It's a public it private school or public school. if it's a private they have more leeway to implement and enforce a dress code. the parents/students probably got and signed an acknowledgment of it with handbook
is the length requirement applied to boys with long hair?
is he allowed to style his hair in a manner to minimize the length?
went to catholic school...freshman year locks and cornrows were forbidden. by senior they were acceptable.
times change, it's just alot slower in some places
It's a public school.
"The policy was met with criticism from some local activists when the issue was addressed during a Barbers Hill Independent School District [ISD] board meeting Monday, which was also Martin Luther King Jr. Day."
Texas school district faces backlash after student told he couldn’t walk at graduation unless he cut his dreadlocks short: report
A school district in Mont Belvieu, Texas, is facing backlash over its dress code after a student was reportedly told he wouldn’t be able to participate in graduation later this year if he didn’t cu…
But that's being compensated to fit into a particular BRAND image.
The school district's policy mentions reflecting the expectations of the community and what those norms were 30 years ago. Those norms have shifted to the point that the kid's hair DOES fit the norms of what you'd see in the community today.
Beard grooming is now a cottage industry. If you wanna fit into the Yankee's Org. and their prescribed image, then yeah, that's what you're agreeing to. I consider how the image of people with tatts and piercings has changed tremendously since then.
The hospital that I worked at and the one where my wife was treated at, it wasn't shit to see nurses with full sleeves or looking like they'd posed for a Suicide Girls spread. The image isn't considered seedy and unprofessional anymore, even in the Healthcare Industry.
I think that they should NOW look back and make adjustments to the Dress Code at least once per decade to try to stay current as long as it remains ethical.
But it's not a job it's a school.
And I'm POSITIVE it wasn't covered because they don't cover those things when you go to those types of schools. It's buried in a handbook and it wasn't a problem the entire school year while he was getting good grades and going to school...only this 1 section note on graduations which again, nobody went over and nobody read and I'm positive they didn't care about being a stickler for the rules up until magically now.
is it private school or public school. if it's a private they have more leeway to implement and enforce a dress code. the parents/students probably got and signed an acknowledgment of it with handbook
is the length requirement applied to boys with long hair?
is he allowed to style his hair in a manner to minimize the length?
went to catholic school...freshman year locks and cornrows were forbidden. by senior they were acceptable.
times change, it's just alot slower in some places
School rules don't apply to whites generally. For example, many teachers or assistant principals will joke with the white kid or not even say anything and be like oh hes such a good kid.
All my kids have had issues in school one way or the other and not for anything like fighting or anything bad.
My daughter, straight "A" student for years, way back when they had stricter dress codes, you had to wear school colors daily. She had a shirt, they said the color was off school color, in the hall another girl had the exact same shirt and she pointed it out to the asst principal. They told my daughter she was sassing them and they put her in ISS which is 'In School Suspension'. That year she was suspended 4x ISS for all kinds of nonsense. Never b4 suspended in her life. Each instance was dress code and sass. This was 7th grade. That year, the same male asst principal, was removed from the school for unknown reasons with three 8th grade female students. No one knows why. But clearly dude harassed female students and he hispanic (who some of them swear they white out here).
I put these teachers in their place for BS. Myself or my wife, don't fuck around with them and their racist BS, because they do pick on black kids more and suspend them more. Even the principal once wanted me to sit on some parent teacher nonsense committee cause all the students who get suspended or sitting in ISS daily are only black or latino. You barely ever see white kids in there. The damn principal told me it was a problem and she was white. She wanted to address the staff but it's a deep rooted prejudicial issue. They only see when black/latino students do something wrong. When little Brad does the same thing, "oh that's so cute, you know you're not supposed to do that" and nothing happens to them.
Looks like it’s a “Length” issue, not a dreadlock or Black thing. They asked him to cut it to a certain length and I don’t know what that length is?
I wouldn’t cut mine but it’s the school’s policy so
"Barbers Hill ISD has a long standing dress code, but we absolutely allow dreadlocks. What we do not allow is any action that circumvents or violates the provision regarding hair length. The student in question was NEVER forbidden from attending school," a spokesperson for the district said.
is it private school or public school. if it's a private they have more leeway to implement and enforce a dress code. the parents/students probably got and signed an acknowledgment of it with handbook
is the length requirement applied to boys with long hair?
is he allowed to style his hair in a manner to minimize the length?
went to catholic school...freshman year locks and cornrows were forbidden. by senior they were acceptable.
times change, it's just alot slower in some places
Lol @ telling u after u completed everything that this one stipulation causes u to not earn what u achieved.
There was no advantage or disadvantage. Only discrimination.
Pick ya battles, why even waste the energy getting mad? Get ya diploma in the mail and go make some money. He doesn't need the acknowledgement from them hes already shown he can do the work. Have ya own celebration with family and friends.
I don’t know man, I’m not sure it’s some obscure rule in the rule book. If it is then it’s bs. If it’s a widely known rule, then I can’t ride for the kid on this one.
Damn man it sounds like you’re really going through it with that district!
But they are trying to uphold the most asinine law at the last minute when it’s time for him to leave the school.
Makes no fucking sense, he went to school like that and made the grade like that but somehow it’s not good enough to walk across stage.
They didn’t care about his hair length, they thought he would fail anyway and when he didn’t they pull the one rule outta there pasty white peckawood ofaye, cracks asses to prevent him from accomplishing his goals.
This isn’t about some law being on the books for 30 years, because they clearly didn’t care to enforce it then. This moment will be a real life lesson for the young man going forward he will face similar obstacles from peckawoods elsewhere.
But how can something like that be a widely known rule? To regulate the hair length of everyone's hair in the district? That would have been challenged and overturned if it was actually enforced by the letter of the law.
You don't know if it's something that his family REALLY wanted to see him do or not.
I agree, it’s asinine to me too. But if it’s in the rule book and everyone for 30
Years followed them, then how can one argue against it like they’re being treated unfairly?
It’s not a dreadlock, cornrow, or Black issue. The issue is “Length”.
You’re right about them not saying anything about it until now, that took years to grow. If he was there when he grew them, then why do they have an issue now?
You basically wasted your time.did some quick research and length has not been universally covered by freedom of speech. There a conflicting court rulings in different jurisdictions and supreme court has never taken a case on this issue.
best case scenario the bad press forces the school to update their policy.
Preach the gospel! That protest shit worked in the 60s but we need to become elected officials in the 2020’s to stop these racist fuckers!Looks like every member on the School Board is white. I never expect cacs to willingly change or be receptive to minority interests.
Fucker had the nerve to say the policy had been in effect for 30 years which is a prime example why we need to do less protesting and more running for elective office to effect meaningful change. Voting majorities change things, protests not as much and certainly not as quickly. hmm:
This highlighted part. That’s how you know they are being treated unfairly.
The behavior changed that’s how you argue against it.
How consistent were they about this rule before he got there and after he got there?
Im sure there are other asinine rules at that school they do not enforce this rigidly upon students. But for some reason they choose to lean on this one.
I wonder why...
This is about race not length.
Its just a subtle way they hide racism behind asinine laws like this that they choose to enforce against us whenever it suits them.
I get what you're saying Picasso but if this were THAT big of an issue, he could've been put on notice welllll before graduation approached.I’m looking at it from a basic simplistic view. If the rules are covered and everyone knows them, then everyone should have to follow them. Regardless of what the rule is.
My favorite colors is red. If the policy is we’re only allowed to wear black or white shoes and it’s been that way for 30 years. I can’t be mad and protest when they won’t let me wear my red shoes.
If every students for 30 years wore black or white shoes, why should they let me wear red shoes?
If he says the hair is for religious feast then cool, they should accept it.
I don’t know man, I’m not sure it’s some obscure rule in the rule book. If it is then it’s bs. If it’s a widely known rule, then I can’t ride for the kid on this one.
Damn man it sounds like you’re really going through it with that district!
They said he could trim it
Has any other student before him had long hair? If not, why? Did every male student for 30 years not want long hair?
I’ve had jobs in the past where beards and long hair wasn’t permitted. It stated how long the hair could be and everyone knew it.
I want him to have as long hair as his heart desires. But if that’s on page two of the rule book that everyone knows and follows, then one can’t be upset if you signed up for it.
They said he could trim it
Has any other student before him had long hair? If not, why? Did every male student for 30 years not want long hair?
I get what you're saying Picasso but if this were THAT big of an issue, he could've been put on notice welllll before graduation approached.
They said that they had NO prohibition of cornrows, locks, or any other ethnic hairstyle but the length of his hair hasn't come up in all of the years that he's been growing them.
If this is only the FIRST time it's come up, they should take THIS opportunity to put the rest of the District and it's students on notice moving forward.
Imagine how rigid the Army and other Branches have been on Wear and Appearance of a Soldier's hair, both head and facial. Before females were allowed to wear cornrows and locs now, accommodations were made for Sikh military members. CACs lost their SHIT too.
The military kinda had to deal with that on the fly and made Sikh headdresses allowable AND full beards...freedom of religion that Faketriot folks loved to as long as it only meant THEM.
I was an E.O. Rep/SHARP when it came about and had to brief my Battalion's queasy snowflakes about the coming changes to AR 670-1.
I had more than half a dozen muhfuckas red with rage...precursors to the Trumpsters of today. They were frightened to death and livid AF!
I had to talk them muhfuckas off of ledges and shit.
CAC Soldier: WTF! What if 'I' wanna wear a Turban, is the Army gonna accommodate MEEE?
Me: soon as you convert to Sihkism.
Observant Sikhs and conservative Muslim women are now able to wear religious head coverings, thanks to a directive issued Tuesday that updates the Army's grooming and appearance regulation. Sikh soldiers also are allowed to maintain their beards, according to the update.
U.S. Army Relaxes Rules on Beards and Turbans
In a move to better accommodate religious minorities serving in the
*Sidenote: I've NEVER seen a Regimental Crest placed near the shoulder like this either.Sikh Army captain allowed to wear turban, beard in uniform
A U.S. Army captain who follows the Sikh faith will be allowed to keep his long hair, turban and beard.Captain Simratpal Singh is the first active-duty soldier to receive permission to do so.Long hair and beards are one of the five articles of faith for
He's been growing his hair since he was 10 he ssid. He's been in attendance there from freshman to senior and has always kept to the rules of not letting his hair touch his ears or his collar as in their rule book. Said he's done many creative ways of keeping his hair up. It's just a over week ago, they decided to bring this up and not let him graduate.Was this rule being enforced and widely known during his attendance?
How did he wear his hair during the regular school year?
Should he really be forced to cut his hair just to graduate?
A lot of questions behind this.
But what matters is that there have been Sikhs in the Army prior to the change in the regulation. The deal is that in the past, there wasn't nearly as large of an Indian population here. It's something I'd mentioned in my the population has changed over the span of time since I'd been in Basic Training during the Cold War and NOW we had soldiers aplenty with Russian and E. European surnames, Continental Africans, and people from Islands OTHER than PR, VI, and Jamaica.I think it's more clear cut with religion based on my research. there seems to be alot of gray area when it comes hair length and if its covered by free speech
There we go.He's been growing his hair since he was 10 he ssid. He's been in attendance there from freshman to senior and has always kept to the rules of not letting his hair touch his ears or his collar as in their rule book. Said he's done many creative ways of keeping his hair up. It's just a over week ago, they decided to bring this up and not let him graduate.
I agree, it’s asinine to me too. But if it’s in the rule book and everyone for 30
Years followed them, then how can one argue against it like they’re being treated unfairly?
It’s not a dreadlock, cornrow, or Black issue. The issue is “Length”.
You’re right about them not saying anything about it until now, that took years to grow. If he was there when he grew them, then why do they have an issue now?
I gave my opinion. Also my opinion on education is it doesn't mean shit until you can put what you know into action. A form of action would be monetization.You don't know if it's something that his family REALLY wanted to see him do or not.
I gave my opinion. Also my opinion on education is it doesn't mean shit until you can put what you know into action. A form of action would be monetization.
So I'm not worried about what the family wants to do, because they will make a decision based on how THEY feel.
Now you know how strict the dress codes are, and I’m sure all of the parents and students know too. To me this isn’t a Black or White issue, it’s a rules issue.
is it private school or public school. if it's a private they have more leeway to implement and enforce a dress code. the parents/students probably got and signed an acknowledgment of it with handbook
is the length requirement applied to boys with long hair?
is he allowed to style his hair in a manner to minimize the length?
went to catholic school...freshman year locks and cornrows were forbidden. by senior they were acceptable.
times change, it's just alot slower in some places
you're talking about monetization for a kid that's not even 18 years old yet
he's still got ANOTHER SCHOOL to go go before he can think about that