Tariq fires his co-host LIVE on air

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No I am not white. I guess she thought they were close enough that something like that would not happen. But she felt disrespected and could not see any point he was making as to why he was being so touchy. Calling her an informant like that with no proof was kind of bad. And we do not know some of the things he may have told her. When we play cards somebody might keep asking me about me being such a great stud but I brag about it a lot. I use to have a sex pack stomach. Was in great shape and knew for a fact that I was the best when it came to our first job in life as a man and that is having sex with a lady. Actually the bible says be fruitful and multiply but we know whites are not telling the whole story.
bitch said she knew it was gonna happen :smh: did you listen to her response i see you didn't :hmm: your just babbling and you still didn't answer my question, it more than obvious what type of relationship they had they both speak on it. :dunno:

she won't be doing it there. so why keep asking something he already answered and something you already looked up on google and obviously formed your own opinion and bring it up on air where i pay you at? supposedly his barber told you he was a pimp, how many folks do you have to ask? he already told her no he wasn't and he wasn't. answer that please?

I do not know what type of relationship they had. To me it was something to laugh off. It got carried away when she felt disrespected. The other girl is trying to secure her friendship and part with him.
But everybody trip sometimes. From what I saw it was not her fault. And I cannot see where it was his fault. Even thought when people work for you or under you you want to make them feel good and feel that it is an honor to work for you.
For example sweetheart please help your boss with the things that the radio audience wants to know and let's not discuss that. Or something of that nature. You got to build your workers up not tear them down.
Actually I do not think it was anything to get made about. For the brothers programmed in the game it is different. They are locked in a world that they cannot be themselves in.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
bitch said she knew it was gonna happen :smh: did you listen to her response i see you didn't :hmm: your just babbling and you still didn't answer my question, it more than obvious what type of relationship they had they both speak on it. :dunno:
I checked some of the video out. He came on as though he had it in mind to label her as an informant. And she felt disrespected and fell into a trap. I know it is his world and everybody else is just trying to get a nut.

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I checked some of the video out. He came on as though he had it in mind to label her as an informant. And she felt disrespected and fell into a trap. I know it is his world and everybody else is just trying to get a nut.
her video posted in this thread
:hithead:so you haven't listened to anything his response in entirety? the other female co host response? or the chick he fired response? but are sincerely making a honest opinion with 1/3 of the story :hmm: good day sir.


International Member
When you check Tariq he deflects.

he will say stuff like.
Bed wench
White supremacy

and his simple minded fans cheer ...yahhhh.

all he has to do is accuse them to be part of the system/a system.


International Member
no but you didn't and if you listen to her vid she confirms what he was saying but you already a tariq hater i see and have your opinion formed :dunno:
Ive been on here since last night,listened to both vids.

Tariq a low class dirty guy,associates with the same type of ppl.
and as far as ive come to realize his fans are very slow,very slow.

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ive been on here since last night,listened to both vids.

Tariq a low class dirty guy,associates with the same type of ppl.
and as far as ive come to realize his fans are very slow,very slow.
wouldn't know I'm just intelligent enough to know the bitch admitted it and said she knew it was coming. what vid you listen too? sounds like your the slow one and picks and chooses what he wants to hear. maybe your feminine side sympathizes with her and can't see her intrusion :dunno:


International Member
wouldn't know I'm just intelligent enough to know the bitch admitted it and said she knew it was coming. what vid you listen too? sounds like your the slow one and picks and chooses what he wants to hear. maybe your feminine side sympathizes with her and can't see her intrusion :dunno:
Man no one more effeminate that tariq.
dude equate his shitty personality to being a birth sign of cancer...women shyt.

did you hear her vid what she said the advice tariq gave to that 18 yr old virgin female?

This guy is one of your pro black leaders....man you kats are soo thirsty for fake inspiration that youre drunk with nonsense.
this guy pro black and about black empowerment????? da fugg.

your pro black leader below.

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man no one more effeminate that tariq.
dude equate his shitty personality to being a birth sign of cancer...women shyt.

did you hear her vid what she said the advice tariq gave to that 18 yr old virgin female?

This guy is one of your pro black leaders....man you kats are soo thirsty for fake inspiration that youre drunk with nonsense.
this guy pro black and about black empowerment????? da fugg.

your pro black leader below.
who made him a pro black leader :hmm: now you reaching? even if he was pro black leaders need pussy too :dunno: did you hear the vid or going by what she's saying? yeah it your feminine side :dunno: haven't seen the vid and automatically jump to her side. exactly what home girls do.


International Member
who made him a pro black leader :hmm: now you reaching? even if he was pro black leaders need pussy too :dunno: did you hear the vid or going by what she's saying? yeah it your feminine side :dunno: haven't seen the vid and automatically jump to her side. exactly what home girls do.
Man you kats are simple,keep following tariq,do your thing.

Mr melonoid nation sure luv them white pussy...lmao.

Like i said ill be right here when he lands on his sword..remember this.

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
lands on what sword? Tommy is this you? tell me what tariq did too you fam? :( all your responses plus posting the vid has nothing to do with the op thread just proves your a hater for whatever reason:dunno: and to be clear, simple people don't makes decisions and opinions just based on what others say with out having all the facts and that would be you. you obviously came in here with useless info intending to hate just like the chick who got fired.

Man you kats are simple,keep following tariq,do your thing.

Mr melonoid nation sure luv them white pussy...lmao.

Like i said ill be right here when he lands on his sword..remember this.

II Dxnum

Rising Star
One thing you can expect from these threads is that the misinformation will be spread. :lol2:
I see this cynthia g character has joined the fuckery . She always struck me as someone who was trying to attach her name to tariqs brand in order to propel her platform.


International Member
The only thing remotely surprising about this, is that it happened on air. A few shows back I started to notice something with her. I don't know exactly how to articulate it, but it was like a subtle animosity towards tariq or something.

Surprised more of the usually suspects haven't trickled in here. :lol:

I see some of the lames who claim to be "indifferent" are in here though.
I saw exactly what you saw,she was way too comfortable with the loud talk,I think Tariq smashed once and she wanted more.


Support BGOL
What good part about black women losing their jobs and section 8?
They tend to be a lot nicer to black men. :hmm: Just sayin.

Brothas that are doing well for themselves, that had a hard time pulling these black hoes, will have an easier time now!


Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor

Wow, I guess Cynthia can expect some shots. Her voice and image is red meat for a roaster like Tariq and I wouldn't be surprised if a puppet is on deck.

You shouldn't be sheep for any of these clowns. For all of his faults, Tariq knows how to present and articulate WS and social ills in the black community. The smart ones know how to decipher the gems he drops from the constant street bullshit that seems to keep calling him like the crack did Pookie.

I for one will abstain from him in the upcoming months as he goes overboard for Cosby. At this point I don't even tune in if the show title seems like an opportunity to cape for the pudding man.....I.e. the show on Lavar.

TFN Crew

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't understand,why Sara drag her friend in the situation,it had nothing to do with her.

Was Tariq wrong for handling it,I agree,but at the end of the day he was her boss;he had the right to fire her..

I don't understand this blind loyalty to friends...

Cynthia G could have just stayed out of this. Cynthia G has been itching for an opportunity to go at Tariq for awhile now. Now the rest of the feminist are going to unite around this to get their views up. Her comments on Tariq's bedwenching video a while back had people side eyeing her and calling her out - she pretty much said its black men's fault for black women bedwenching and engaging in race play.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Cynthia G started out calling into Tariqs ustream show complaining about black men chasing white women in Seattle? That was her start then she linked up with Boyce. Another case of a black feminist/agent using a black mans platform to get on then attacking him publicly later. Boyce just went thru this with Yvette Carnell. When will these brothers learn you gotta be careful about the women you allow to use your platforms the same way you do a man?


Support BGOL
Cynthia G started out calling into Tariqs ustream show complaining about black men chasing white women in Seattle? That was her start then she linked up with Boyce. Another case of a black feminist/agent using a black mans platform to get on then attacking him publicly later. Boyce just went thru this with Yvette Carnell. When will these brothers learn you gotta be careful about the women you allow to use your platforms the same way you do a man?

Its not always possible to know a situation with a person will go left. Especially not if you have something they want, because they will likely be on their best behavior.


Big Coin Star
I hope Tariq, Laila and Sara learned something from this experience. Personally, I think it was for the best that Tariq let Sara go. How he did it is up for debate, but at the end of the day, it is his show and he has the final say on who works for him on his show.

I know there are people here who do not like Tariq for whatever reason, but for me, I think that he needs to do things differently with the IZM show moving forward.

One thing I hope he does is be a lil more selective on who he hires as a co-host. It would be best if his future co-host does not have vices or a lifestyle that he feels will compromise his brand. Next, someone who is a lil more mature, but not too old, may be something he should consider.

Lastly, he may have to conduct a conference call and/or conduct a show meeting once a month with his employees and go over rules and guidelines concerning the show. Under no circumstances should any employee as well as himself be subjected to disrespect of any sort by anyone!

Those who violate the rules he set forth for his show should be subjected to immediate termination. This time, I hope it would be done behind closed doors. I also think he should have his employees sign some sort of code of conduct document as well as a other documents that covers legal issues related to the show.

This show is still new and he may have a lil turnover until he finds the right co-hosts. Other than that, I hope this situation will no get too out of hand. I would hate for Sara to get a puppet, merchandise and an animated show made about her. That could really make life difficult for her and her brands and reputation.

Backshot Bully

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't understand,why Sara drag her friend in the situation,it had nothing to do with her.

Was Tariq wrong for handling it,I agree,but at the end of the day he was her boss;he had the right to fire her..

I don't understand this blind loyalty to friends...
cause the bitch had a hidden agenda from the jump


Student of Kogalee_Muhammad
so difficult to believe this is the same cat who did the hidden colors vids, as I found them uplifting & insightful.

Why is that hard for you to believe? I thought ALL pimps knew their world history could teach black history about africa and the moors. I went up to a street pimp and asked him about the moors, and he asked if I could give his bitch "moor" money. I told him "No" I don't trick off my cash on hoes. He told me to get the fuck out his face asking about some "moor" history unless I can give his hoes some "moor" money. I guess not all pimps know they african history. :rolleyes: