Muhammad
Very profound. The realist thing you've said so far.
This isn't a good look collectively, at all.

Boyce vs Umar
Umar vs Tariq
Boyce vs Yvette
TBA vs Zo
Etc etc..

Unite or die

TBA vs Zo
Umar vs Tariq

:hmm:.... Wait! :eek: What!!?!! :eek2:
When in the HELL did those two beefs happen? And how come didn't know about it! :angry:
Kogalee Muhammad is the heart and soul of de conshis commudity! :crying:

Tha Great Muta

Rising Star
Platinum Member
He was saying bitch so much I thought Tariq had an alias here

I think I can recall Tariq calling a woman a bitch once since he's been doing his podcast...and was a joke skit where he went out and his date brought handicapped clients to Karaoke and the Kid was singing Saturday Love.


BGOL Patreon Investor
There's a shotload of people that don't like Tariq. A lot of them are just hating for hating purposes but he says it himself if he paid attention to all the people that don't like him he wouldn't be able to do anything.
And a lot of people have legit reasons for not liking him.

Some of y'all act like Tariq is above critique. As if any critique of his actions = hate

It is disheartening to see Black men being so sheep-like.


BGOL Patreon Investor
never said that. but why can't he be right sometimes :dunno:
Whoever said he wasn't right sometimes?

That is a given. Of course he is right sometimes. What is at issue is the fact that if anyone disagrees publicly with his words or actions, he goes on an ongoing campaign to destroy their character. He obviously feels like he is above critique and many of his followers fall right in line with that thinking.

Whatever happened to simply disagreeing with his critic? What happened to calling or emailing them privately to clear things up? What happened to ignoring the criticism?

Tariq is always talking about staying on code and then in the next breath or action he goes off code himself - like how he did with Sara on the show. He could have fired her before the show, privately, but instead, he provoked an argument with her. When she asked him to prove his accusation, he told her to watch her tone - then publicly fired her on the show. Then when she was gone he proceeded to talk about her like a dog.

What happened to being on code?

When are y'all going to stop excusing that?
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Big Coin Star
And a lot of people have legit reasons for not liking him.

Some of y'all act like Tariq is above critique. As if any critique of his actions = hate

It is disheartening to see Black men being so sheep-like.

Unless a person has had a personal run-in with him, I do not see why anyone would have a legitimate reason to not like him personally. I can understand and accept someone disagreeing with his stance on things or disliking how he treats certain people, but to outright dislike someone or hate someone based solely on perception is a lil over the top, IMO.

Look, I am an avid fan and supporter of Tariq, but that does not mean I agree with everything he says or does. For instance, I do not like how he treats some of his callers. Not a fan of him hanging up on folks. I think it is rude and disrespectful, but, I do understand why he does it. Some type many of his callers are mush mouthed and/or they are long winded and struggle to get to the point. In addition, those who follow him know that he is very impatient, however, he has pubically stated that has short patience.

In all, you can like him or not. Your choice. But, in the case of him firing the young lady on his show, I do not think it was as bad as some people make it out to be. Both of them could have behaved in a more becoming fashion, but they are humans and no human is on their best behavior all of the time. We need to be reasonable with our expectations when dealing with people in the public light. Hopefully, Tariq will make some adjustments when hiring future co-hosts on his show. As for Sara, I hope she learns that there are boundaries when it comes to dealing with people in a professional setting. Make sure she understand not to cross them and she will be ok.


BGOL Patreon Investor
Unless a person has had a personal run-in with him, I do not see why anyone would have a legitimate reason to not like him personally. I can understand and accept someone disagreeing with his stance on things or disliking how he treats certain people, but to outright dislike someone or hate someone based solely on perception is a lil over the top, IMO.

Look, I am an avid fan and supporter of Tariq, but that does not mean I agree with everything he says or does. For instance, I do not like how he treats some of his callers. Not a fan of him hanging up on folks. I think it is rude and disrespectful, but, I do understand why he does it. Some type many of his callers are mush mouthed and/or they are long winded and struggle to get to the point. In addition, those who follow him know that he is very impatient, however, he has pubically stated that has short patience.

In all, you can like him or not. Your choice. But, in the case of him firing the young lady on his show, I do not think it was as bad as some people make it out to be. Both of them could have behaved in a more becoming fashion, but they are humans and no human is on their best behavior all of the time. We need to be reasonable with our expectations when dealing with people in the public light. Hopefully, Tariq will make some adjustments when hiring future co-hosts on his show. As for Sara, I hope she learns that there are boundaries when it comes to dealing with people in a professional setting. Make sure she understand not to cross them and she will be ok.

I appreciate that you are one who doesn't blindly agree with all that Tariq does - right or wrong.

Sara was chillin' and Tariq started picking at her, went in on her name calling her, accusing her - and then when she asked him to provide proof of his accusation against her, he told her to watch her tone (what about his tone?) fired her on the air, then proceeded to dog her out in her absence.

How could you assign equal blame to both Tariq and Sara for what happened on that show? Sara was sitting quietly and hadn't said a mumbling word when Tariq went in on her.

Mr. "got to stay on code".

This is a man in his 40s, mind you. When we as Black men do good, we should be commended for it. But when we fuck up, we should man up and accept responsibility for fucking up. When those we admire fuck up, we should hold them accountable, not make excuses for their fuckups. Doesn't mean we expel them from the Black community - but hold them to the fire. Fire refines steel.

Tariq has NEVER done that - accepted responsibility when he does wrong. Instead he does character assassination when anyone tries to point it out.

We as Black men are supposed to serve as the example of what leadership is. True leadership does not need to assert itself with a fist or a hammer. It is not self-serving or egotistical. The righteous leader serves those whom he leads, and in doing that engenders their respect and teaches them by example how to themselves be effective and conscientious leaders.

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
name 1 employer who gives a fuck about firing you and embarrassing you :hmm: I'll wait. in the heat of things shit happens. y'all sound stupid


Big Coin Star
I appreciate that you are one who doesn't blindly agree with all that Tariq does - right or wrong.

I appreciate you agreeing to respond to me in a civil and respectful manner. Respect to you for that!

Sara was chillin' and Tariq started picking at her, went in on her name calling her, accusing her - and then when she asked him to provide proof of his accusation against her, he told her to watch her tone (what about his tone?) fired her on the air, then proceeded to dog her out in her absence.

As the saying goes, one's perception is one's reality. I saw the video and Sara was not in the best of mood. Neither was Tariq. You could tell that there was tension in the air from the moment the show started. I believe whatever went down off camera and/or over the weekend prior is what precipitated the event that soon followed.

How could you assign equal blame to both Tariq and Sara for what happened on that show? Sara was sitting quietly and hadn't said a mumbling word when Tariq went in on her.

They were both at fault because they both participated in the argument. Sara did get loud and she did talk to him in a disrespectful manner. Remember, she is his subordinate. He is her superordinate/boss. No reasonable person talks that way to his/her boss and expects to keep his/her job. Tariq has the upper hand and the authority to terminate her for any reason.

However, Tariq was also wrong because he also got load and talked to her in a disrespectful manner/tone. He also acted on impulse which lead to him telling Sara to leave.

Mr. "got to stay on code".

This is a man in his 40s, mind you. When we as Black men do good, we should be commended for it. But when we fuck up, we should man up and accept responsibility for fucking up. When those we admire fuck up, we should hold them accountable, not make excuses for their fuckups. Doesn't mean we expel them from the Black community - but hold them to the fire. Fire refines steel.

Age should have nothing to do with someone behaving a certain way. Let's be honest, we as Black people have this unrealistic expectation that we place upon ourselves to be this perfect Super Negro when in fact there is no such thing! No person is ALWAYS on code. No person ALWAYS behaves in a becoming fashion nor should one be expected to be perfect no matter how old or young they are. Can we strive to be better people? Absolutely! But, we must be reasonable with our expectations that we place upon ourselves as well as others.

Tariq has NEVER done that - accepted responsibility when he does wrong. Instead he does character assassination when anyone tries to point it out.

Man, you can say that about just anyone! Lol Rarely will you find people openly admit to wrong doing.

Understand this..

I have been supporting Tariq since the early 2000s, when he was promoting his 1st book on a hip hop radio station in Los Angeles. I remember when he use to call up on the Tom Leykis show to drop jewels. I also remember him promoting his book on air and people calling the show to troll and clown him. Needless to say, Tariq clapped back which had me in tears laughing and because of that, I made the decision to buy his book and the rest is history.

Point is..

People will not admit to doing wrong, if they feel they they are right. That is human nature.

We as Black men are supposed to serve as the example of what leadership is. True leadership does not need to assert itself with a fist or a hammer. It is not self-serving or egotistical. The righteous leader serves those whom he leads, and in doing that engenders their respect and teaches them by example how to themselves be effective and conscientious leaders.

People keep assigning him as a leader and pillar of the Black community. He has stated several times that he is NOT a leader. But, people keep putting that label on him. People also keep saying he was a pimp when he has pubically stated that he was never a pimp. He just used to hang out with them and learned the game from them. He also has stated that he used to hang out with gang members, but never got put on. He has also stated that he has been to jail, chased by the police and have had run ins with rival gang members who associated him with his gangster homies.

Point is, dude used to run the streets as a young adult. He grew up, evolved and used his talents to create his own brand/enterprise. But, despite all of this, people hold him to a certain level due to his success which is somewhat understandable, but at the end of the day, he is NO leader. He is a former street dude/hustler turned businessman and avocate.
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